Wonder how Bobby feels about devs saying ‘go play something else”?

Bobby Kotick been know to fire people for less maybe someone should point him in the right direction.

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Choosing from where?

You have responded to one of the known Blizzard brown nosers in this forum. This is what he does, he responds to these threads by acting dumb or bringing up topics that have nothing to do with the OP complaining about the mediocrity that is D4 because he cant actually defend the game in a straightforward manner.

Unique are not Great.

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I’m casual and have probably spent 80-100 hours so far on D4. I’m not super efficient, so nothing spectular for my time that I’ve put in.

Personally, I think the devs saying take a break and go play something else for a while is ok. Honestly, my opinion of people who represent Blizzard is not good, but I also believe that integrity is important. I believe that being brutally honest is needed when things are not up to the standard they should be, but giving credit where credit is due is equally important. I don’t think D4 is up to the standards it should be for the price they charged and therefore, I am not happy with the state of the game on release. However, I don’t think making a statement like “take a break for a while” is bad. They aren’t saying “if you don’t like it, leave” and they aren’t saying “goodbye, don’t come back”. They know people are upset and they are just saying, “take a break, the door will be open and we will welcome you back later.” The people who reply to threads saying “get out, don’t come back” are by far the most destructive people the game has posting on the forums and I’m sure blizzard wishes they could shut them up…if it was my company, I would wish those people would shut up. People posting “I quit” messages, or “I hate” messages are showing that they are emotionally invested and they care and want change. It may not be the most elegant way of trying get your point across, but it is a way many people communicate. People also get angry when they feel ignored and Blizzard is one of the worst companies in the gaming industry when it comes to communication with its customers. Anyone who knows anything about marketing knows it is when people leave and don’t say anything that the person doesn’t care and is probably lost. So, as long as this forum is full of angry posts, there is still a chance to chance to change things later, hence the “take a break from playing for a while and come back later” stance.

Yoshi-P said the same thing when people were unhappy about the amount of content being released for FF14 during the pandemic…I thought it was fine when he said it and I think it is fine for the Diablo devs to say it as well. They know most people are unhappy now, it is kinda hard to miss even though there are lot of people on these forums that refuse to believe it. At the same time though, for what I noticed, I think there is quite a bit of turmoil going on behind the scenes at Blizzard and I think they recognize that there is a limited amount that they can accomplish in their current state. I personally think a “lets put things on hold and work on fixing issues before moving forward” plan would be accepted by the community more than just moving forward, but they don’t agree and I think that is a mistake.

Time will tell in the end, but I don’t think it is a bad thing for the devs to suggest people take a break for a while.

The wow writers have told people to not play wow if they don’t like the garbage they write. A lot less nicely than “take a break” btw. They don’t care.

Never did it occur me that the game might be a boring slog, each item blander and more confusing than the last, just to make sure no players die.

Its kinda laudable honestly.

i would have understood his statement if d4 had a fleshed out endgame & working lootsystems - but the game doesnt have it. And just 6-8 weeks after release telling people to “just play sth. else” is something old blizzard would have never done … its a poverty testimonial as we would say here.

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The answer is go play Last Epoch, which is so much better Blizzard should be thoroughly embarrassed. Bottom line is there is no point in playing D4 when Last Epoch exists. Shrug.

Nevertheless a whole bunch of fanboys will tell me to shut up and keep defending this crappy game even when the devs have given up defending it. Jokes on them for missing out on the best ARPG since Grim Dawn.

Not for an ARPG. I always need at least one ARPG in my life and when I decide to play one I expect full commitment on both sides, and thousands of hours of play. Very unlikely I will come back to one if I gave up on it due to losing interest. In short, ARPGs are not like other games and do not exhibit the same play patterns from their playerbase.

It’s an ARPG that has been out for 34 days. Hundreds of hours into their game in that timeframe is normal for non-casual players. It’s their hobby. It’s what they do. Nothing unhealthy about it.

Actually it is. The trick is to make “everything” feel sufficiently different to keep players interested. Last Epoch, Grim Dawn and PoE all manage that fine. This IS a problem exclusive to D4.

Let me compare…

Grim Dawn: I levelled 40 alts to end game over 3000 hours. Meaning I played the campaign through that many times at least (including 2 expansions worth). Never got bored doing it.

D4: Never want to see the campaign again. One of the worst I’ve ever witnessed in an ARPG. The only good design choice Blizz seemed to make in D4 was allowing us to skip the campaign after the first time.

Last Epoch: I’ve levelled 20 alts to empowered Monoliths and played 2000 hours with them; pushing Arena and Corruption levels in endgame. And I soon plan to return and push even more in this wonderful game.

D4: I levelled one Sorc to 75 and I do not think I can take another Nightmare Dungeon or Helltide event.

So yes, the problems with D4 are very much D4’s problems. Blizz couldn’t even STEAL decent mechanics from the competition that was leading the field around them.

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Path of Exile is so bad. Horribly clunky and was too dense. Infinite grind? More like negative grind. Can’t stand PoE stans.

Yeah I’m hoping PoE 2 refines the game in a way that makes it more approachable for the rest of us. It can and will obviously still be difficult in end game where a small minority get to 100 and clear all the content (or from what I hear a very small minority clear endgame at 100).

The casual playerbase that don’t want to play an MMO praise him.

The people that played an MMO for 9-10 years and now quit the game because it has 1 week of content every 4 months, hate him for it.

Why would you think that?
They had previously stated, many times. That seasons would come with a new mechanic, a short story to explain that mechanic, and that is pretty much it. Which is par for the course in a Diablo game. The battle pass is a means to track progress and receive rewards during the season.
Story, new zones, etc will be added during expacs. 2 expacs are already in production.

Even the developers of Final Fantasy XIV (a subscription based MMORPG) tell people to take a break and go play something else if they’re done with the available content. It’s just common sense.

This game’s a 1 time purchase; it wasn’t meant to provide you 24/7 entertainment for the rest of your life. Season 1 is coming and it’ll provide some new content and a good reason to roll an alt. In the meantime find something else to do if you’ve finished this game.

Bobby likely to high to care.

He thanks us for the drugs though

Not really the devs had previously stated they would add bits of new story to the seasons. Not a ton of new story like a campaign but smaller bits and pieces of story like quests you’d see in a zone. Either they are really really bad at explaining things or they lied.

In fact, they really overhyped their seasonal content way too much.

Have you ever played a Diablo game or met this community? There are people that have played D2 and D3 for thousands of hours easily. The content is meant to last a near endless amount of time in replayability and gear acquisition.

This is one of the most hardcore communities in the world.