Wonder how Bobby feels about devs saying ‘go play something else”?

Well, then this hardcore community is in luck, because the uber-unique grind will probably last them multiple lifetimes.

People expecting a regular feed of new content have the wrong idea, though. You can only really expect that if you’re paying a subscription fee, and even then it’s hit or miss.

Probably with other game devs that just release a few patches and a dlc and then move on to other games. But this is Diablo and Blizzard continues to iterate on it even post release despite there being no subscription.

Diablo 3 for instance was basically worked on over the following years and had dozens upon dozens of patches for it. It basically changed its core design philosophy for world content and even itemization completely. By the time RoS came out D3 was a vastly different game than its vanilla counterpart. The endgame went through numerous design iterations and patchs from Inferno, to monster power, and to the Torment difficulties and difficulty slider you see today.

Not saying they won’t continue to work on Diablo 4, but for all the work they did on Diablo 3 the “endgame” was still just GRifts forever. Diablo 4 is likely to be a similar situation with NM dungeons, Helltides and World Bosses as level 100 characters hunt for ubers. Can’t reasonably expect much else if you’re not paying for it.

Nobody deserve to die from alcoholism
But should we make all beer and liquor taste like crap so people consume less?
Nobody deserve to die from tobacco addiction, should they add dog doodoo in cigarette so people consume less?
Nobody deserve to die from drug addiction, should we make really bad drug so people consume less?..
It’s a weird concept don’t you think?

And this is why the cash shop was added as well as battle passes. D3 didn’t have this further monetization other than upsells and box sales via pc or console. D4 however was built with future funding in mind. We are essentially paying for more content by funding it.

Also subscription fees aren’t for content in an mmo but just for the right to access the servers.

Did you beat Uber Lilith and NM100? If not, you still have something to do.

If you did, congratulations, you beat the current game content. Go do something else until new content drops (new character, new game, whatever floats your boat).

Diablo 4 has servers to maintain to, which is likely where the extra monetization comes in. That’s getting more and more expensive, and Acti/Blizz probably didn’t love the fact that they had to eat the cost of server maintenance for Diablo 3 over last 10+ years.

Sub fee’s are to access the servers, but the point is to cover the cost of server maintenance and finance a continuous stream of content.

You are not meant to play the same game always.

When one game gets stale you play something else until the other game gets new content then you bounce between games and only play the newest patch & content

Servers are actually not that expensive to run at all btw (compared to how much they make). You can see in Actiblizz’s reports the cost of running server hardware as it’s all spelled out.

they dont care if their game is good or not or if you take a break. they only care about stealing your money again every 3 months

thats the problem with all these ‘no end game’ posts. i feel they’re coming from people that dont really appreciate the replay element diablo games offer: playing through the game again in a different way, whether that be a new class or new spec.

its about the journey, not the destination.

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Because FFXIV is a MMO. D4 is not.

How much of a fool can someone be. The dev is deflecting from lack of content, not protecting us from embolisims in gaming cafes. Holy moley how dense are some of you.

Cigs ??? well they certainly smell like a$$ but cigs are so 19th century a movement needs to happen to force a higher and higher tax on them or make them impossible to afford or even better force them all to vape instead.

Cigs …i don’t care about cigs or alcohol or drugs …it’s the concept.
You guy’s are so stuck up these days wanting to reform everything that you lose focus.
You ban cigs people will sell them illegally somewhere else…
Same for drugs…but we are slow to understand and this is why cartel,mafia and other organized group exist .
Anyway … the point is …
don’t try to make us believe Blizzard make a game lacking that much content and polish just because they want to prevent us from becoming addicted and die .
I can’t even believe people can come to these kind of conclusion.

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would be an incredibly quick character arc for blizzard to go from the company that installed predatory gambling addiction tactics into diablo immortal to suddenly caring about the wellbeing of its customers

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The endgame might not be enough for some ppl but for others its fine. I dont see any problem with their response. Some games u just play through ones and thats it.

D4 will have seasons so u can play through it several times if u want. There are more things to do however as its a matter of what u want to do. D2 and d3 were no different as it depends on your goal. U could be bored after beating story, that doesnt mean there arent more things to do. In that sense recommending ppl to play something else seem reasonable.

U could always ask for more. Kind of expected as ppl always want more. However shouting at the devs to do more wont get u anywhere. Like why should they work harder than they do? No matter what they do ppl will never be happy as it will never be enough. They are planning to add things eventually as the game is live service. They work fulltime alrdy.

However u could give them constructive feedback in a civil matter. That way u can give them ideas and they might actually consider it. Not saying it will happen, that they will add it soon or that your ideas are any good. However that way u could help them improve the game.

Or we can allow people to make their own decisions as we supposedly live in a free society and shouldn’t be forcing smokers to do anything but stand in locations that their smoke won’t effect others. Raising cig prices doesn’t prevent people from smoking either. It’s all a con for more taxes for the state. Those smokers are already addicted. You think a dollar a pack is going to make them stop? Also, vape has its own issues, like popcorn lung.

This is an idiotic take.

90% of players don’t even have a single class to 100. If you do, there are 4 other classes you can play to 100.

I got my first 100 and now I can go enjoy something else until Season 1 starts.

Let me guess, you think Daily Quests and regenerating Energy systems are good ideas.

Level 80+ could be fleshed out more and it will be but the idea that playing other games is a “kick in the junk” belongs in the trash.

Says the person with over 600 posts on a GAME company forum about games. lol, the irony.