Wonder how Bobby feels about devs saying ‘go play something else”?


Though developers at Blizzard have some advice for max-level players who have run out of stuff to do: “Take a break and go play something else for a while.”

A month after the game releases, we have a end game that can’t hold players. And the devs answer is ‘go play something else’.

And this game is supposed to last for 5, 7, 10 years?

The devs answer is honestly just a kick in the junk.


A gamer who dies playing your game is not a good news story.

There are people that died while doing binges of Diablo 3 at launch.

It’s not just Blizz advising people to take breaks, most game devs do nowadays, as do social media websites.

I don’t know why you assume they care so much about time spent that the game would be harmed if people took breaks.

Time spent is a common metric, but it’s just one tool of many.


That has nothing to do with the topic. This isnt about playing Diablo 4 for 20hrs a day. It’s about nothing to do at end game for players who have reached end game.


It was indeed bad press for d3 when d3 came out. If you’re too young to remember, that’s not my problem.

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Did those people pay their 70$+ for Diablo? If so, it doesn’t matter whether they even installed the game or even logged in, they made their money and made the shareholders happy. Customer satisfaction isn’t a factor.


lol so that’s why they want you to play something else. So you die playing another game instead. And here I thought they were just failing to provide an engaging endgame. No they were being altruistic the whole time.


The guy in charge of FFXIV said something similar and people praised him for it.

It was something like:
“We encourage our customers to play other games during content draughts.”

Makes sense to me.


Players who have put hundreds of hours into the game already are not healthy.

And any game out there, there is nothing to do if you’ve done everything. That’s not a problem exclusive to d4.


Imo treating D4 like a finite grind that you should just “go play something else” when done is the wrong dev mindset to have completely.

Diablo is meant to be a near infinite grind.

This isn’t a single player 20 hour campaign game with an ending and then done.


This is actually the true reality. Made the $, put the game in maintenance mode, which includes some minimal effort seasonal content.

Wind up the $ machine again when they charge $70 for the expansions.


Dude I was walking servers on D2 when you were still in your panties, D3 sucked so I really couldnt care less

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That sounds like an answer of someone who doesn’t have any answers. Their team must be out of gas and out of ideas. They can’t figure out how to extend the life of Diablo 4 because they lack understanding of what made previous Diablo games enduring.


A ten+ year old game vs a game less than a month old… hmmm something doesn’t add up but I can’t quite figure out what it could be.


Of course they are. They just made a decision for all of us to not regrind renown and Altars for season one. That was half of their “fresh” content, now they got squat


Yeah go play something else, just don’t forget to come back every new season for a week or two to buy new BP.


That’s what the Uber uniques are meant to be I guess. They fail to scratch the itch for me though.


Still has NOTHING to do with this thread topic. Did you even read the article or watch the dev stream when it was said?

This has nothing to do with someone playing the game so much they croak.


Yeah when we thought we were potentially getting a new zone/location, story quests, additional endgame content or tweaks to existing in a fun way, and more.

Instead we got twisted gems for 3 months and a quest npc that’s prob a single quest. Oh and some aspects and uniques.


Nobody deserves to die from video game addiction.

Diablo 4 isn’t an subscription game, we lemmings have paid our entrance fee, anything after that initial sale is wasted time that could be spent generating profit some other way or paying for the privilege to assault their employees without repercussion and other shenanigans they love to participate in.