Wonder how Bobby feels about devs saying ‘go play something else”?

This isn’t just a gamer problem, this is the times we live in.

End game isn’t out till the 20th.

because they never intended to have a outstanding endgame for players at max level. seasons should be a perk. the real game for a game like this is end game and there is nothing to offer nor do they intend to offer it until they release a DLC. some players still believe these new dev’s actually care about the quality… to them its all about quantity… quantity of sales from the shop and the season pass. its been activisions motto ever since gamers dived into it in call of duty. then what did blizzard do? they shut down warzone 1 for warzone 2 and all the money they spent was gone, cosmetics gone. they never gave two sh its about any of that. judging by the quality of the game at this stage after release points to just getting sales.

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More like they are burnt out from playing 12 hours a day for 6 weeks. If you’ve ran through 500 hours of content in that short of a time, it’s your own problem. It makes perfect sense to be bored when you haven’t done anything else in your waking hours this summer. Also makes sense to be miserable.
Game has it’s problems but people really be acting like they’re going to alch themselves because Diablo 4 didn’t solve all of the problems with their life.

I tried to make it clear when i prefaced it with “modern state of being MANY exist in today…” therefore Gamers - the relevant population he was addressing - not exclusively saying “Gamers” and only …you get the point.

I agree. It’s surely become a very strange world. Over the various decades I foresaw the effect but I didn’t think it would get to the point it has gotten to.

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They aren’t wrong though… This isn’t a subscription based MMO. It’s perfectly fine for players to play a hundred hours per season and do something else. If you want a no-life stim-ulator, go try PoE or one of the million k-mmos with anime waifus.

  • D2 was and still is literally just farming the same two bosses over and over again with the same three builds per class.
  • D3 inferno difficulty was overtuned on purpose at launch(resistances were garbage and broken, sound familiar?) but eventually evolved into an infinite grinder. Keep in mind, you didn’t even have rifts, let alone greater rifts, until reaper of souls… Oh and adventure mode didn’t exist yet either, you had to spam story chapters before RoS.

Give it time, player drop offs are perfectly normal for a mostly single player game with a soft-endgame(finished campaign and make it to like WL3 level 60 or so) for 90% of the people that purchased the game.

The goals are not attainable and I got frustrated out of the game. Level 90 Sorceress and still no Teleport chest (Raiment unique). Was going to come back when targeted farming with Helltide chests was announced, then within 12 hours they were no longer targetable LMAO. This company is an absolute joke now. Need to fix this Diablo team ASAP as none of them understand the game at all.

Telling people to go play something else when your game is a live service is admitting that your game fails at what it’s trying to be.

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CS:GO and CoD are both live service games and they don’t expect you to infinitely play the games 16 hours per day for years straight… Stop panicking at the wrong disco…

BASED response from an actual friggin’ video game player.

That’s weird. I get more of these things than I could ever want. Even have 2x3 sec stun now. They’re not a super unique - you can definitely target them by choosing the chest armor reward.

i wanted to clarify that i think bobby could care less about what game you play as long as you get the battlepass and cosmetics from the shop.

I went and played something else long before they told me too.

idk how bobby feels,

but since they dont care if im here playing where i could spend my money i will truly play something else. And not return to any blizzards games. 5 releases in a row all bad. among there ips.

Blizzard’s always been toxic and can afford to pay off gaming websites to say whatever they want. The games industry is run like a mafia.

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They literally said several times that this game doesnt offer infinite progression. When you are finished, you are finished. If you dont want to go with another character, then it may be time to play another game, unless you want to farm for other builds, which is something the game does offer.

I don’t wait for diablo 4 to be a MMO. And I surely hope that it will let me play other games without too much hassle. Which doesn’t mean it should have no content. But if we can skip the “mobile grind”, it seems fine to me.

Did you hear about Path of Exile? It’s perfectly realistic.

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This answer is final nail in the coffin. Imagine Chris Wilson saying that? You likely can’t, because Chris himself was a D2 player, he will not say anything stupid like that.


I assume he’s pretty happy with the 660 millions they’ve made during the first five days of launch? Other things like self-respect and actually making a good game don’t matter to Activision.