Wonder how Bobby feels about devs saying ‘go play something else”?

ahaha so you’re saying that blizzard makes games boring on purpose to save lives? LMAO

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There’s still a limit. For most players anyways.

There’s also so many other things out there worth doing regardless of how amazing D4 is or might become.

I probably have 10,000+ hours in D2, D3, SC/BW, and WC3 - each. But man, I had to take breaks. Sometimes months between basically binging.

So I get it, if a game is fun, it can become addicting. But if you aren’t taking a break every so often… discovering what else is out there. Kind of weird to me. I’m assuming a lot of people at Blizzard have a similar mindset. They’d love for you to enjoy their content, but they probably have the mindset that players will come and go as life events happen or maybe as other games/activities come out.

To each their own though.

I play other games all the time. I think the game can be much deeper tho for those that want to really go hard on it. Perhaps that is what WT5 could be, a full on level 100 hardcore endgame meant to take awhile to do with all new activities.

Illiteracy is a real problem in the world. What a shame :frowning:

I think all the developers were trying to say was “if you feel like you’ve done everything and have nothing to do right now, go take a small break, we hope to have new content for you when you come back.”

D4 has issues. I think most everyone can see that.

I’ve said since the start the endgame is basically that 70 to 100 grind, and then there’s nothing to do at 100. The developers need to figure that out. It is frustrating they didn’t have a better plan in place.

Maybe they thought it wouldn’t matter because of Seasons? Who knows.

As they keep saying, the game will be a live service game and they hope to grow D4 into the game everyone was wanting. I predict we probably won’t be there until Season 3 at the earliest… or maybe even until the first expansion.

My recommendation would be similar to the devs, take D4 in moderation. Enjoy other games. Things will improve.

D2 wasn’t as amazing at launch. It was pretty good of course, especially for its time. But it took some patches, and it really took off with LoD in my opinion. D3 had a horrible launch for the most part. The original endgame was the auction house basically. It got a lot better too.

I suggest everyone keep it civil, keep pointing out bugs and serious issues with the game. Give clear examples. D4 will get better.

Imagine caring what some piece of trash billionaire thinks.

Way to miss the point entirely.

No sympathy for those who die playing so much in one sitting they die.

Same reason I don’t have sympathy for those that drink until their livers say “I’m out”.

i knew this game would die in the beta for lack of endgame. its so boring it cant even hold people until the endgame to kill uber lilith and now that the uber shako drop is even more dilluted(or what ever other uber unique is put in). People wont come back because now seasons is worthless as well… no trust, no fun,no players. you should have actually listened Lackedthevision Lizzard. you nerfed your game into irrelevancy.
I’ve been playing other games since beta just because i cant stand looking at the same boring map every time i log in. its BAF!
Buh Bye, no one wants someone who wants endgame fun and content in this game, so ill see my way out the BAF door!

While I am not a fan of the games state at all…what else should they say? If there is no real content and endgame-fix to deliver fast go and play something else. Even an honest answer.

90% of the game isn’t worth playing

Don’t buy the expansions if you’re that mad about it. If enough share your attitude, then bliz won’t make any money the next time around.

they stole that line from FF14 devs and poe devs xD

i never agreed with that way of thinking. “send your clients to the enemy” seems like a weird tactic… especially if youre sub par.

some of them are bound to stick somewhere else lol

Good devs should say that.

Bobby Kotick is probably not able to recognize good game design though, so I do imagine he might not like it.

No it’s not. If you are bored, there is no point to continue until new content comes out. WoW devs have said this since WotLK. FF14 devs have said this. Most devs would say this. No point in driving yourself nuts with nothing to do and potentially never returning, than taking a break and coming break with fresh content.

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When BG3 drops I will be playing something else. I might peek back at D4 a year down the road to see if they actually fixed things but I doubt it. If it takes them until season two to add a damn gem tab or fix stash space this team has no hope.

The problem we have with Diablo 4 is they are trying to take a 3 month life cycle and make it an excruciatingly long journey in order to soak the 3 months worth of playtime.

They need to bank off the fact that people want to go heavy the first few weeks into the Season, and there’s no reason people shouldn’t be blasting 2 weeks in.

Once you peak out your main character’s performance, you reroll another class or build because the game is actually fast-paced and fun.

People don’t want to slow grind a new character every seasons to never reach the end… they’re so out of touch I get more frustrated every day. I love the gameplay in this game, and I’m going to play it between PoE leagues… but it doesn’t mean I accept this product as the best these developers can muster.

Found BG3 so boring in the EA. I liked DOS 1 & 2, Thought BG3 would be nice. Just never got hooked. It could easily be those games aren’t for me anymore and that is okay. I’m not going to cry on the BG3 forums about it.

We do know. If anyone has ever played PoE, a shining example of a seasonal ARPG, people quit the game after they’ve completed everything they want to do in a season. They then come back to do it again once a new season starts. Go check out their concurrent player history on steam, it looks like a roller coaster.

D4 is going to follow this model. That is why its okay to tell people to quit once they’ve hit max level and have nothing else to do, because, if they had fun doing it, they’ll come back and do it again next season.

It was a REAL statement made by a Real person speaking in the realm of Reality.
Not some fantasy world gamers make up for themselves where if the game is not 1,000% perfect they’re going to rant and rage.

I’m a 1 game player. I’m not in competition with anyone else nor is the title(currently D4) competing for my time with other games.
If I get bored - I take a break.
If I get disappointed - I post feedback and hope for some changes - or I wait and see.

I find no problem with his statement whatsoever.

For gamers with oh so many options…
Take a break. It’s ok. Play one of your 5,000 Steam titles you never play, go outside, take a walk, get some bi-monthly Sunshine, volunteer, clean your home.
Be healthy - physically and mentally AND emotionally. Chill the F out.
Play another game and come back to D4, enjoy it and continue your never satisfied state of modern existence that we’re so affected by.

It was a message to that very modern state of being many exist in today: Gamers are truly in a near perpetual state of vacillation and often dissatisfaction.

Yep, it just means the game doesn’t have enough of a good gameplay loop to keep people engaged after a few weeks of playing. It’s odd that the devs are admitting that.