Why they can sell 100k Obducite in 5 min fb diablotrade?

lol players who never excelled at this game crying about bugs/exploits that in no way affect their ability to excel at this game.


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Nope. Once a cheater. Always a cheater. :x:

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the studio has development tools similar to the starcraft map editor to set attributes and characteristics for in-game assets and objects. if an object is treated as public and can be picked up by any active player or pet, it is technically part of the allowable interaction in the game.

I could use veiled crystals more then Obducite lol.
The latter is easy to get.
Either ways it sucks BUT itā€™s how life works unfortunately.
If there was an official leaderboard I would say itā€™s cheating. Without it doesnā€™t affect me in any shape or form.
Have you taken a look at all the gear this influencers on YouTube use ? The gear the richest man in the world uses ?
What do you want Blizzard to do ban 80% of the game population :joy:?
When the company does it ā€¦ā€¦itā€™s fair right ? EA sports with Tetris blitz , diablo immortal and many moreā€¦ā€¦but when players do it now itā€™s consider cheating :joy:
Sounds familiar to real life ?

I cheated 20 years ago in D2. I donā€™t cheat at this game because itā€™s literally not worth it to me. In hindsight I find that cheating just makes the game get boring that much faster, so thereā€™s also that. If you want to act all high and mighty about stuff I did decades ago and openly admit to in the spirit of transparency, thatā€™s on you and youā€™re entitled to feel however you like.


lol same. Maphack was a thing back then. got no issue admitting i used it back then hah =P

and yea, dont mind him lol. this probably stems from his hate towards certain streamers.


Yeah not like I didnā€™t learn anything or grow as a person in that time. :slight_smile:


I had a friend who played D2 using map hack. Then went onto an ivy league school in Boston. Became a neurosurgeon. But would you believe it, cheater for life! In surgery still uses a ā€˜map hackā€™ to see where the instruments are.

Also I once saw a toddler steal another childā€™s toy. Then they got older and whenever they got hungry they just took food out of the refrigerator without asking?!?!? No wonder our society is crime ridden. Everyone is a criminal from birth. No growth, no development, no learning.


Ya know I used to have the tiniest bit of respect for you. You just killed that. The fact you see the world entirely in black and white and youā€™re so incredibly self-righteous tells me all I need to know. Youā€™re ignored and this time forever. You donā€™t have an fā€™n clue


I mean if this were a competitive game where he was cheating other people out of winnings I would agree with youā€¦but he is just some nerd slaying demons. :rofl:

I hate cheaters also, they pretty much disrespect the thing they claim to care so much about. But it is Diablo, a no-skill required game played for enjoyment, by all. :hamster: :popcorn:

Nonsense. Iā€™m in the same boat as that other poster: thought it was fun to dupe in D1 & D2, havenā€™t done it since. Youā€™re simply wrong.


Appreciate this point and many that have spoken with me about Eula breaches in this game when they are not adequately being managed by Blizz feel the same and / or related ways.

Agree itā€™s not going to be brought to a complete halt. What matters is itā€™s adequately managed as opposed to the opposite extreme of being inadequately managed with rampant breaches and impacts.

Itā€™s an evolving situation so just needs to be kept on top of and refined over time.

The alternative is to just drop the related eula conditions and let everyone have at it. An ambiguous middle ground is no good for the playing community.

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Are you sure when that happens itā€™s not character allocated? You can see the player number tag next to the descriptor of the item on the floor when it is.

the owner needs to leave the area to let go the ownership of the overflowed obducite. once the owner leaves, the game changes the state of those obducite to public items that anyone can pick up.

the same scenario has happened with obols since day one, where other players canā€™t pick up our obols while weā€™re still there, but once we leave, they become public and can be picked up by others.

Thanks for explaining that.

Looks like thereā€™s some pretty simple remedy options here.

Best get onto that one Blizz.

Not gonna lie, I have never bought any cosmetics from this game ever but thatā€™d be about the only thing iā€™d throw my money at.

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no problem. thatā€™s why the transaction has to take place in a very remote town, one thatā€™s least visited by other players, to avoid the risk of someone elseā€™s pet picking up the public obducite.

As someone who has played it from launch till I uninstalled it in Decā€¦I would say if you are remotely interested go try Marvel Rivals instead.

Thatā€™s also interesting. So itā€™s taking place with obducite being dispensed in the open world by the sounds of that as opposed to NMD/Horde.

The only thing coming to mind for that is bots with accrued pale marks, then popping caches. Tells a tale of the extensive botting behind that for it to be commercialised.

More work to do here by the looks too Blizz.

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The only thing coming to mind for that is bots with accrued pale marks, then popping caches. Tells a tale of the extensive botting behind that for it to be commercialised.

Unfortunately its not botting, its essentially slave labor in a couple different forms. 1) if you go to that website thats spammed all the time in chat mmoexp, you can look at their job listings and see they pay people to work 12 hour days, 6 days a week at 12 cents an hour, or around 20 cents with a 4 year degree. 2) I dont really want to say much here but if ya google world of warcraft, prisoners, china, you can see articles on the other way.