Why they can sell 100k Obducite in 5 min fb diablotrade?

why would you spend money in this game in terms of resources? to “free” time? if you must free so much time, find another hobby? i dunno man, i’m very confused. what do you win in diablo 4?

maybe i’m just poor

I need some obducite who do I pay? What, you say, it’s way easier to just farm it than pay someone for it?

You don’t say. It’s all making sense to me now.

I get the gist of what you’re seeing. I’d be careful with your device security if visiting those sites.

I’d go so far as to say it could be both that and botting. I’ve seen enough of the botting to know the software is available in the market for use by anyone and it/equivalents is in use by those sites.

I’d also add while the site may say a thing it doesn’t mean it is actually as they choose to represent it or that it is what it might seem to imply. On the latter point sure they may use some kind of staff to control, but what’s being controlled ? one character playing a game or controlling / monitoring a significant number of bots per person. On the former remember they’re breaching the Eula and engaged in cat and mouse with producers to keep their accounts from getting banned.

Apparently there is some either exploit or overlooked game function where you can salvage things at max obdulcite and it drops it on the ground and any party member can pick it up.

Trust me, it isn’t hard. Just go play any other arpg and you will realize that it is extremely easy to do. Over 15 million have already done it.

This shouldn’t be hard for Blizz to fix as well as other potential scenarios discussed here.

Yeah im quite careful visiting that site and would never support them one bit. It’s a well made site though and caters to like 10 different games, not just d4. They definitely got money in it and are pullin money out thats for sure.
Their job listings are quite thorough on what the positions entail and I’m sure some positions would be managing bots that mine bosses or something, but they have people dedicated to just leveling chars for example. Or one of their services, if someones so bold to employ, would be logging on your account and leveling your char for you LOL(think the verbiage is coined musking now). Also people dedicated to trading and it’s easy to spot those when you’ve run into them a few times. They always in a hurry and soon as you’re done trading a mysterious person joins, meets with the person you just traded with and dips out(collecting the gold).
Part of your pay, along with the 10-12 cents an hour, is they provide housing on site and “soup”. Which I imagine is not a ritz carlton with wolf gang-puck ladling out bowls.
Definite cat and mouse game, and they ban those spammers after ya report them pretty quick, but all in all blizz can never really get the upper hand it seems. Not really sure how they can stop em and they been doggin em for a long time now. Seems more like they try to keep the extent of it hush hush.
Hell, they dont seem to be able to do anything about the mass explosion of duped consumables that just crashed the market. Overnight Jah runes went from 500-700m to 20-50m, as the large increase of dupe sellers were forced to outbid each other.

Hear that.

It’s good to share observations a bit. From my view the extent of it is known by some of us but definitely not all. I don’t see Blizz trying to influence that visibility but this could relate to my next point.

What I do see Blizz keeping quiet is disciplinary action which can flow onto the forums at times but it doesn’t last, at least in the public view. Discussion in relation to Eula breaching activity preceding that can disappear with the disciplinary content as part of those post action closing of the topic efforts. So the topics can go but the reason why is what I’m getting a different view on. I can understand why they take this approach.

What this can also mean is they might appear to be not on top of it, depending when and what people are looking at. From what I see there’s just been a recent effort and i think they’ve picked up a fair bit of it. Between community making an effort to make their concerns known and Blizz efforts I think a fair bit is being done.

There’s room for more to be done on both sides of that equation to be realistic. I don’t think either should feel discouraged, as if they can’t have an impact on effectively managing it. There’s a range of innovations possible that can pick up more and more and not all things need to or should rely exclusively on player reporting.

Cheating skews data. Ultimately, i understand that many people think exploits or trading that they would never use doesnt affect them.

However, decisions are made fro data that can be misunderstood if not taking into account or removing the outliers(cheaters).

A lot of this game is paced by timed gates that are based off of progression curves. So, if you have a ton of people finding the loophole, that loophole gets figured in for future decisions if its not recognized.


what exactly is heavily time gated here tho? i mean really. people finished s7 in record times lol.

I mean according to your assumption, skewed data from cheating would lead to stuff being a lot more rare, which hardly is the case.

Not necessarily, especially if they were trying to normalize the non-cheaters, not realizing what the cheaters were doing.

i.e. if blizzard couldn’t figure out why group A is accelerating through content at the speed they want, and wanted to try to fix it. Looking at Group B, they could see that they need more drops and then increase drops in general. So overall the rate of drops might actually go up.

p.s. group A usually are the “no-lifers” who are the ones who tend to cheat (in d3 anyhow because of leaderboards), demographics for cheaters might be different in D4.

p.p.s in D3, they routinely would powercreep the group B group to what the group A group was doing in the prior season. So nolifers hitting grift 140 this season, Group B is probbaly at 120ish, next season Group B will be pushed to 135ish?

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well, i mean they seem to be aware. There are always going to be loopholes. 1 gets fixed, another one appears. so far we had quite a bunch of different things occurring since s0.

Well, that could eventually be the case, tho i think thats a little unlikely. If anything, stuff got heavily buffed because people cant endure the least bit of friction. Yet another reason why rmt markets are florishing.

In the end, rmting will 100% exist for any online game with some popularity. Its important to be aware of it of course, but i think its a waste of time to think too much about it. Its a big business for the people providing it, so you can be pretty sure that they will always find workarrounds and loopholes to keep their businesses going. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Thats something blizzard has to deal with, but nothing we really have to worry about.

D4 at least isnt as heavily affected as games that provide some competition, for example league of legends.

Likely or not, the data isn’t going to be “pure” with people cheating.

This is why statements like “I don’t trade” so it shouldn’t affect me or “I don’t cheat” so it shouldn’t affect me are missing the bigger picture.

But when you can’t get into groups because you don’t have the right build, or have the “dps”, gear, it all matters then.

in D3, end game community:

If you were zds (zero dps support), you better be running thud.

If you were DPS, you had better been botting for max paragon

So if you didn’t cheat, you really had a hard time finding groups in the end game community.


True, but that includes so many many more factors as well. Its really nothing we have to get too much into is all im saying. :stuck_out_tongue:

which really isnt the case. i mean fine, this season im playing a strong meta build. i didnt do last season tho. You will always have people wanting the group to be full of S tier builds, thats perfectly normal. Youll also have more than enough groups that just dont care, as long a you dont play a good-for-nothing pseudo homebrewn build.

A bad build is a bad build :stuck_out_tongue: If you cant hold yourself in certain contents, the issue is the player, and most likely his understanding of gearing up properly.

Well, I mean we can be d4 specific, but I am bringing up D3 examples.

So again, saying that it doesn’t bother you because you don’t engage in it - is again a bit short sighted.

BTW, I’ve seen people kicked out of groups for not having a “meta build” in rando groups.

I did too, i also kicked people myself. not because they werent S-Tier builds, but they were looking for a free carry and werent able to hold their own weight in a group.

In theory thats not an issue, as i like to help people. However, if i dont know you, the polite thing to do is to at least ask.

luckily its also possible to just create an own group, with more relaxed criteria.

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For folks not wanting to concern themself with it, they have that choice.

It’s legit for players who want to make their concerns known to Blizz to do so as it can guide Blizz on its approach and decide what matters to players.

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oh i dont totally disagree, i just think its not worth the energy. Clearly they are dealing with these sense, as we see by loopholes being closed, bans taking place, etc. Its just that… as someone else said, its a cat and mouse game.

The rmt business brings way too much profit as that these people would just stop botting, exploiting, etc. They will always find their ways :stuck_out_tongue:

yet there are things that destroy companies like overtime.

and there are things that destroy games…

oh id love if rmt companies would be gone for good, but yea, its wishful thinking really.

I mean when you are bored sometimes, you can google some sites and check out what they offer. You wont find a popular online game thats not supported :stuck_out_tongue:
So yea, we will have to accept that they exist.

Hence why im also a great supporter of tempering and masterworking. Thats the best way to flip off credit card warriors :smiley:
Imagine those poor souls, swiping their credit cards left and right, to end up not getting what they want. Thinking of it, it makes sense why some people are so irrationally angry :stuck_out_tongue:

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