Not about to say how on these forums, if you dig you’ll find it though.
It’s not hard to farm for it. I can get 5k using my BL build. I’m thinking it’s some kind of service where they farm super fast enough in 5min. That number seems absurd though.
Just don’t go play overwatch , you will come back to D4.
Never played OW but I did play heroes of the storm as the tank and my fren would be Illidan I think and guard me. Was pretty coo. I always picked the extra range stuff and picked off their team. Casual fun. Was never part of guild or anything.
This says everything we need to know about you at this point. Once a cheater always a cheater.
it’s not a bug. obducite is capped at 1 million, and any additional obducite from salvaging masterworked items will drop on the floor due to overflow.
i think inviting teammates to pick up or sell the overflow lying on the floor should not be considered an exploit.
The material, that is bound to your character, falling on the floor so others can pick it up isn’t a bug or exploit?
Guess duping isn’t an exploit either. The player just had too many items in his inventory and they spilled out.
It’s not an exploit or a bug, just a whoopsiedaisy.
no, you cannot see it
People are probably just offering tribute carry services and this guy is freaking out. Even if there was still a bug to drop/trade it there’s no way to list Obducite on diablotrade.
The next pet should be a mini goblin lol
I would assume the people selling it aren’t using that particular trade site, but their own instead. Not that I ever visit the websites spammed in the trade channel, but I’ve yet to see one advertising for Diablo trade.
I thought you’d want a Hamster as a Pet…
OP has diablotrade in the title.
Ah my mistake, sorry. I think the OP may be confused then. Also interesting that they haven’t responded in their own thread either.
No, the emoticon is just the recognition that I am one of many hamsters, just self aware.
But Otters are cute.
You’ll always be a cute little hamster to me.
Pretty shallow of you don’t you think? He confessed to cheating in the early days of D2 and now says he doesn’t do it anymore. He had no reason to fess up to begin with.
same goes to obols from day 1, others can pick up excessive obols that you could pick up anymore even though it was drop from your chest, is this exploit? why the devs didn’t rectify nor announced this as exploit from day 1.
eventually can see it and pick it up. it was allowed by the game.
Because the devs are incompetent?
Same reason half the things in this game are still bugged and don’t work as described on the tooltip.
I guess you’re partially right.
When the entire game is just a series of bugs, that’s the norm, so it’s just acceptable.
Diablo-like quality