Why they can sell 100k Obducite in 5 min fb diablotrade?

As my question in title, why they can sell 100k Obducite in 5 mins all fb and diablotrade? Many people post that now.

Some kind of glitch in the game that shall not be repeated here would be my best guess. Report them and move on, all you can do.

Oh so this exploit is still in the game too? WoW this game is so beyond any hope anymore. Im thinking about just leaving flat out. Would be hard but maybe its time to just quit D4.


you did already when it came to poe2. we will see you again.


I’m done with the season myself. I’ll be back for S8. In the meantime I’ll be playing MH:W and other games. It’s good to take a break for a bit, highly recommend it. No game should ever get a person to the point of hating their life choices.


wait is that allowed to just stop playing, and start playing again the next season?!


No I think you misunderstood. That would be against the rules.


god… thanks azure… almost 14k posts later i learn this now… (im a slow learner to be fair)

so just to make sure, i can play other games when im done with a season?
(you dont troll me there i hope D=)



if obducite could be dropped on the floor, it could be sold.

They are probably selling an item that after Salvaging gives alot of obducite.

Game is full of bugs, dupes and exploits.

The dev team should clearly work really hard on this but i suspect we will get another Pet in the shop next week

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im also really certain that these exploits affect all of us a lot.


I hope it is an otter. :hamster: :popcorn:


That’s called fishing, or better, trading for newbies…

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Nope, people spent 40 euros for VOH so they either play it till death or just stop playing it and start spamming the forums, there is no in-between.


I want a rainbow-colored teddy bear.

They totally 100% do affect every single one of us in horrific, traumatizing ways that are more horrific & traumatizing than anyone has ever seen in the history of all history. & that is why Blizz owes us rainbow-colored teddy bears.

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People could be trading entire accounts and it still wouldn’t affect me in any way.

Like, okay, and I say this as a jsp veteran, if someone is willing to spend actual legal tender to get ahead in the game, what on earth does is have to do with me?

I’m not going to pvp with them.

I’m probably not going to group with them.

If I do group with them the “downside” would be that they are killing stuff fast and the runs are efficient. Wait, what?

As a former cheater I guess I just never cared enough about cheating for it to register. You could be like me and buy your gear (d2 20 years ago, nothing currently) you could be like another kind of person and grind for all your gear. If I play with either one the outcome is the same.

I guess I would say people doing RMT aren’t harming the game because the game is completely pointless regardless. It is literally the polar opposite of, say, insider trading on the stock market.

Maybe one could argue they are harming their own experience as they will get bored much faster.

If you want to do things the slow way and feel some type of way about it, you just don’t count or otherwise acknowledge the people who cheated. Right? I think you can apply that to literally every game, ever. I didn’t feel like my NES achievements were lessened because my younger brothers did the same thing with a game genie, it would have just never occurred to me to worry about what other people could or couldn’t do. The only player who matters is me and I know how I got where I am. If other people take shortcuts it is not harming my legit game in the least.

Unless you want to trade in a world of inflated rmt-driven prices, I guess I can admit that that sucks. My personal solution is to ignore it and SSF but if that isn’t for you, yeah, I can see a reason to be annoyed. You will never make it stop any more than the war on drugs ever truly interdicted the flow of drugs. If there’s something people want and they are willing to pay actual cash, there will be a gray/black market where those needs get “solved.” You can try to police it but if RL history has anything to tell us it’s that that is largely pointless and may even do more harm than good. I rest my case.


How can you trade obducite? When you masterwork the item is suppose to be bound to your own account.

Can you still trade bound items?

Am I missing something here?


Unless it is speaking about obducite tributes…

Either way,

There was actually a way to get obducite to drop through use of a bug. We assumed it was fixed, which could be the case and they just found another bug, or it was never fixed at all.


Wonder how, since obducite is now part of the mats list…
You can’t pick items from the mats list…

But if it was in the begining, when obbducite was a stashed item…