Why only 6 slots?

Adding another slot is going to make classes completely busted, its just not gonna happen now unless they want to rebalance the entire game.

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Last epoch only has 5 slots, but the game mechanism, skill tree, passive tree, is infinitely more complex than d4 already

To link the number of skill slots with game complexity and game dumbing down to console players, some people really make a joke out of themselves

I’m not really worried about whether it makes classes “busted” or not. I just enjoy the RPG aspect of ARPGs, and I don’t want to see that disappear. Adding more skill slots will inevitably just dilute any diversity, sense of builds, or difference between any of the characters.

Historically, Balance in Diablo games meant some classes or builds would literally destroy the entire map in one key press and some classes or builds either could not run the content at all. There hasn’t been a Diablo title to this date that was well-balanced and all of the classes and builds would perform equally.

As it relates to content in D4, I fail to see how having a slot reserved for an Ultimate Ability so you can pick up another Utility ability would break the game. Oh no, Barbarians can take a Combat Mastery ability, Kick, Leap, Charge, or single target and an AoE Core spender!

I think there will be plenty diversity as is, at least for a while. I’m more worried about balance because it appears they want to make pvp relevant in D4, and for that we need to tone down the insanity. D2 had great pve and pvp. I really want that back.

I don’t know how you can say D2 had great PVP but at the same time say that balance is important to you. Those are two opposite ends of the spectrum there.

Post patch .08 if I remember right, d2 pvp was extremely popular and competitive… we just made our own rules.

And never came close to being balanced in any way for PVP.

it isn’t really before the end of act 1. you don’t even have more then a base class. I think d4 will get much more complex. not last epoch complex. definitely not poe complex. but d4 doesn’t really need to. i think they will have enough

Well I just want to rebut the point that having limited skill slots means that the game is dumbed down for console. It’s not.


I agree with you. But the UI is definitely dumbed down for consoles. Radial menus are always garbage.

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Radial menu, Idk why people say that’s a console thing. I played LoL since 2011 with emote radial menu, and please don’t tell me LoL is a console game

Never own a console in my life, and probably never will, so I just can’t under stand people’s sentiment

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I disagree but ok I played d2 pvp for years and loved it I’m sorry you didn’t share the same xperience

LoL is a PC game for small console minds :slight_smile:

And with professional players earning a few millions per years not counting advertisement contract, which when adding up, easily net professional players 10-30mil per year

I played D2 PvP for a long time as well.

The classes weren’t balanced well. Everyone was pigeonholed into specific meta builds, most of which relied on exploiting known bugs and glitches, and almost all of the players had hacked gear or bought with 3rd party RMT sites.

Bunch of youtubers have said they want more than 6 skill slots also.

Here are the timestamps.

Kripparian and Quin69.

Podcast with 4 youtubers Zizaran, Sequisha, Nugi, Datmodz.

Sequisha and Zizaran both say more skill slots would be better for D4 and you can see Nugi nod his head and say “yeah” very clearly he agrees. Datmodz even nods his head slightly at the end.

Livestream from Rhykker talking about an ultimate button.

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Well, of course. It’s easy to sell to the lowest common denominator. Why do you think McDonald’s has so many franchises? It’s not because it’s the best burger. It’s because it’s the most dumbed-down, cheapest, easy to understand burger.

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Those are just six people.

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Considering balance specific to D4 and judging the case by its own merits, I would say 7 is good and maximum. 7 Is almost too much since not taking ult opens the door for a lot more utility, depending on the class.
But I would rather have a dedicated ult slot than 6 slots, it’s too limiting