Why not create gold AH into in game shop?

Why make everything tradeable then?

Why go this route? Make it all tradeable and then make it impossible to trade it? Think how bad this is. Imagine the opposite way to show how bad this is. What if only 1 out of 100 items was tradeable but we had an AH? Would this be ok then?
This is preposterous to have this many items tradeable and no way to do it in game.

WE have to choose 1 path:

1] Make everything tradeable (like it is now) and make a way to do it in game = AH that learn the lessons of D3 failures = items bind on purchase, no RMT section, limited slots, ect

2] Go back to D3 trade (limited trade items earn in party)

WE cant have the 3rd abomination method (what we have now)
3] Make everything tradeable and make ppl use third party trash, potentially unsafe, slow, unreliable, and scam trader filled website

There will allways be ā€œbetterā€ loot. With or without Smart loot. People who pay real money for items will do that with or without smart loot.

As long as there is ā€œTradingā€ in the game people will pay real money. That is the way it is and the ONLY way to stop it is to have no trading.

Those 2 things are unseperateble.

Smart loot destroyed loot hunt in D3 and in D4. Change my mind.

As long as there is ā€œonlineā€ in the game people will pay real money. If not trading, than they will buy boosting/powerleveling/achievments, even full accs and etc.

I donā€™t get 1 thing, why do you guys care so much about RMT in online game without any competiteve system? Do you think that this is RMT prevented you from pushing higher than pit 50 or being higher than level 70? /s

100% lies, why do you like to pass off your point of view as a fact, what majority? Did you measured it or what? Post with BOA demanding always get way less likes than posts for full open trading and AH, literally a multiple of less. So you are lying.

Why do d3 players always have that superpower to invent false facts, then present them as the truth?

This is at least a controversial topic, and at most, by indirect signs, it can be understood that the majority want good economy with right tools, but to say that the majority does not want AH is a direct lie.

Selling things overpriced NEVER works. Eventually the people who actually play the game, understand how much things are worth. So even if you come in and place something up there for a billion gold (Like OMG look itā€™s a 3GA, it must automatically mean itā€™s worth a billion)ā€¦ The guy, and group of players who know what the hell things are worth are gonna come in and undercut that for 30 million instead, and ur stuff is just gonna sit there for eternity because no oneā€™s stupid

We see this rampant in Diablo.trade

3GA= 200 million- 1 billion

However if you go in trade chat in the gameā€¦ Most everyone will only pay 30-50 million for it, and then they laugh at you

yeah, but the thing is you will never buy 3Ga item with crucial GA like CDR/crit dmg/crit chance for that price. Those things are way more expensive.

let me clear up what I meant. Overpriced as in not what us ā€œnormal casual playersā€ would pay, the prices are absolutely insane because the price is dictated by whales who buy gold from bots will play, not us ā€œnormiesā€.
However if you sell 2-3 items at 600+ million, suddenly you can buy that 1 billion ring. So for someone like me a slightly more hardcore ā€œnormal casual playerā€ I got my ā€œinā€ by doing exactly this.

A bit of a tangentā€¦
From playing the game I generate absolutely nothingā€¦ maybe 35 million per day from some whispers and vendoring itemsā€¦ Maybe on a weekend evening bender I might make 100million! So trading is by far the biggest form of gold productionā€¦ as we are essentially trading bot found gold.

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Dude there is nothing In this game worth 600+ millionā€¦ I donā€™t care what it isā€¦ 30-50 million is the max dude, this gear ainā€™t that hard to getā€¦ YOU are the reason why AH needs to stay away. No one knows what things are worth, and when u see something with 3GA ur big D energy is gonna make u inflate the price when it ainā€™t worth anything

Itā€™s likeā€¦ ā€œOH WOW LOOK AT THAT PERFECT TRIFECTA 3GAā€ yeah so what dude, thereā€™s like, 500,000 people who just got the same exact thing at the same timeā€¦ Calm downā€¦ Itā€™s not that rare

Not only thatā€¦ I never even bought a single piece of gear, as there isnā€™t much reason toā€¦ The gear is so easily accessible, it drops like candyā€¦ You donā€™t need to buy anything, ull have what u need in a days playing

exactly what I thought before checking prices on diablo.tradeā€¦ Then once I got into masterworking and went through 400+ million just rerolling (I am currently out of rawhide would you believe it!). I realised oh blizzard have based these masterworking prices on this crazy amount of gold players are generating through trading whale gold. Was a sad realisation.

I literally just checked other prices, and made my prices slightly cheaperā€¦ yes 600mil was cheap!!

im 43 mate, donā€™t use silly language like that pleaseā€¦ im a casual gamer dad that has traded on games going back to original d2, so yes I base my prices on the environment even if to me it seems absolutely overpriced.

the items I was selling were single GA items. +3 golem mastery (GA) chests, all other rolls were normal. Other rolls were either int or lifeā€¦ and they were priced at 650mil to 1bil, I listed for 600mil.

I need GA +3 skeletal mage pants, I found 2 bricked both, bought 3 more bricked 1 and got my +6 skeletal mage finally.
Also bought GA life/dodge boots which are listed very cheap, but BIS for my build. Buying items gives longevity to the game, because as you perfect your gear, you need GA rolls and the right stats to keep that improvement goingā€¦ along with Bricking being very real!

Wtf did I just readā€¦ Did u just say buying items ā€œhelpsā€ the longevity of the game? What planet are you onā€¦ The longevity of the game is made miniscule by you buying everything you need in 14 secondsā€¦ Where as actually playing the game and getting the drops is what gives the game itā€™s ā€œlongevityā€. Pass whatever it is you are smoking dude, i need some of that


Ppl are paradoxically wanting trade to be as painful as possible to hurt RMT not caring it takes everyone else to a horrible trade experience with them.

WE have to choose 1 path = 1 or 2:

1] Make everything tradeable (like it is now) and make a way to do it in game = AH that learn the lessons of D3 failures = items bind on purchase, no RMT section, limited slots, ect

2] Go back to D3 trade (limited trade items earn in party)

WE cant have the 3rd abomination path (what we have now)
3] Make everything tradeable and make ppl use third party trash, potentially unsafe, slow, unreliable, and scam trader filled website

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you are being far to aggressive, its quite unpleasent speaking to you.

So yes let me clear that point up. Theoretically finding everything yourself would take the longest timeā€¦ And picking up every 3rd item only would take even longer.
However this is a very unrealistic way to obtain absolute BIS gear within the confines of a single season and the limited time a player has.
So given the amount of play time I have given this game so far, and only ever finding 2 pairs of +3 skeletal mage pants, while gambling all my obals only on pants too (100k+ obels) its quite realistic I maynot find these single GA pants I need. BTW they have to roll with life or dodge to be good for me, which makes it harder to find.
Buying items lets me get those pants faster! but wait that is not increasing longevity! no, but then upgrading to 2 GA or 3 GA adds another goalā€¦ and its realistic!

So my point is not absolutely in all situations buying items adds longevity, but rather in my situation in some cases it gives me a goal to work towords adding longevity as im never going to just grind endlessly all season waiting to find that item that may never drop for me.

Anyway I have given you my perspective, you will disagree and get aggressive, and I will go and do some much needed chainsawing outside! :slight_smile:
Goodday :wink:

D3 player mentality, the inability to understand simple things.

You can run pits/helltides/whatever for literally days and not get a single upgrade for your gear. Whereas the opportunity to trade gives you the opportunity to save currency at the same time and subsequently purchase the necessary items for it.

Well, itā€™s really hard to explain basic things to people who have no experience in seasonal arpg outside of d3.

no, the opportunity of trade always give longevity for seasons. This is not even discussable. You are right

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already the case , since they sadly allowed gold / legendary / unique / mats to be tradeable

Unfortunately, looking for all these perfect trifecta items doesnā€™t serve much purposeā€¦ You can clear all content with 0GA, this is main season objectives Iā€™m talkingā€¦ There isnā€™t anything in this game that requires you to have that amount of power. Itā€™s different man. There isnā€™t pinnacle content that needs a full decked out character. And before you go screaming ā€œbut the Pitsā€ā€¦ For what? Thereā€™s no rewardā€¦ There isnā€™t a set of gear sitting at 150+ for you to pursueā€¦ Thereā€™s not a cosmetic up thereā€¦ Thereā€™s no horseā€¦ So what do you need to be so Uber strong for? You already one shot 90 percent of the game in yellows

This is mainly the problem with D4. Itā€™s mechanics, and systems are all out of whackā€¦ They still canā€™t balance things. They get rid of everything the players like, and no oneā€™s ever happy

Itā€™s also really hard to find value in D4 economy right nowā€¦ The main items people need to get a build going are target farmableā€¦ And that was the first big mistakeā€¦ Because it takes two seconds to go straight where you need, one shot the boss, and get what you are looking for.

We arenā€™t in the days where finding what you need actually takes time and luckā€¦ Aspects go into the codex now, and pretty much max out instantly so that form of economy never got to happen, no one needs any of the Ubers drops because they can just go kill them in 4 seconds and get what they are looking for. So in terms of a unique economy, itā€™s just never gonna happen. Maybe if they left it to where uniques were rare and open like it was in preseason then maybe it would add value because it might be difficult to get something, but thatā€™s just not the caseā€¦ And all these legendaries arenā€™t a very rare thing either. U kill maiden and 55 million drop to the ground and at least 1-2 GA every single killā€¦ Like wtf do you guys even need the economy for, itā€™s easily accessible

Also it would help if my Barbarian didnā€™t only find barbarian itemsā€¦ How can I build a trade economy when all I can do is trade to other barbarians who can get everything I find just as easyā€¦

Remember when u go kill mephisto with your Magic find Sorc, and get all your druid gear? Yeah thatā€™s a lost memoryā€¦ Canā€™t do that here

The loot pool is also too small to support the need for any kind of trade economyā€¦ Each class has barely 10 uniques to choose fromā€¦ Pretty laughableā€¦ Thereā€™s like 80 bajillion in D2ā€¦ On Normalā€¦ Okā€¦ We donā€™t need trade or auction. Hush

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Cause no. Actual Diablo fans know how much of a giga disaster and sh1tstorm this would be


well indeed this is true, there is probably only 1 build in this game which requires trading, but at least trading gives you the ability to do something when there is nothing to do in the game, so imho itā€™s a good addition to a game w/o actual late game.

Donā€™t forget getting very strong gear enables some builds, a perfect example is the sorc fireball build. Again requiring the AH.

For me, I would at some point like to make a reaper focused physical damage summoner. Reaper damage scaling + rapid fire shadow or cold skeletal mages procā€™ing mendeln. This kind of build will probably be inherently weaker, and if my goal is pit 100 farming + tormented bosses, it will probably need very strong gear. insert AH.

Whoā€™s nobody? You?

I definitely want it. And my 4000 pax clan definitely talk EVERYDAY how much they want it.

LMAO. Youā€™re more disconnected from what people want than Blizzard.

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If fiding 3ga item with good affixes takes on average 200 hours or so, then 600M + prices are well justified without RMT. 200 hours, thats like 1 month of WORKING worth a find, so 600m seems very for it. The only thing reducing the price is tempering RNG.