Why not create gold AH into in game shop?

Whether or not it would:

“Do more damage to the purpose of the game”
It would serve an equal purpose to the “freedom” currently allowed by the present system, by design, YET mitigate to a vast degree RMT.

Edit - all points you made are exactly what’s been discussed since forever and I agree with them.
1 and done trading. NO FLIPPING and no trading outside of the instituted system.
Of anything.

I’d go so far as to add a new currency but gold would probably suffice.
Most of all setting a gold “Range” on items based upon Item Power and GA Tier would be a wise step to prevent arbitrary listings or things getting out of control.

Naw it would just make drops rarer to ensure to force people into engaging with the AH. You cant have an AH without tailoring drops to accomidate an AH.

The entire purpose of diablo is to kill monsters and get loot.


I understand that 100% and know for a fact D2 was coded with Open Trading in mind and D3 launch was coded with that exact same …Mind$$$et when it released though they had in-game GAH/RMAH.

What exactly would be different here?
Every Tom Suzy Harry and JohnnyJulietta can go to 3rd part sites to trade(not speaking RMT) - this, if it does affect drops, should not alter drops simply because the system was made more accessible and sanely streamlined.
Would there be justification for it vs the current system as it stands - to alter drops(not weighing in just asking)

Nobody wants it. You think you do, but you don’t know what you’re asking. It would create more problems than i might solve. I for one don’t want gear drops reduced in order to push people to an AH. At that point, you are playing the AH more than the actual game. It’s happened before and it would happen again.

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Tho D2 had a mf system. You could farm everything. Yes you could trade but it was much better prior to 1.10 when power creep rune words entered the game.

As of right now you dont need to RMT or trade. D3 you had no choice but to engage with the AH if you wanted to beat inferno. Jay wilson even spoke about the AH being a mistake (he spoke about both RMAH and gold AH). Jay Wilson was aweful but he was right on that point.

:100: however, those who do want a trade simulator will always want an AH or fail to see the past.

I want it. So that makes statement that no one wants it false. I don’t do any trading today, but I loved the gold auction house in diablo 3. I had a lot of fun playing the auction. It was like a game within the game. A lot of people loved it, but there were some compassionate people who felt like it was this existential threat to their existence and ultimately they won and forced it out of the game.

MF had nothing to do with Runes.
Regardless of what patch - OPEN TRADING ruled the Drop Rate %'s.
Please lets not venture into you usual delusional and realm of bad memory and likely barely played mentality or disorder.

I’m in accord with you which is a rare thing.

HE didn’t design it.
He was ORDERED to design the game AROUND IT.
You think things exist in a vaccuum?
D2 was boatloads of DATA for countless games detailing exactly what people are willing to do in sadistically designed systems.
They’ll spend THOUSANDS in an RMT marketplace.
Hence D3 was designed for this with a built in system that set arbitrary price ceilings, took a 15% RMT cut and also a 15% Gold Cut which was then recirculated into the RMAH Gold sales.
Never mind the fact they could easily have been RNG generating items and injecting them directly into BOTH AH’s.

Regardless - D4 - RMT has been a plague.
There’s only 2 options.

  1. Mitigate it with a controlled IN-GAME Trading Platform that randomizes search queries and is the ONLY means to trade anything and everything
  2. Make everything BOA

Don’t try to derail nor give a historical lecture on things you’ve proven to be utterly ignorant of.
And to think I agreed with one of the leading shills in the totally wonderful awesome troll society and he just couldn’t help but be their typical self and unable to discuss like a normal person.

You could always watch the interviews about D3 AH.

And I said prior to 1.1 before runeword powercreep. 1.08-1.09 will always be the best timeframe within the diablo franchise.

Yes but they were not atrocious to the point it was with an AH in the diablo franchise.

Not at all, I can look at the past and apply logic. There is even a reason PoE doesnt have one and PoE2 wont have an AH.

Again there have been multiple interviews from the developers on the damage the AH did not just tue RMAH. It “took away from the purpose of diablo which is to kill monster and get loot”

So only your opinion is right based on fantasy and not actual historical events. Ok. Sure. Im “A sHiLl”.

As usual taking everything out of context and applying your myopic viewpoint.

Carry on
It’s as pointless as you are lazy and useless.

Yes because debaiting on differing opinions you resort to name calling. :clap:

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D trade = Blizzards supposed supported solution for us yet again down right now with no end in sight for days. How is this better than an AH? Do we really want to make trade as painful as possible to make up for the fact everything is tradable? What kind of paradoxical view is this???

Pick a side and stay on it:

We have 2 options:

Make 99.9% of items tradable and make a way to do it in game with AH.
Go Back to D3 trade.

This supposed third option that ppl want with make 99.9% of items tradable and then make it as painful of possible so ppl dont do it is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.

Make an AH but a better one. No real money Auction. Items bind on purchase so no flipping. Maybe even limited sell slots so ppl dont just list everythang. Like 10 slots for selling and 5 for buy orders. MAybe you can use my idea to earn more slots. Might be cool.

The Case in Favor of a S4 Auction House :house: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

I really hope they add a gold auction house eventually.

Open trading affects this, not AH. This situation is alive and getting worse. Diablo.trade is endorsed by blizzard and have a look on its pricing w.o regulations. Now D3 gold AH were less popular towards end of its life span due to price cap on listings and 15% surcharged.

Either official AH or bind items on drop except in parties. 3rd party trading is bad. Official AH doesnt get rid of 3rd party but encourages better trading environments. The RM issue is open trading, not AH.

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I AGREED with you and hoped to discuss and further the subject & topic.
You otoh reverted to your delusional …ah forget it. It’s pointless.
Keep playing forum champ, #D4Perfect as you do and never seeking to improve this game, never ever one single word of not even complaint or objection - never even the slightest negative…astounding, only gobbling up whatever rancid giblets the devs toss you like a good doggo.
Feast D4 forum champion, feast D4 hero.
As I said - useless to the betterment of this game or evolution.
Just like your name says - too lazy to get up to use the facilities. Too lazy to formulate your own opinion or thought.
It oozes from every pore.

“Bind on Trade”

ever since i’ve heard this idea the first time, i’ve always thought this is the best option.

it stops trade sites buying up everything since they wouldn’t be able to resell it.

it stops normal people from playing the tradesites/AH instead of playing the game since they couldn’t flip (which is often the most effective way to gain wealth, if the game allows).

it allows the average player to sell their good drops that don’t fit their class/build to get something they need.

obviously wouldn’t stop bots, but they would still exist even with no trade.

I think we both can agree that a lot could be done making RMT not run an AH. However should one be introduced the rest of the game shouldnt revolve around it which I believe would occur making it a very negitive experience for those who dont want to engage with the tool.

This I absolutely disagree with. Streamers and the such are plauges to the gamining community and well im not a sheep. I also have a view based on past systems.

We could also agree PoE is geared more towards the arpg player but even PoE2 has spoke about an AH. They also spoke about the game catering to a more casual playerbase.

Some find enjoyment out of playing a trade simulator game and thats okay. Its not what diablo should be about.

I’d love an in game AH… having to use 3rd party platforms is infuriating and the end result is the same. All inflation really does is make everything worth more and make in game gold sinks less impactful.

comments like this add nothing to the discussion or these forums.

Blizzard already made this mistake once with Diablo 3. Blizzard made the mistake of thinking ARPGs needed an AH because people were using 3rd party sites to facilitate trades, and trade chat was very time-consuming. They tried to make it more secure and to simplify it.

This was a noble goal. They really did mean well. It wasn’t about making money, but to give players a better tool to do what they were already doing in Diablo 2.

The problem was that they never asked WHY people were using 3rd party sites in Diablo 2 - There was an underlying CAUSE. The cause was that Diablo 2 had loot tables that didn’t respect your time, and Diablo 2 also did not have smart loot drops, so you could find a ton of items, and yet nothing would be an upgrade for your character. After so many hours or days of this, yes, you will seek out ways to either trade or buy items.

They realized that smart loot was a way to fix it. If you find your own drops and make them common enough that every player who wants them will eventually find them, then you have no need to look for upgrades via trade or an auction house. It has drawbacks - it makes trade kind of pointless - but it does solve the whole AH thing which a majority of players ended up hating.

There are people that like these AH/3rd party sites, but I don’t think they are the majority. If they were the majority, D3 would have never gotten rid of the Auction House. A large number of players really didn’t like how it took the joy out of playing the game, and then there was that p2w perception as well, that was hidden from people in D2 but was in plain sight with D3.

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just make it so the AH only unlocks at level 100. lots of “problems” solved. Although you can trade legitimately in game or discord or 3rd party site now, so adding an AH actually keeps people IN GAME more time…