Why not create gold AH into in game shop?

Wrong. I want it and every single player who want trading. Feel free to play SSF.

just to be clear 600mil was a 1 GA affix item I sold, a 2 good GA affix ring would be 2.5-5 billion gold! a 3 GA ring won’t be found, it will be instantly bought and sold on an RMT website.

I think items need a soul bound system after pickup, so they can be traded once. Blizzard need to drastically improve their anti bot software.

But after all these downsides, im still in favour of an AH because it brings so much depth to an ARPG. trading and crafting in other ARPG’s can be a game in itself, just like the AH in wow. And what kind of self respecting MMO doesn’t have an AH, so given D4 is the MMO of ARPG’s it NEEDs to have one, or we may as well scrap this MMO concept all together.

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in game shop can be use for 3 tabs:

  1. Cosmetics (maybe add some free?)
  2. AH
  3. Lfg: helltide, renown, power lvl etc, link your mats for Uber runs
    how about ssf? i bet true ssf players will complain
    how about RMT? don’t get me wrong it exist on ss2,3 where dupe mats happened

trading once solves exactly 0 problems people have with trading. And if they remove trading then RNG loot makes 0 sense as well.

Imho let them just cook some well thought out AH, or item crafting at Blacksmith and everything’s solved.

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I want an in game auction house so I can write a script that scalps cheap items and relists them for major profit.

Obviously, I think the Diablo 4 team has even less of an understanding of how trade works in their own game than the D3 people did. There isn’t much point to trade in this game, unless someone had the perfect pair of gloves for your build. That’s really the only item I can think of, with my knowledge of Sorc anyway, that would be worth trading for.

Uber uniques would be worth trading for, but I think they don’t let us? That decision does seem weird because if you’re going to make them very rare (I ran uber bosses like 40 times and I didn’t find any), then yeah, you probably want these available for trade.

If they want to avoid trading of these, then they need to make them more common since the drop rates are too low. Reminds me of farming in D2, which I think is outdated and just wastes everyone’s time. I would recommend making the Uber bosses level 125-150 instead of 100 for the first version, and increase the drop rates. That way, they are still killable by most casuals who put the time in, but they would actually be a challenge to fight, unlike the level 100 versions that exist now. The level 200 versions are too difficult for most players, so it’s a broken system currently.

The biggest problem with all the bosses is that the level 75-100 versions of them are a complete joke and the level 200 versions require very well geared characters to take down (or group play maybe, but I play solo so I am not sure). Either way, it’s a crappy system as i would personally like to farm something in between with better drop rates.

tbh it’s not friendly for us hc players

In your case, we should not be able to trade at all!!!

Yes trading is pain, having to login with my precious bnet account in 3rd party website is ridiculous. I also dont want to sit in discord with a bunch of weirdos i dont even know. AH is needed

As an online game, players make too many equipments and gold useless in their accounts every season.

Dude we get like 30 3GA a day… U guys are delusional. It’s not that hard

do you maybe do 200 tormented duriel runs a day?

Don’t worry about what I do… I play the game and loot drops like candy… It’s not like I’m the only one that experiences how easy it is to get good gear

havent seen a single 3ga without life regeneration affix, and i played alot… by alot i mean A LOT. unless they buffed drop rates recently then i do not believe you at all. I cant even find 2ga items, for neither barb druid nor roug, if i get 1 ga with 2 good affixes im literally considering it BIS because of drop rates.

Not matters if you put or not AH, since there are plenty of sites (aka d2jsp, and others) that do the same thing…

I have no problem with it, since i can choose do my own thing alone.

sadly a lot of us are employed. Some have wives, and even children!

But with an AH a informed player with all of the above can trade what they have to get what they need.

Yeah I work 40 hours dude. I play like 5 hours a day, that’s it… While working 40 hours a week. I don’t wanna hear excuses

If the game had an in-game AH, then you’re not playing for loot, you’re playing for gold. It gives the impression to ultra casuals (that they are developing for now), that you’re supposed to just buy your gear, because gear they’d benefit from would be super cheap.

They’ll in turn, never equip their own gear they loot, because its unlikely they’d find better with the time they have compared to what more active players are dumping on the ah that would get them more gold than vendoring. And so the casual’s goal becomes to farm gold with ingame activities (cause no one wants their gear on the AH) to buy the next upgrade. Is that a good experience for ultracasual to unlikely never see their own upgrades?

You can say they don’t have to use the AH, but if its right there in their face, how do they not? Its called friction, and its why PoE isn’t getting rid of it. If you really want to trade, its on you to go out of your way to do it.

The other alternative is to launch AH and SSF mode along side each other.

I’m a complete casual and even I think the sub level 150 content is not that hard. A level 125 boss is nothing. If I can do it easily, so could anyone. I am not a fantastic player nor do i play that often.