Why not create gold AH into in game shop?

So people will visit it more often to sell/buy maybe someone will buy some cosmetics they like. Profit


Because nobody wants it. We’ve been over this, both in a previous game, and surveys for this game; a built in AH is bad for the economy, and does little / nothing to prevent RMT, when it in fact incentivizes selling gold specifically, as there’s a more accessible economy to directly manipulate / inflate.


How can it be bad for the economy when “NOONE” wants it?

Where is the logic in this. It can either be bad for the economics cause people will use it too much or it will not be bad for the ecnonomic cause people rather play and find stuff themself. It can not be both at the same time.


Hidden right next to your household stock of common sense, but here, lemme help by explaining how it’s played out in every other MMO and ARPG that’s done an AH like that;

AH is added > Bots invade game en masse to farm gold / GG items > Items are listed for insane prices on AH > GG items are no longer available without insane amounts of gold > RMT is now the only way to get gold / Items without devoting your life to farming > Economy is now controlled by RMT bot sites that sell both gold to buy from the AH, as well as the items themselves via private trades.

The only places you see this controlled to any extent are subscription games like WoW or FF14. Any F2P or Pay-Once game gets totally overrun. It’s as predictable as snark on the forums.






partly true

You got a point to some extent but that is the downside of having “trading” in general.
Yet the AH stays optional. All those issues you mention only apply to those people who do not care for the game and just want the “good stuff”. They will buy that with or without AH. They already do it aren’t they?

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We already saw what happened with a gold AH in D3. It was a mess.

Within days players were selling items for billions of gold. It just got ridiculous.


All of these post for an Auction House are RMT people. If we say stuff like well, lets have trade like in D3 everything else is BOA, They get mad and refuse that idea.

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if a game has trading and a universal currency (gold) you have RMT. I am against a menu AH, i think a real one ingame like in wow would be great!

It unclear if it will drive gold prices up or down as more supply then diablo.trade, but also more demand as its easier to use.
However, an in game AH will give casuals a way to obtain the insane amounts of gold needed for masterworking to get the stats you want, such as double critting key modifiers.
This is because currently there are many many bots farming gold, and whales buying it, which then buy overpriced gear. This is pumping gold into the market, which players like me (dedicated casual) can take advantage of. We sell overpriced items to obtain huge sums of gold to then use to buy items and masterwork.

Either bliz need to change how loot works, GA’s need to be useful to your build and class only, and remove trading all together, then we solve RMT for the most part.

Or bliz embraces trading and brings in an AH and implements ban waves.

The current system just forces players into using a slow irritating 3rd party website to trade which is incredibly frustrating, or refuse and never be able to masterwork to a high level or even get the gear they want.

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Oh, I can tell you what will happen. Gross inflation, There would be flippers,Bots and spam buy cheap D4 gold 24/7. Third party gold sites were a huge problem in wow. That is when blizzard came out with the wow token. It helped some.

you can speak only for yourself.

Nobody = D3 players?

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Since Trade is available now, I don’t see any problem why AH shouldn’t exist or at least a Global Trade Chat not just Local.

I kinda look forward for AH not because I will use it, but because maybe it will prevent from constantly increasing drop rates and making the game easier. I’d rather have a choice where I could Trade if I wanted to progress faster or a choice to play on my own to experience the full potential of D4 systems and low drop rates. That’s my opinion.

Have 0 concerns about RMT, it doesn’t effect me in any way. The only annoying part is that there would definitely be chat spams promoting 3rd party sites, witch Blizzard could solve if they wanted to. The only one that hurts from RMT is Blizzard (losing money) and that’s about it.

Regardless RMT will persist anyway if Trade/AH exists or not, there will be always a way.

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What a last time they released version 1.0 with 2 factions, ah and fortune.
And that rare to them it worked without any problem, but of course in diablo 4 not because it is filled with bot something that is already without an ah.

Let diablo 3 we know that the problem of the ah was because you earned real money.

The AH normalizes and streamlines the RMT process for the 3rd party sites. Adding an AH is just Blizz shaking hands with the RMT people and giving them an easier way to inflate item prices while shilling their own sites.

Also should’ve specified *without gold OR TIME, but that’s my bad, already pointed out how common sense was an issue here; except that I did point that out in the point you quoted directly after that so…

Which could be great; if D4 was a subscription game where RMT has to weigh the cost of paying a monthly sub on every bot account in addition to buying a license, vs the potential profits, vs the net loss when that account gets a ban. Nobody wants D4 to be a subscription, and looking at games like WoW, RMT is FAR less prevalent than in D2, D3, PoE, Genshin, etc.

Nobody = the majority of people. D2 people don’t / didn’t want it, D3 people hated it, D4 people were vocal in saying they don’t want it. The majority of players don’t want it; the only people in favor are RMT sites, and credit card warriors.

So you would rather people just use the 3rd party sites like they are already doing now? Why not just allow people to do it in game?


Let them take the risk and catch the ban, it’s fun to laugh when the post here complaining. Had a few credit card warriors come around whining that they caught a ban; it’s hilarious to see them FAFO, then be mad when they’re out a game license, and all their RMT’d money.

IDGAF what people do in their own game at the end of the day. This is a single player game with some inconsequential forced interaction with a pseudo-multiplayer patchwork to make things like World Bosses feel bigger / more important than the single target DPS dummies they actually are and have been since launch.

But the moment something that affects all players and the entire system used to acquire / trade gear is implemented, you see a huge rise of bots, spam, hacking, rollbacks, etc. (See D2 and PoE for all of these and more). That influences my game, so I’m against it, just like I’d be against making this a subscription service, or them deleting an entire class (yes, even druid, you poor, poor things).

Only way to stop bots by removing gold in any game!

Removing trade solves bots.

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But this is already happening on the third party sites at a HUGE rate, this is no different than d2 or poe at all, its the exact same system, an AH might actually limit it, or atleast allow players to make trades without having to engage with these botters.

What folks tend to do is harbor feelings, opinions and form/derive conclusions based upon past experience.
Neglecting to think how to improve or iterate on a pre-existing system.
I mean simply look at the state of D4 - sheer redundancy and the state of the world - geopolitical et al - it’s a mess because abject refusal to bend and sway, shed skin, evolve, innovate etc.

An AH COULD work if 100% of everything was funneled through it and everything was BOA outside of it. Possibility of an in-game currency that isn’t Gold is also a thing. Fixed pricing ranges and so on.
If 100% of everything was 1-trade only and BOA after the fact - zero “flipper paradise, AH tycoons”.
Yes of course there’d be RMT - but mitigating it is the only path and streamlining, facilitating in-game systems is much much more important than obstinately rejecting everything “because past reasons/systems” in some tantrummatic obtuse and blind manner.

Just as with the duping and rmt of “Summoning Materials” - there were ways to mitigate it.
You know what the argument was to proposals?
“Well RMT will still exist” - yes of course they’ll work around it. Yes of course folks will find a way.
But if one limits more and more and more then a system will naturally grow more secure.
As it is - there’s no doubt there’s coin being made by TPTB(not Devs directly mind you - they’re simply peons following orders) and we won’t ever have an in-game trading system that mitigates, disrupts or hampers/inconveniences RMT shops.

There ARE ways though.
They’re flipp’n easy if one cares to think vs what most do and that’s knee jerk spasm biased reaction with zero creativity, forethought, innovation or grasp of any given situation(ie. they’re part of the problem and have and do participate in RMT in some way - “don’t rain on my parade”).

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They would need to do a few different things.

  1. Make gold untradable
  2. Remove trade outside of the AH
  3. Put caps on how much an item can sell for
  4. Remove any identification of the user tied to that item
  5. Remove the ability to put anything below a legendary item on ah.

Personally I think an AH would do more damage to the purpose of the game. You can never stop RMT but you can make it insanely difficult and add more systems like tempering that is unfriendly to credit card warriors.