Why is this community so toxic?

Actually no joke its my last blizzard game like i feel like i am will buy expansions but thats it. If they will announce Diablo 5 i am not gonna be hyped or any other their game. I am done with Overwatch 2 but with Diablo 4 i feel like i am paid and for most part i got what i wanted its enough cool game for me to log in and waste several hours

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Depending how D4 goes since they are currently so hands on about it.
Same for me. Its got potential depending how dev’s deal with feedback.

The hype for other games though, would be very low atm. And non existent if I left D4.

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McDonalds Generation: Aka instant gratification. They played the game, but did it at mach 95, and are wondering why they are bored, and then they complain about no content. They literally sucked the fun out of the game, and are not mature enough to understand why…

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because we got fooled by paid reviews

… paid reviews… nah
… kfc double down? … hmm ok u got me

I disagree, as a developer I will be happy to get some feedback from players, positives and negative feedbacks. Sometimes it’s valid concerns and that will be objects of some patches and changes.
Blizzard make the game, and we play it. It’s the producer, we are the clients :slight_smile:

You mean the Oprah of nerfs?

This is the biggest L take. Players playing the game “to much” is what makes them see there’s only like 3 endgame activities?

It would of been found out in a month even if you don’t nerd the game.

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Yep, they have also internal plan to follow. It’s a mix of both. For example, they have probably some expansions in their baskets, but we don’t know for now. :slight_smile:

I remember seeing some video about 2 expansions already in the works.

Good to know they care more about expansions then the current game we have.

They care about the current game, just see how many patches they made already.
Comme on guys, it’s great game, they deserve some congrats.

the people enjoying the game are playing it instead of whining on the forums.

Most of them being nerfs.

And you can multitask kid.

Was in a 43 tier nightmare as I was sending that message.

Assumptions be amazing.

most dont come on the forums to boost about the game, they come to complain. yelp taught me well

Most just leave when they aren’t happy. Its very true.

Just hard to get em back :wink:

Once you read a lot, you get used to it and becomes funny to read so much no sense coming from certain users,

Every community is toxic more or less, at the end of the day this is the internet world, it will never change on that aspect

Nor will the fan bois that think its “toxic”. Change that is.

Because the billion dollar company had 12 years to prepare and they are making same mistakes as d3 and also lack features that are in d3 ; (possible re roll outcomes?). Turbo hud should have been base and resources like helltides dot com shouldn’t be required players should be able to log in and have that information in front of them

Dude, we are upset at the devs because this is typical blizzard behavior and has been for two decades. They simply “know better”.

We, as ARPG gamers, told them “attack and defense” are stupid measures and overall stats. They do nothing…
We tell them that the skill tree is so basic and fundamental and we want something more in depth (poe/last epoch). They do nothing (granted, I think 99% of ppl on this forum grossly underestimate the depth of paragon boards).
They very rarely ever take our considerations to heart. We know nothing will change. This is blizzard being blizzard and they will have their reputation as the most unfriendly to their playerbase company.

And to one of your points: Yes we want all of our freakin renown that we have grinded for. Why run through 1-50 content that takes 10-15 hours, and then grind renown for another 5-8 hours ? EVERY SEASON.

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You dont have to do anything. If you dislike the product dont buy it or at least stop playing and dont spend more money on something that you personally dont enjoy.

I dont get why people try to force themselves through games they dont like.
If the game the devs want it to be is not what you want, you clearly are not the target group.