Why is this community so toxic?

Selection bias of a kind:

People who are happy with the game: Playing the game.

People who are unhappy because they didn’t get a power fantasy: complaining about really weird stuff.

To be fair, there is a whole bunch of stuff that needs fixing. The class balance is all over the place. The early game (levels 1-30 on Barb, not sure about other classes) just seems to be a bit of a slog and that’s going to turn off a LOT of people because time is increasingly limited.

Also a bunch of complaints here seem to reflect the fact that the genre in and of itself isn’t really aging very well. It’s terminally stuck in the ealy-mid 90s and that just will not work these days - no matter what you do. And I’m not entirely sure that there’s a great deal of room to move in that space without effectively becoming mostly a different genre. Honestly, I wonder if the future of ARPGs is more akin to moba-style gameplay, or just 3rd-person-action. Because the limitations imposed by click-to-move fixed isometric perspective number-key gameplay just don’t translate as well in the 21st century.

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:thinking: :yawning_face: Just how Much Did Buzzard pay you for that little speech? Or perhaps it was game cosmetics?..Yup that’s it Buzzards too cheap to actually pay someone actual money :unamused:

Community is toxic because Diablo Immortals was the concentrated version of that stuff one scrapes off a dead mans unwashed dilapidated taint and sits out in the sun for a week and then rehydrates with Satan’s piss and then boils down and injects into unknowing passerby’s with a rusty needle used on rabies infected possum anuses.

Hope that answers your question!

Why would we compromise on this ? We’re the one that are going to play the seasons.

That one is more about density, I would rather have buff the worst dungeons than nerfing all the good ones. Especially when all we received atm is nerfs.

That’s got to be the worst point of all your “points” … “You paid for the privledge of playing the game”, I have so many words going through my head but I can’t say those words here…
Well, if they want to keep their jobs or having me as a customer, they’d better listen. It works like this in every industry. You company don’t like that the software its using ? Just change the contractor.

Where are you into the game honestly ? From what I read, there is a huge chance that you’re pre-70.

I don’t really see how you can think D3 release problems are the same as D4’s. D3 was tied to a lame campaign, there was no bounties or rifts back then. There was also a real money auction house fairly early on, you literally couldn’t get far into the game without spending hours playing the market or buying high dps weapons with real money. I don’t remember if the AH was there from the very start but the entire game was balanced around it regardless.

Point is, I don’t think anyone that has actually experienced both releases could objectively say D4 didn’t learn a lot from D3.

Also, D3 didn’t get better simply because of player feedback. Players were a big part in removing the auction house but do you honestly think them adding kanai’s cube or rifts were player decisions? Players are idiots. If it was up to them every game would be PoE where you can brainlessly click a button and wipe whole screens of enemies. Devs need to weigh criticism with the long-term health of the game.


Gigachad may not be the smartest choices from players, but thats why dev’s take in all the feedback and make a rational decision on the matter.

Because yes as paying customers, we pay their salary.

I like to tell them to play wow or POE. I like D4 so go comment on the poe2 forums. I dont want hear it here.

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I’m sure they will be there eventually with how well devs been listening XD Not saying they haven’t done a single good thing because they have.

But things like nerfs over buffs and such. Going down a slippery path.

Then they will wonder why so much money has left them.

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Nah, Reddit is pretty good if you stay away from the toxic Reddit pages that have bad mods. Most of the game reddits are pretty good, far better than their own forums and the population there is well over 20x as high as the Blizzard forums.

It’s insane thinking the Blizzard/Steam forums are better, they do not even come close. For the most part it’s just trolls and people who rage over the most minor or things here.

Still a paying customer that will leave once they aren’t happy.

And once they leave its really hard to get them back.

They have deceived us so many times that we don’t trust them anymore.
It may seem toxic, but it’s not our fault.


Either you’re trolling or you need to revisit when you’re sober. I don’t pay anyone for privileges. I pay for a service or goods. I then get to have an opinion on what I paid for. Any opinion of a product that isn’t what you like is just deemed “toxic”? This isn’t North Korea dude…

First time on the internet? Normalize. Standardize. Devs only ever use those words when they’re nerfing something. Fun dungeons and barbs got normalized, and lucky hit chance on skills got ninja standardized a couple of days ago with no patch notes. Druids will be standnormaldized within the coming days.

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Yea its not like a lot of us haven’t been around since original WoW or anything.

Personally started in TBC. Blizzards track record as of late is yikes in comparison to Old Blizz.

Why are you making this post to be edgy? And get more troll responses… geezus go have fun and play the game

because blizz DEVS listen to these official forums, and in the past it has already proven that they yield to WHINEY BABIES LIKE HERE, thus creating the allmight paper doll game Diablo 3! crap of a game.

THAT’s the main reason.
they know they can influence, so they SPAM AND SPAM until they get what they want.
well i hope some one will teach them a lesson for one!
what about all those people who DONT want to spam forums??
i mean does that seriously takes into consideration with the DEVS?
the people who actually enjoy the game???

if you can’t tell the difference between spamming whinings and complaints to the vast majority who enjoys the game, then the problem is with you. not him.

also, they way the complaints are made are ridiculous- they don’t offer a discussion. they aren’t open for legitimate CHECK. meaning most of the complaints I’ve heard can be deflected easily, but the problem no one is there to discuss it.

it’s just SPAM SPAM spam
if it were meant for real complaints about real issues, i would listen.

Wonder how many pay checks would of been cut if so many people didn’t give Blizz another chance. For the about 10th time.


We always give them another chance, but they don’t always give themselves one.


That’s just like, every single game in existence.

Sounds like the OP is even more disconnected than the devs. And they think it’s a good idea to waste the first 10 minutes of Campfire Chat talking about some cookies they bought from Target.