Why is this community so toxic?

Not quite, GGG has something Blizzard lost a LONG time ago. A reputation of high ethics and while they don’t bend to the community, they are very reasonable about not wasting our time. They know we want to get to end game and they don’t make us slog it in the doldrums for a few weeks till we get there. Anyone can get to end game in less than 15 hrs, even a very bad player (most get there in 8-10 hrs).

No way in hell Chris Wilson would have put on that word salad of a Campfire Chat in which Ron Fergusson derailed nearly every thing he possibly could to keep Adam Fletcher from getting to his notes. When Tiffany asked him very clearly the question about Renown Fergusson spent 5 min talking about necro’s and other things making Tiffany have to go back to the question all over. The entire team seemed confused about how Renown actually worked in the Q & A, it was a disaster. Seriously they spent nearly more time talking about cookies, jokes, and everything else than they about the game and it was one guy who kept mucking it up.

Chris Wilson might not say what you want, but the only Lead Boss man more respected in the industry is FF XIV’s YoshiP. When Chris Wilson says he wants to do his best by the customer I think he means it, and by far and large the community loves the guy. You don’t see GGG changing the rules mid competition and giving special treatment to Streamers and early access to leagues for $$$. GGG’s commitment to fairness is legendary in the ARPG genre.

Of course GGG has their problems “Only 10% play melee and we are more concerned about the 90%”. Missing patch notes ect, but I don’t get the feeling they are screwing the community for $$$.

IMO DIV is crushing it for melee players, it feels like a breath of fresh air compared to PoE, but I think PoE II is going to fix that and bring casters and melee back in line with each other.

IMO GGG is probably sitting back laughing at these huge opportunities missed and taking notes. I think DIV has an opportunity to do something fantastic if their main concern is about the player experience and the player having fun instead of thinking, “what will the player put up with and still give us $$$”.

It’s all about perspective, there are people who wanted D4 to fail from the start, so they’re going to point every negative thing, even if it ends up being subjective.

I love the game, I can hop on, play for 30 minutes or 3 hours at a time and still feel like I got closer to whatever goal I have set for myself. I don’t encounter technical issues outside of the city, I go fast enough that density scaling isn’t an issue to me and I get a little socializing from clan chat, since there’s no global.

Could there be improvements? Abso-frickin-lutely, it can start by telling me my possible enchantments when I reroll gear, as well as letting druid cosmetics change the form of druid while they’re shapeshifted.

Path of Exile seems to be what everyone compares it to, even though it’s only in the same genre, everything else is different and I’m glad it is since I play both games and probably will continue. Tencent owns GGG, Tencent has an amazing Chinese PoE client that is leagues (no pun intended) better than the one I usually play on. PoE isn’t perfect either, it has more currency types than most mobile games, a loot box system that when it came out, if you got duplicates then you were SOL because you couldn’t do anything with them, a campaign that you’re forced to complete before the game actually starts and you need to do most of the side quests in order to min/max.

I don’t think people realize that competition is good for the industry, and if they do, they sure don’t really show it. PoE has already been stagnating for a few leagues, D3 is just pushing out fairly bland seasons, D4 is brand new and hasn’t even started seasons. But I still play all of them for different reasons, I enjoy things about every one, I hate things about every one and none of them have a subscription fee so I don’t rush.

PoE forums are always on fire, too, so it’s not just happening here. Bickering about a brand new game vs bickering about a game that was released over a decade ago, different issues, both good games to me.

Edit: This whole thing reminds me of when D3 and PoE were new, it’s nostalgic and it’s funny to see how things have changed in regards to complaints overall.

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I’m not sure if we’ve been hanging around the same PoE communities, then. Because the responses to PoE’s bloated patch notes are usually “so it’s all nerfs” and “this is a buff” memes. It’s really not all sunshine and rainbows, and until recently, the PoE forums and subreddit were home to some community outrage or another (let’s not forget the furor over the exalt-divine orb recipes).

Still, I do think Chris and co. have good intentions for the game and that people recognize it. Chris is a good guy, or at least that’s the impression I got when I met him in person so many years ago. I’m willing to believe that PoE’s recent faults are due to the game growing far beyond the team’s original scope + project leads being shifted toward PoE2. The little we’ve seen of PoE2 looks amazing. And I’m sure GGG has been confident this whole time that they can do one better than Blizzard.

I just don’t want people to think the grass is so green on the other side. It definitely hasn’t been, and I’ve seen comparable anger in the (vocal) PoE community about how the game has lost its way, patch notes are filled with word salad, the devs aren’t listening to us, and the other usual complaints.


Well, that’s a fair point. But IMO the real problem is the Knights calling any criticism “negativity”. Some times it’s valid criticism imo. It’s the bipolar world of hyperbole that concerns me the most, and no forum seems free from this infection. You’re right, it’s not all sunshine, but Chris is still respected similarly to YoshiP. I have real problems with GGG’s lack to fix melee.

I think DIV melee characters are much better to play. But I still trust GGG more as a company due to them trying to be honest. How do you think GGG would have handled the race to 1000? Do you know if you’re a streamer who plays the beta you can’t win a race? It’s a condition for getting early access that you don’t get to be in the race. They did streamer privilege’s for early access once, and they took so much heat Chris said they would never do it again and apologized and many of the PoE streamers themselves logged off as to not be part of it.

Blizzard use to be respected like that, and because they are not any longer it breeds bad behavior.

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Absolutely, but sometimes it’s preference and people not getting what they wanted. There most definitely is valid criticism, I actually trust GGG less as a company than I did when I first started back in 2012.

I’ve seen a large shift towards cosmetics, battlepasses, custom cursor icons, skill skins, the abysmal amount of currency types and the stash tabs that are being sold alongside them, loot boxes and silent nerfs to loot that they got called out for recently and reverted REAL quick. Not to mention I play SSF now specifically so that I don’t have to deal with any bots, it’s a little astounding at how bad it is, that and their whole RMT scene.

I feel like it was 80/20, 80 being the core gameplay, communication and overall passion, 20 being the revenue generation. I feel as if it’s swapped places, the main focus seems to be on creating a digital demand for paid cosmetics or quality of life things and really sleeping on communication and gameplay mechanics. I know they’re a big company now, even though “small indie dev” is still used to mock them, they aren’t either of those, they have daddy Tencent to please now.

I know for some people, they hold on to PoE because of the sunk(en) cost fallacy, sure it’s a free game but over 11 years and the amount of sales they have, along with supporter and core packs, people have invested some nice money into that game. Sometimes it’s hard for some people to let go of things they’ve invested money into for their own reasons, so they’ll fight tooth and nail to protect something but not always out of good faith.

I really hope the next PoE DLC turns out to be amazing, they need to stop forcing players to progress through a campaign on each new character unless they are going to incorporate more of the end game into the campaign, their artstyle is fine, their graphical fidelity is fine, it looks like they might be adding a dodge function, too.

Also give me pants and toucan.


If that’s what you truly believe, why are you playing their games?

Does it matter why? Asking why will not change it. Welcome to the world wide web

Why well for me it is 70 bucks you may like to toss your money to a con artist but I dont this game is HORRID and there is a army of bootlicking morons out here fighting to be conned !


I paid $100 for a product and it’s not up to expectations and things weren’t delivered on release. Last I know this is their official forums and I have the rights to complaint no?


Customers in the end make the rules really…We made Blizzard…The End

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In a virtual land, not far away,
There existed a community, toxic they say.
With keyboards as swords, they’d fiercely fight,
In an online battleground, both day and night.

I don’t think consumer grievances are “toxic.” Especially when some are valid and common.
To me “toxic” means bigoted, sexist, hate-filled, violent, etc. Like the stuff some Acti-Blizz employees are ACTUALLY accused of doing in court.
Sure, some people are acting like children, as gamers are prone to do, but I don’t think it’s toxic to complain about a purchase you regret, or a game you want to love but don’t because it’s not finished yet. D4 is not finished yet. It’s still in beta. We just all paid for it. And if someone didn’t pay for it or aren’t actually playing it, why are they even here?

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People have the right to complain but you have to admit a majority of these posts are completely unreasonable. At least the D4 subreddit is a little bit more constructive, this place is full of “can’t wait for PoE2” or “game sucks, 0/10”, or “uninstalling, trahs game.” posts that somehow are always at the top posts.

Also, if they fixed most of these constructive “suggestions” the game would be dogshi#$. People complain about damage nerfs when actually more are needed. People complain about monster density nerfs even though it makes no sense that a T3 dungeon is 10x better exp than the hardest sigils. People complain about scaling when removing it would make 95% of the game even more irrelevant and would even destroy the last point where all they wana do is run the same easy highly dense dungeons over and over til they hit 100.

-The devs should listen to the players, just probably not here on these forums.


You must be pretty mad… i guess?

If you are happy, good for you.
But let people write their critics and concerns and play your game?

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This is the type of community Blizzard builds.

Talking about this place lacks pvp communication? Why not form team again said players who do crying for the sake against critics and concerns. I bet their are lot of spoils besides 1000+ post. xD

It’s negative in almost every Blizzard game, and some of it is justified.

I don’t know how old are you, and I guess you don’t play D3 before.
D4 has exactly the same problems as D3, release problems, build problems, dungeon problems, after lvl up nothing to do, yes, 10 years ago same issues as D4

And the point is nothing changed.
D3 was boring and lost the core players till Kanai Cube and dungeon maps update. At that point, D3 already lost most of the core players.
And again, D4 repeats the issues.
So, it’s not the player who should “suggest some ideas” it’s Dev Team will not change anything till no more core players.

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and then all the trolls will come and destroy this thread also.

it’s unbelievable really. i enjoy the game so much, and people are actually suffering. well perhaps they should.

GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE and stop ruining other games!

EVERY god-damn thread is another cry baby complaining.
not even an HONEST discussion. just a baby demanding his toy.

to think these people are grown ups…

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what on earth everyone’s babbling about???
i’ve played all diablo games for years, and i don’t see that AT ALL!!