Why is this community so toxic?

Dude go back to Reddit. We are here to get away from complete noobs.

And I guarantee the majority of those people who have not even finished the campaign are not on the forums or reddit expressing their disappointments. That is exactly why they made a mistake pandering to casuals. I am sure Whoopie Golderg will love the game once she finds out it don’t run on MAC, but she won’t be playing very long.

So all they are left with is a bunch of pissed off actual Diablo Fans.

I know it might be hard for you to believe but some people really do dislike constant negativity, especially when it’s mean spirited and overly dramatic.

I don’t agree with OP fully either but man, this is some kind of conspiracy the lizard people invaded our government vibe.


The removal of the down vote option removed any means for the community to police lame posters and still remain within the TOS. Reinforcing the biggest fail of the internet, enabling the LCD (lowest common denominator) a forum to spew their half-baked opinions and rants.


It’s toxic because it’s intentional. Their “campfire” nonsense is just pr crap.

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to all those that are saying POE2 will end D4, please get a reality check. POE has an extremely niche audience and it will be mainly supported by that niche audience. D4 is more widely spread and is more attractive to a much bigger audience. And, then there is the group that is in between that will play both POE2 and D4. Remember when New World came out what was the buzz word ? “WOW Killer” well look how that turned up. When Lost Ark came out it was going to be the D3 killer, well well well, look how that turned out. And now Thrones of liberty is on the horizon and is already DOA. So yeah people saying LE is going to be the dope, lol man come on…LE only started with 50K max and now its averaging 6-10k. The looooowest population in D4 even if everyone quits will be multiple times, all those combined. So stop saying that BS POE2 will kill of D4. You want to play POE2 by all means, play that and be happy. There will be maaaany players that will play both games and BOTH games will thrive and do well in their own ecosystem.


Press M for the stash sale

and ooh yeah let me remind you guys also POE was developed by GGG. POE2 will be developed by GGG while also keeping in Mind their obligations to Tencent !!! let’s not forget that !!!

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if POE2 releases with MTX conveniences since now they have someone at the top that has a leash on their financials !!!

Is why wow is where it’s at now lol

They’re not obligated, Tencent only owns 93% of them, come on, man!


Normalising dungeons is a wonderful idea. Ideally all the dungeons would be just as appealing as any other. It’s the point that they chose to normalise them to that’s contentious.

People call anything toxic nowadays. It’s not toxic because you disagree with it.

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Erupt? Please, get over yourselves. D3 was fun yeah, but the kind of nit picking “the game has to cater to my need to explode a dungeon in 15 seconds” feedback loop did more harm to that title in the franchise than good. So all the time that the devs have now had to spend catering to the zoom zoom min maxers is being taken away from actual content creation. News flash for you, There are exponentially more casual players than minmaxer level 100 in 2 days 1%ers. It saddens me to hear the game director give a nod to all you whiners. Path of Exile is a niche game and always will be a niche game. In fact it would be great if all 25K(estimated) of you left for there when it comes out.



14 characters

My best theory is that most people here are simply videogame addicts, and in my experience this is how videogame addicts behave. They’re like crackheads looking for the next hit.


I suppose it is a matter of expectations. Once you get great things, you expect better. Always. People become insanely intolerant.

I am so old I played the original “Pong” when it was new. So to me, this is stuff is all gravy. Well worth my money


There is a whiny forum post to the east of you. There is a i’m quitting post to the west of you. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.

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I already knew this game was going to have its fair share of dedicated haters no matter how good or bad it is on release just because it took away all spotlight and most players from D2R and D3.

Sorry but you can’t make people play older games they don’t want to play forever just because you want to.

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It’s also ActiBlizzard we’re talking about, I’ve been hating on them since Activision took the reigns, doesn’t mean I hate the games, though, the Diablo team seems to have their heads on straight as opposed to the WoW side of things.


The WoW/Warcraft side has been a mess for a long time.

Starcraft and Diablo are in much better hands thankfully. It still sucks how badly they botched the WC3 remaster compared to the SC and D2 remasters though… that’s one of my fav games of all time.