Why is this community so toxic?

Blizzard forums have always been toxic, just like the steam forums. It might sound funny saying this but Reddit is a far better platform to discuss things with people.

People have a right to voice their opinions and agree or disagee with things as they please. 1. We paid for the game
2. Free speech.
Have a nice day

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Because they pushed out a bare bones game that wasn’t finished. Now, they want us to wait seasons to get basic QoL features. They also glossed over feedback on item level requirements and monster scaling.

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Because people don’t know how to enjoy a game for what it is anymore.


I prefer the word passionate.

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Don’t let the state of the forums get to you, it’s not an accurate representation of the player base as a whole.


Because it’s not moderated effectively.


Yeah I’d like to see you try to moderate a Blizzard forum. lol

No, no, it is not. Reddit is a nightmare.


Pay me a decent salary and I’d do it.

Reddit is what you make it. The content and personality of Reddit is almost entirely defined by what subreddits you use.

How decent? I mean, you would have to pay me a lot more than they’re paying whoever does it. I promise you that.

People that have criticisms of the game are not toxic. They want the game to be better, and the only way the game will be better is if the developers understand the problems that the game has. This is not toxicity, this is repeatedly ignored feedback that has been given by the fans for a very long time.

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Not sure. It would depend on the metrics that Blizzard has for posts, etc.

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Gonna be honest here, GGG has been on thin ice with its own player base over the past few years due to bloated updates, repeated league mechanics, and consecutive nerfs to offensive/defensive systems. A lot of this is likely because GGG shifted their A-Team to PoE2 and they were keeping PoE1 afloat until now. But let’s not act like GGG wasn’t in hot water with its playerbase. You’ll know that if you’ve seen how angry their players have been on the official forums and on the subreddit over the part year or two. It’s less like GGG had a master plan and more like D4 let them breathe a sigh of relief.

Plot twist: forum moderators don’t get decently, and they often don’t get paid salaries. It’s a thankless job that’s often outsourced to contract workers anyway.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Correct. Thus, why they need someone that will do it effectively.

I don’t hate it though. Diablo IV isn’t interesting enough to hate. It’s not fun for very long. If it wasn’t called Diablo society would have collectively sighed and put it down after a few hours and it would be on sale on Steam for $9.99 in a year.

It’s sort of the most mediocre game I’ve ever played.

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It could always be worse. See: Redfall.