Why do people think D3 endgame is better than D4 endgame?

People are not stupid,they look at rare stats. If you needed time to understand this and do it,that was your issue and your bad old habits and certainly not a common thing.

You sir are hired for the job. This post deserves more likes.

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Nightmare dungeons ARE NOT the same as rifts. I would argue that rifting is far superior to what there is now in place. The nightmare dungeons. I’m not saying they can’t make them better then rifts, and I hope they can pull that off. IMO every rift felt different. I can’t say the same about NM dungeons. Why is it that I can’t seem to find keys for certain dungeons? It seems the only generate from a specified list of the total amount of dungeons. It’s always the same ones.

People will hate me, but I wish they could incorporate more of immortal elements into d4. None of the money grabbing crap involved with rifting, or the game. But I really like the evolving feeling and events immortal has to offer. Things like the social features etc, join groups, I really like their raidtree thing, I like it better then the world bosses. There is a bunch of nice features in immortal they should, or try to bring over. WASD movement, etc.

Hair splitting in 3…2…1…

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Diablo 3 veteran player:

I think D4 endgame is better. It feels more engaging, some of the modifiers make dungeons interesting. It’s still more gear than skill, but it’s an ARPG so I don’t know what else to expect lol.

It’s not amazing yet. Some of the dungeons themselves are pretty dull and some of the modifiers like the Christmas ornament you have to chase around to avoid god zapping you on the head are just annoying, but others are kind of fun.

But Diablo III was 100% brain dead and player skill free, with your predetermined gear set and the name of the game was just delete as fast as possible. You could replace the demons with bananas hiding around the map that you run around clicking as fast as possible and it would almost be the same game in terms of how you played it.

Players who are into wiping screens over and over again have Diablo III, Path of Exile and will have PoE 2 soon as well. There are options out there already for players who just want that gameplay, I kind of like that the pacing is a little bit different in D4, at least for now until there’s another gear tier or two and the balance falls apart the rest of the way :slight_smile:

I think the main issue is the rewards. Diablo 3 and diablo 4 end game could be put next to each other and said “nothing great in either” But diablo 3 made you feel like a monster among demons: Although I feel they went OVER BOARD with the how powerful you can be and are in diablo 3. It was just to much and nothing felt like a threat anymore.

On the other hand diablo 4 items/rewards feel HORRIBLE, the items are dull and boring, the power progression is a slog and why does a lv 85 item drop have - 600 power vs a lv 63?! it just feels bad to do end game because the end game disrespects your time.

And no this is not about the ultra rares: that is fine enough to have rare chase items but the basic foundation items of the game suck, leveling sucks, night mare dungeons are hard to be hard for no reason with no real reward or sense of “I did that and feel good” I always feel bad after a NM dungeon because nothing was worth it.

There has to be a balance they can find between the “items feel good to get” and “your strong but not a god level strong” How to do that: well thats not something I can answer because I am not a tired, bored, disconnected, wants nothing to do with this game (at least how they appear) Dev for diablo 4.

Because D3 actually HAS an end-game and D4 does NOT have an end-game(besides bad designed pvp and poor uber Lilith event).

end-game does not mean farming activities like NightmareDungeons. end-game is where you proove your char/build in comparison with others(e.g. D3 Greaterarift with leaderboards). yes, pvp is end-game(and the only end-game in D4 besides useless uber Lilith) but is very bad designed so can not be even considered as it is now.

Because they had fun in D3 and not D4?

There is no real difference in the endgame of D3 and D4 imo.
In D3 you do bountys and rifts for materials and grifts to level gems, finding items and get paragon level.
In D4 you do NM dungeons for exp and loot, helltides for materials to reroll stuff and whispers for…(do people still do them?).

The loot was more rewarding in D3 and you felt stronger. The journey became awfully short with all the buffs though.
But for some years, shortly after the ah was gone, it was a really nice game.

There are at least as many D2 fans who complain about D4 (and D3 ofc. they love to complain about D3)

people are talking about level 100 and further.

i dont believe there is a game after level 100 u beat uber lilith as a prize and call it a day. i think thats the end of the game, endgame is level 60-100.

I found D3 to be more enjoyable for the simple fact that I could decide to try a new class/build out on a whim and at least get that class to max level and passable gear to make the build functional and feel powerful while playing it in a relatively short time.

In D4 everything just feels like a slog to get through and alts are almost painful to play without having WPs, etc. open.

Also being able to at least drop loot that I didn’t need to my wife or friends if they were in the group with me at the time was icing on the cake.

Same studio. Why didn’t they implement anything they learned with D2R or D3?

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Pacing in D4 is too slow tho.

I see more action in turn based games like Xcom.

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The point is in the real Endgame:

  1. after you reach w4, there is no point for lvl up further.
    Last GS cap is at 725 and you can get with lvl70 chars better items with rolls than with your lvl100 char. That’s bs.
    We need a new world tier and new GS cap for lvl90+ chars only.

  2. ancestral legendary are crap.
    Why I have always to loot rare gear?
    Ancestral legendary needs also higher stats and one stat more.
    And not the same as rare, which you can also cheaper max roll…
    Totally crap system…

  3. tree of whispers is crap and wasted time.

  4. helltide you can do for souls and enchants, but the loot is the same bs, because of you cannot get higher GS…

  5. Nightmare dungeons with the port function is better now, but because of the loot system they are also not worth to play with lvl100…

  6. Tier100 and Lilith? You can do it for your own challenge one time, but you will have done it soon and after that playing high NM tiers ist wasted time, because you get only the same bs loot as you playing lower tiers…

  7. world bosses? They are weak and the loot is bad joke.
    No fun and point to play it.

So what is the reason to play the char over lvl70+ ?
For items is there no point you can still have and buy the best with lvl70.
The only point is for doing that is for your ego…
But all in all high chars have nothing todo in D4 and it feels like wasted time.

They are both garbage.

The D3-Reaper of Souls endgame = seasons, completely changes every 3-4 months. New equipment, new abilities, new bosses. New leaderboard for each season.

D3-Reaper of Souls CHANGES the endgame every few months, so the game never REALLY ends, it just keeps changing. That’s why D3 “endgame is better than D4.”

I’m hoping they’re just going to change the D4 endgame into something similar to D3 Reaper of Souls.

What you are talking about?
The Endgame never changes in D3…you always doing Rift runs…
And also you talking about season changes…
Season will start in few weeks in D4 and dev talk comes next week.

Why would I care about half percent stat stick increases? That’s not interesting.

You don’t know if it’s common or not, seeing as players in other threads have flat out told me a legendary will always be better than an upgraded rare, but thanks for your condescending hot take.

Which noob told you that legendary Endgame items are better than rare items?
Don’t believe everything anyone writes. Inform yourself…

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