Why do people think D3 endgame is better than D4 endgame?

I’m asking because i really don’t know.

I’m only level 59, started the endgame…
I’m seeing lots of posts like that:no end game, no end game. nothing to do?

but in D3 all you had are the same silly adventure quests, and rifts.

here you have:
nightmare dungeons(same as rifts), helltides(which most think its cool-until you die), tree of whispers, and your quests if you haven’t finished them.(4 X5 paragon points are alot!)

so it’s like 4 things to do vs 2.
and that’s without counting events, dungeons to unlock aspects, cellars…
which can add up to 7 vs 2.

what was so interesting in D3?
I think it is the race for power in D3 that was fun. and here the scaling ruins it for people-not for me btw. even though in other games i think scaling sucks.
so are all D4 complainers are D3 veterans?
you tell me. if you have something to say, please leave honest disclosure about your affinity to D3(veteran or whatever)

D2 for example has a horrible grind. that without runestones and RNG would be boring game in end game.


idk, D3 seasons lasted a day or so for me and there was nothing else interesting to do. I play arpg loot hunters to hunt loot.


yep. my point too.

d4 has no carrot in the endgame. you can only get 2 achievements: uber lilith and nm 100. but its more efficient to farm loot on T0.

this is a huge problem that makes people quit.

usually you get higher rewards for more challenging content, in d4 that is not the case and it breaks the game. its a flaw that can be corrected in the future, and i hope it will, but currently it feels like we are stuck in phase 1 where the endgame is broken and my guess is blizzard knows this and just waits for the casuals to clear the current content until they release more.


The best I’ve come up with to explain it is that it wasn’t the endgame that was better. There’s arguably more to do in D4 than D3. However, in D3 you got on a power curve that outpaced the monsters much sooner than D4. So even though there was less to do, you had more fun DOING it.

The balance here isn’t right. Once you start gaining power, the trash mobs should be just that, trash. I want to visually see them pop. I want to hear it. I want to mow down endless streams of them. I want them to be a distraction until I get to an elite pack that I have to actually engage with. Then I want the boss to be a boss.

In D4 it’s like the minions are too strong, the henchmen are just annoying, and the bosses fall over. I’m having to engage my brain at the wrong times. There’s way too much twitch involved when it shouldn’t be needed. I want to be clear that it should definitely be needed, but at the proper times.


Power fantasy, constant action, frequent loot upgrades. Easily change build depending on what content you’re doing, what items drop, or if you get bored of a spec. A repetitive gameloop is core to an arpg. You don’t notice it when it’s fun.


End game for D4 isn’t out yet. They are going to add ladders, which most likely means timers to dungeons. Grifts is what kept D3 going. You grind loot to get incrementally better. How do you know you’re better tho, how do you know if you’re better than your friend or clan mates etc? You get on the race track and race (do timed Grifts). This way you can tell if this tweak or that tweak you made to your build is better. You have a reason to keep hunting for that slightly better rolled piece. That’s the end game in a grind/loot game.


Not trying to sound critical, but so many videos on YouTube about playing efficiently and so many players seem to already have adopted this mentality.

Maybe I’m old now, but remember playing just for playing’s sake? AKA playing for fun? Not trying to turn a game into an exercise in efficiency like resource management in some corporation, not chasing arbitrary achievements to check some ultimately meaningless box.

Again not trying to be critical. Of course everyone finds fun in different ways but I just don’t get it.

You do you though :slightly_smiling_face:


The measuring of electric pixels never really was a driver for me, though I’m sure it is for others. The thing I enjoyed most in D3 was the ability to have a bad day at work, log in and just roflstomp a bunch of evil bastards for a couple hours laughing like a maniac the entire time. You just can’t really do that in D4 (yet?)


LordKaffa, it’s simple really. In D2, you could pop a few runes into socketed gear and get an amazing item with a whole list of bonuses. In D3, items were simpler, but rained from the sky. Both played into the dopamine hits some players crave. But, it also spoiled them. D4 is more reserved with it’s gear and affixes, and it’s disappointed a lot of players. I’m not one of them, because I take D4 for what it is. Regardless, many (though not all) are taking that lack of a dopamine hit out on the game in non-constructive ways.


Hmm. Interesting. I played D3 a fair amount and don’t feel D4 is different in that respect. There are mechanical differences, sure, but I can still log in, slay some baddies and have a great time. Loot comes when it comes. Season 1 will be out soon. Guess I’m just not in the “go, go, go! now, now, now, now!” mindset like some.

Oh I agree that it’s nice to just stomp through masses of mobs without having to use a ton of effort as a relaxing end of the day thing. If that’s all you do, there’s nothing wrong with that. There are people that do that through the week, but then want more at other times.

I’m not saying everyone should try to be rank 1 on leaderboard, not at all. I do think it’s nice to be able to test yourself, test your new gear, your new build tweaks etc. I personally enjoy battling my buddies and clan mates to see who can get the best time or whatever. Others go for bigger fish, they want to be world ranked etc… Regardless, if there’s no timers, then there’s no way to tell if you’re really improving and then you have D2. Completely pointless grind, which again…is good at times, but the option to do more is needed.

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Yeah, fair enough. More is good too.

Lolwut? Same crappy layouts, same crappy tilesets, same crappy 4-5 enemy groups. They’re nowhere near same as rifts. They’d be lucky if they were anything like rifts.

A far more boring version of bounties. At least you get to fight Act bosses in D3 anytime.

That you can only do once per toon.

Oh you mean the same crappy 4-5 events that pop up on your way to doing something else?

I’ll take more hidden footprints over that trash anytime.

You don’t “unlock aspects”, they’re simply a cheap way to get some early boost. They’re the same crappy leg powers you see on legs.

Any other way you wanna get debunked? Keep 'em coming.


It’s not go go go, now now now at all. I’m not looking to reach some goal as quickly as possible. Playing the game was the goal. I never thought about how best to grind paragon levels. Those just happened as a side bonus. The action was visceral in a way that I don’t feel from D4. I can’t seem to articulate exactly what is missing other than I just don’t feel like the hero.

It’s basic power fantasy really. I want little baby demons growing up with their parents telling them that if they don’t brush their teeth, the evil nephalem will show up and put an axe in the head.

One thing I enjoy about D4 is that we can turn rares into legendaries without the randomness of D3’s Kanai’s Cube or being forced to grind, grind, grind till the item drops in D2. I had the old Diablo mentality for a long time in D4, salvaging or selling all of my rares without actually looking at them. Then I paid attention and saw a great roll for my build. I wonder if folks are just trashing all their rares because they’re not a special color. That would explain a lot about why they’re struggling with scaling and so on. One imprint on a neck piece and a few tweaks to my paragon board were the deciding factor in me clearing the capstone at level 67 without a death after struggling.


d3 took years to have any meaningful endgame/adventure mode.
Even as it is today its okay it you like the set and forget combat mechanics and basically just don’t stand in things that explode,gameplay poping loot pinatas, which basically feels like a gear check through greater rifts, other wise t16 is a cakewalk and just farming bounties over and over of mats, or poping some nigtmare portals,
Idk pnly speaking for myself this got old fast for me.
I get some people loved it,it’s the most poker machine style game of the series so i get that.
Not my idea of fun or a good game though.
Sure i want to find cool,powerful and rare items and i liked the idea of rune words to craft powerful items in d2r.
But the rest don’t care for loot pinatas.


Youre right about the bosses for sure. Generally easiest fight in every dungeon.

Yes i love this, yellow gear feels less auto pilot just dismantle for mats or sell for gold until you no longer need to even do that.

So much better, even on a alt i love that mats carry over and i get upgrade blue gear, over all gear feels more useful and meaning full the d3 by miles.

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People seem to forget that when D3 launched its endgame was just leveling and progressing through the campaign on different difficulties, grinding each act once you hit Torment. If you beat Torment Diablo, you were pretty much done just like hitting 100 and clearing Uber Lilith.