Why do people think D3 endgame is better than D4 endgame?

If you only read people who know knothing about the game…
Yellows have better base stats than legendaries… If they don’t know that,nothing can help them.They are probably salvaging bots used to salvage anything but legendaries in previous Diablo games.

This is also not true.

“Legendaries” are just yellows with a “legendary” aspect on it.

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D2 = For bad players that just want story time. Please don’t make these “elitist” prove that they are any good in a competitive situation like a timed Grift. They just want to look pretty in the lobby. D2 you can hide and just talk a lot of crap, get these players where they have to actually prove they are good and virtually all of them want to go back and hide where they can just talk about being good. That’s why you keep going back to that game, you can hide and pretend you are better than you are.

Because in D3 I could lock my game to private & only deal with other players if I wanted to.

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I agree with you. The biggest difference was the finer details due to more Uniques more sets, and thus more build options

Once Diablo four has as many unique’s and they introduced sets, it’ll be just as good as Diablo three where are you were looking for that one unique to make your world win perfect.

In Diablo four there’s the whirlwind gloves. The two rings, and then you’re just looking for Helms cool down and hire DPS weapons.

There are unique boots that drop, but there for Leap attack. There is the unique chest and then there’s the unique pants that are sort of good for whirlwind but really, it’s not the same as Diablo three

So yeah, once they have more UNIX and more sets it’ll be better. Also, I don’t see why I can’t get a grandfather drop.

I’m a D3 vet, probably several thousand hours over the years, but I also played a ton of D1 and D2 way back in the day. I’ve done the whole leaderboarding grind thing, made it on there a few times(PS4 version I think?), cleared vanilla inferno somewhere right before or after the 1.0.3 patch(would have to reinstall to check dates), own the game on multiple platforms, blah blah blah, nobody actually cares about the “street cred.” That being said, I think D4 is a really great step forward and I’m curious where it will go in the future. D3 changed SOOO much over its life and there’s a reason why nobody talks about vanilla D2 and only talk about D2LoD, that’s because a lot changed.

One big issue for many, going from D3 to D4, is that it got too many people used to the ADHD bullethell <2min rifts and split bounty farming system. A lot of the complaints are that people can’t play D4 like Vampire Survivors where they hold one button down and tickle their lizard portion of their brains with dopamine, as they see big flashy explody numbers everywhere.

Another issue is the itemization in D4 makes you have to actually think a little bit more. Most of the stats contain more than two words to them, so it hurts brains. It’s not as cut and dry compared to the previous games. But that’s a topic for a completely different thread of its own.

Don’t even get me started on the D2->D4 crowd… There’s no hope in trying to get them to take off the nostalgia goggles.

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Let me stop you right there.
In D3: mow through glorious mob density in random dungeon mashup, until you get to the boss, get loot. All straight up action and fun.
In D4: sift through sigils with cancerous affixes that are meant to annoy you and slow you down, pick some that are ok, run a dungeon where you need to back track to complete “objectives”, open the door to the boss by walking through an empty dungeon with your keys, complete.

I dunno man. I think D3 was better here by a long shot.

Every. Single. Time

You all need to actually listen to me about this. It’s the truth. So, I’ll say this again.

It’s all just nostalgia.

Many players (GenZ, specifically) started the Diablo franchise with Diablo 3. They will continue to claim that Diablo 3 was the best in the series, even when they are old and playing Diablo 8. Many other, older players, who played Diablo 2 first will ALWAYS AND FOREVER claim that it’s Diablo 2 that’s the best one in the series.

It’s. Nothing. Else. But… Nostalgia.

/thread (for every single thread like this, and all arguments about it)

It’s just the truth.

Dang, gonna mess up your whole way of thinking… I’m ollllldddd guy. (started using my name FeLoNiouS in '84 with The Bards Tale as a teenager, complete with alternating caps before it was a short lived fad), played D1 obviously, played and loved D2. Even bought a handful of copies for family and friends so they’d play too. Played D3. Here’s the part you get wrong…D3 is definitely my favorite. D3 gives you the reason and purpose to keep grinding. Welp, there goes your busted theory, better luck next time with your generalizing.

Because D3 has an end game, currently D4 doesn’t.

I was here through D1-D2 and the atrocities of D3.

That said, D3 S28 simplified the ARPG to it’s most basic end game formula:

  1. Plvl toon to 70 in 30 min - hour
  2. Gear up in rifts/grs, min / max to your heart’s content
  3. Measure your power in GRs by seeing how fast you can wax the floor with melted faces.
  4. Rinse repeat…

You can spend 30 min a day or 10+ hours a day whatever you wanted.

It’s like a never ending slot machine for better or worse.

It ain’t about generations or any BS like that, it’s a simple carrot on a stick a lot of people here are mentioning. D4 = Too much stick not enough carrot.

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lol. No.

Not even close. I had fun in grifts.

When I want to go to bed, I play a dungeon in D4.

That is D4 to me atm.

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Even if you get to the face melt mode with builds, there’s really no repetitive nature aspect to it right now, aka an addictive way to measure it right now, which in D3 were rifts/grs.

This can be accomplished with more incentives to nightmare dungeons:
Make current uniques worth grinding / farming for.
Bosses worth fighting in nightmare dungeons.

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Not the same people, bruh, do you think they are the same number and people that worked on d2, working today on d4? What makes a studio is people, not the name