Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

TQ is great too. Same basic dev team as well.
I do think Grim Dawn is more polished. TQ is a bit janky, but still delightful. I’m biased, though…I started playing TQ when it first game out, and it was basically Diablo 3 for me. I was getting tired of playing D2 constantly, haha. It’s also nice that TQ isn’t grimdark. I like all the color and sunlight. Greece really looked like Greece, too. I spent a semester there in college.
To me, it’s sad they decided to make a city builder as their new game instead of Grim Dawn 2 or another ARPG with the same system, but in a 3rd world/setting.

I think you are right. I wasn’t sure if you had played it, so I was just looking out for a fellow arpg enthusiasts just in case. The TQ expansion is probably my favorite part of TQ lol

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Ya I agree with you on this Fender. I also do not believe this is normal for a live service game, because so many other company’s do not release games in this state missing so many basic, industry standard features. Personally I was skeptical on if Blizzard was capable of making a good game in the current state of the company and I said to my friends that I didn’t think D4 was going to be very good. However, I was a huge D1 and D2 fan as a kid and absolutely loved the Diablo when it was good, so I was hopeful that somehow they would manage to make D4 really good. I played in a couple of the betas and to be completely honest, I was pretty disappointed with it back then and really wasn’t very excited for the full release of the game. Once it was released, I found myself getting bored of it very fast and even had to force myself to play just to finish the whole campaign. And I found that the more time I spent, the further I went, the higher the level I achieved, it gets more boring and more pointless. And the whole time I was thinking about how this is the quality of a game they release for a premium price, because this is what blizzard has become. They knew the game didn’t have to be good to sell a lot based on its title and they knew even if they charged an outrageous price, people would pay it. And yes I paid the price because it was Diablo. But I did so with thought process that if the game was not up to my standards, it would be the last product I would ever buy from Blizzard, because simply put they just don’t make good games anymore in my opinion, but they think they can charge a premium price.

I personally don’t consider Blizzard to be a AAA game company anymore and I am not going to be buying from them again in the future. If D4 had a reasonable price tag for what was delivered, I think I would feel different about it. But I am simply not willing to pay the price of a Lamborghini for a Camry in the future.

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As far as day 1 launches go in terms of bugs and server stability, Diablo 4 is one of the best titles in the past decade.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a single player game and people were falling through the god damn floor when it launched.

All Assassin’s Creed titles are riddled with bugs, all EA titles are riddled with bugs, all Bethesda games are riddled with bugs. Skyrim IS STILL riddled with bugs despite being re-released and sold are full price no less than 7 times.

Not only is the current Diablo 4 experience relatively normal for an initial ARPG live service release, it’s marketedly better than almost everything else when it comes to day 1 status.

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Lol, except they forgot add the actual ARPG in the game. TBD with patches and seasonal content.

Marketing conflicts with getting it on 6/6/(2x3)

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That’s ridiculous. They made a lot of money riding on the Diablo name and Blizzard franchise. Diablo: Immortals also made a ridiculous amount of money.

Plenty of people bought D4 thinking this was going to be a more complete and less unfinished game than it was.

Plenty of massive corporations made a ridiculous amount of money, yet are still screwing the customers over.

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Yeah, D3 also broke sales records and had an 88 on MC. Diablo: Immortal made a ton of money, as well.

According to you, the last 3 Diablo games, including D4, have been bad, but people keep paying for them–including you. Why is that?


Except that Skyrim and stuff is actually a good game, even with the bugs. D4 is not really good right now for a $70 game unless they really start fixing it, and it’s possible that they won’t.

If the standard you are comparing it to how aRPGs should be on release (especially ones that cost $70, on top of having an MTX store for cosmetics instead of finding the cosmetics in the game) is games like POE 12 years ago, which was also free, then you are probably using a wrong comparison.

we don’t live in the 2000s anymore grandpa, try to keep up with the currents

Because KFC demon ads told us to.

Yeah, seriously. That must have been one spicy chicken sandwich.

im having a blast go play other games if you feel this way

Divinity original sin 2, Baldurs gate 3 worth it. Diablo 4? Not really. Maybe for 15$ its would be not so bad choice


Funny thing to point out, grandpa or not that the most played ARPG games in history and currently before the launch of D4 was D2 and PoE. Grandpa’s might have some insight that you need to learn about ;).

Bethesda is the worst, IMO, too. They not only release buggy messes confidently, they also rely on free labor from their fanbase to fix it.
They don’t even have the decency to PAY people to fix their mess. Modders do it. For free. SMH.

If someone doesn’t enjoy D4, fine. But people here really need to stop acting like it’s as bad (or worse) than D3’s launch.
Or almost any other AAA launch, for that matter…

well if you have not yet noticed already, money is the motivation to everything, I am rather sure you’d be doing the “exact” same thing any major production company would in today’s competitive world

When they do the same thing over and over again (pre order games) and expect different results (a decent game) only to get burnt in the end then complain and do it all over again, its just one mad loop after another.

the gamers do it to themselves as they allow it.

This game felt finished to me when I played it prior to official launch. The biggest issues I observed were related to the multi-player aspect of the game, where you group with friends to play through the campaign. For example, it is/was possible for group members to miss out on dialogue and cutscenes even when they are standing next to you and everyone is on the same step. Quest progression differences, group leader map priority, etc, just makes for a mess. The health bar issue was minor, but it was one of multiple minor issues we experienced during gameplay. Again, they were all related to a multi-player/group experience.

In spite of those issues, we have had a lot of fun playing. You have a valid point, in my opinion. But I consider your comparison to alpha stage quality pure hyperbole, having played through alpha and beta stages in multiple games over the years. It feels like a AAA game to me.

It havent always been that way, yes indeed D2 sold very well, i remember it as one of the biggest sellers in history if i am not wrong it is years ago i sadly do not remember the exact numbers.
It was one of the first of its kind, online gaming with your friends, it was insane back then i was personally sitting on a phone modem to play the game cutting the phone line. There was no monetization in the game, the game was build around what the community wanted, they wanted a hard game, with loot extremely hard to find, so there would be an imense amount of gameplay to play!. So they build it for them what a wonderful world, back then a CDKEY for D2 or D2lod cost around 5-10 dollars, a game that was played by hundred of thousand players.

Here we are D4, people yelling for exp to get level 100 without a single upgrade since level 70 hell tide run and a single thing to do since level 80.

I paid $110 cad for the game, played about 250 hours already and enjoyed every minute of it. If I can get $1/hour out of a game I consider it a win and this game has far exceeded that not to mention I intend to enjoy the progression of the game for likely hundreds more hours over the next bunch of years.

Does the game have issues? Sure. Is there a bunch of weird decisions that were made, definitely. there is a bunch of qol stuff that I would love to be implemented, but I try not to let it bother me and just enjoy the experience. In the end if I’m having fun then the rest doesn’t really matter.

My comment to you would be to do what I do with most games, wait for them to come out and watch a couple reviews and/or streamers play the game and if you think it’s not good enough yet then either wait until it is or just don’t buy it. Buying games on launch is always a risk to know what you are getting although I would think based on the 2 open betas that you should have had a pretty good understanding of what you were getting into.

Personally, I can’t wait until season 1 starts!