Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

I regret buying it 100%.

The game feels like its worth a solid 29.99. Play the story. “Cool”. Then delete


People like the OP are the same people posting prelaunch that d4 was going to be this mega game to change their entire life. “D4 is going to be so good my wife is going to start respecting me again and my kids are going to start doing what I say”

Reality kicks in and they’re devastated.

OP probably put in 100+ hours, that’s enough to 100% probably 1.5 - 2 AAA titles


Have… you been just playing Diablo 2 for 25 years and not played any other game that released in that time?

This is how multiplayer games are. Sure, it’d be nice if they had a bit more dev time and longer beta periods to get the initial launch a bit cleaner, but for games like this I’d much prefer a game that evolves over time with balance changes, content additions, and feature updates than one that is just static and never changing… even if that means the release is a bit shaky.

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Bumped for Baldurs Gate 3, I’ve been really patient waiting for full release. Didn’t want to spoil it with the beta. It’s gonna be so good!

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What are you talking about 5-10 dollars? The original game released for about $60, which is the equivalent of about $105 now. Diablo 4 base game costs less and they intend to support and have a map to add content constantly for the foreseeable future.

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Took about 1 year and then you could buy cdkeys online, apparently you missed out.

I’m amazed at how low the standards are towards game developers in 2023. Call your game a « live service game », and you can release an unbalanced unfinished product and be excused for doing so because it is « live service ».

I guess other games should follow this pattern. Maybe Sons of the forest should have identified themselves as a « live service game » and sell the game at full price. Anyway, this seems to be ok by today’s standards.


I finished one walkthrough yesterday didn’t make some side quests though had like 3-4 i think and played bit second walkthrough. Think now as well about trying Dos2 its should have combat without random i heard and just would be cool to play i guess until Baldurs gate 3 release no games i am hyped anymore so

Divinity Original Sin 2, is very, very good. If you got a friend or buddy, you can pick it up on console and couch coop it. Or buy it online and play it that way. Either way, I recommend multiplayer coop.

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See, I don’t necessarily consider this ‘unfinished’. It has a full complete story, over a hundred hours of content, all the classes are playable.

Is it missing some QoL features? Sure. Is the balance not perfect? Ya. But balance, in complex games, is virtually impossible to EVER get perfect, much less have perfect BEFORE you even get players exploring it.

But the game is a complete experience. And it is balanced enough - there’s no class that can’t participate, there’s no outlier that’s MILES stronger than anyone else.

Your expectations are impossible. No complex multiplayer game could ever live up to your expectations. It’d take decades of dev work and by the time it released it STILL wouldn’t live up to your standards because it’d be dated since it was designed for a decades old engine.

blind fanboys.

no followers for no reason,
terrible class balancing and yet there are only FIVE classes,
terrible itemization,
useless PVP
Uniques that support like 1 meta build per class.

Just a disaster of a game.


its an abosolute disaster mate, i paid 100 dollars for it. If i could get those back i would.


Again. These standards are so low, I guess I should launch my own game studio. Games will be crap but who cares.

Also, you make it sound like it is so complexe. A single play through with all class is more than enough to realize how so many build possibilities are a total waste. By level 40 I already knew how terrible world scaling is, and itemization, and the lack of key QoL features. Are you telling me that these issues are so complex to notice that it’s ok for Blizzard to have to wait for their customer to tell them these problems? I mean how dumb do you think these people are? They knew what they were doing. Releasing the game in this state was a conscious decision.


If you think this is so easy, do it.

Armchair devs like you are literally the most pathetic human beings in the world. Judging when you have literally no idea how hard something is - acting like what you’re asking for is the easiest thing in the world because you have no idea how many hundreds and thousands of hours what you’re asking for would take.

Go. Start your studio. Make your game. Prove you can do it better. Until you do, stop being such an idiot.

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Have you read the rest of the post? How complex is it to spot those issues? What level were you in your first play through when you noticed them? We’re not talking complex stuff, we’re talking basic stuff.

Diablo 4 took 0 risk and brought 0 innovation. All they had to do was to get their simple game design right, and yet, we accept that they release a product so flawed that it literally takes a few hours of play time to realized how wrong it is? Oh right it’s a live service game so that’s fine…


" Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?"

Because standards are lower and lower with each passing day, unfortunately. Hence why basic features and QoL which should be the baseline will be scattered over the next decade, and devs will be praised because “they listened”. It turns out that today, more than ever, one needs to state the obvious time and time again.


Diablo 4 took risks.
They made a MMO/ARPG hybrid.
They also went with a drab, grimdark art style reminiscent of D2R.
They made a top-down ARPG. Not a FPS, not a Souls-like, not a straight up MMORPG.
They also put a ton of work into cutscenes, dialogue, and story… things many “hardcore Gamerz” complain about in their 24/7 grindfests.

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You’ve clearly never bought a new online game before. I’ve never once, ever, had a new game work perfectly when it first came out. Ever.

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Come on, that’s just not true. Diablo 4 took 0 risks. What’s innovative about it?

Read my post you replied to. It’s short, shouldn’t take you too much time.