Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

This game was clearly not finished when it was released. It has so many issues, terrible balance and missing tons of simple features. However, some people say “this is normal this is a live service game”. Live service game, but still a game sold at full price and advertised as a finished product, right? Did I buy an Alpha stage game under development at the price of a fully developed AAA game??? That is surely how it feels…


If you want to give feedback, you might actually try giving some useful feedback instead of just “bad game is bad”. Your thread, as it stands, is nothing but a waste of space.


It’s casuals who haven’t even seen what the problems are later on, and people in denial. Or both. These toxic positivists enable corporations to cut corners. They go after those who stand against it. It’s a strange psychological thing related to tribalism.


Beta, sure… I can see the logic in the statement even if I think it is way overstated.

Alpha :rofl:


as a software developer, I can ensure you that you have no idea what alpha test is


Game should have been standard 50$.
20hr campaign and done.

There is no endgame or longevity to justify a raised price.


It’s customary in today’s day that AAA companies release games in an unfinished state due to marketing demands.

Release/collect now, apologize later.


I’m enjoying the game…if you don’t then quit. It’s pretty simple…don’t do things you don’t enjoy. Jeez


Too late, I paid and can’t get reimbursed now…


If everyone followed your advice, D3 never would have left inferno and changed at all. D2 would have remained a mediocre game like it was at launch.

The issue is you don’t want to see feedback because you are only looking for positive confirmation bias.


I’d quantify myself as a casual compared to most forum people (1-2 hrs a day usually with a spike of 5ish hours on a weekend if I want to) and I think even “we” can see the issues.

Now, overall… are those issues greater than the positives? I think not which is why I get a laugh out of the game being “trash” or “horrendous” anything average or up to very good I do think is fair depending on the player’s focus as most of the glaring issues come when grinding for periods of time.


Hmm I should use that in shop, because EXACTLY same food that I was buying year and half ago now cost just twice as much. 18 months difference. I sure hope your salary didn’t increase in last… 20 years as well, especially if you are not preforming way better.

Not sure why you tagged me o.O

My game is finished, I dont know whats wrong with yours.


Bodach is casual that is scared of NM as challenging content and got railed up when he found up nightmare dungeons indeed provide bit better rewards. Don’t worry about him.

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Honestly this game is a 10 out of a possible 10.
It doesn’t need to be a live service because it couldn’t even be improved no matter how many patches they put in.
If the company was wise, they would repurpose the entire team that worked on the whole project because it’s completely finished it’s so darn good.
That is what it means to be a 10 out of 10. Like this game. That doesn’t need anything at all to change because it could never get better than this let me tell you.
Bugs? Non-existent.
Balance- as all things should be it’s perfectly on the level.
Server stability- Infallible
Fun and excitement? - Slim Jim levels of it.


Same reason people were defending D:I monetization because “predatory monetization is normal for a mobile game, what’s the big deal?”

People are dumb.


Cool lol, go forth knight, protect the forum realm!


That dude is a notorious troll or shill or both. That’s why he locked his forum activity. EVERY post was a blizzard boot leather bath.


Exaggerating in feedback for hopes that “if my words are hurtful enough, they’ll listen” is not helping neither you or the game or the trust that your words even realistic.

The game have and will for a good time, some balancing issues and few bugs… but hell it is worth every penny. We want more? Definitely… and we’ll get it.

Just please be realistic in your feedback and constructive, so the voice of other truely passionate gamers aren’t being downplayed as exaggerated unrealistic attemp to get attention.