Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

Diablo 3 is superior to D2R in a modern arpg era IMO currently.

I think one of the problems gamers put on gaming companies is that people like to put things in buckets. They put labels on video games like “arpg” and “mmo”, etc. and it creates stagnation in innovation. It puts ‘rules’ around what the game can or cannot do.

They’re just ‘games’ and as such, they can do things outside of the norm. I do think if your target audience likes to play other ‘arpgs’, then you might still put in certain concepts, such as seasons, etc. and that’s totally fine…or they could avoid it altogether but know that there’s a risk that this group of people might not be as attracted to the game, but it might attract a new group of people, etc.

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What are you f+ing clowns always expect ? Its 70 bucks. Thats barely enough for a weeks worth of grocery these days. Which other hobby is so cheap/hour.

Even if you dislike it now you can still come back in 6 months when the game has been improved.


I guess if you really want to know, D2 classic is in my opinion a superior game in all aspects but the graphics


you use two words in your post. Clearly and Finished. I do not think those words mean what you think it means.

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Well, you could still stop playing. You’re out the 70 bucks anyway. May as well spend the time doing something you like to do.

Strongly disagree. D3 lacked depth and complexity through items and skill trees. D2’s itemization still reigns supreme.

There are like 10x more people playing d2r when seasons drop than D3. It shows that d2r has more longevity through it’s depth than D3 does. D3 is liked by the casual market and it has a fanbase, but it doesn’t retain arpg fans like d2r does or PoE for that matter.


Corporate strategy was probably something along the lines of: Release an incomplete version of the game in order to invest as little as possible, pocket all the sales money, then use future proceeds (battle passes, skins, etc) to slowly complete the game over the next 10 years.

I’m not surprised anymore. They won’t even half-way finish their Diablo titles anymore before they release it. When companies start becoming too greedy that’s when games start going to sh!t. It’s evident they are willing to trade player experience to squeeze out more money, even if that means selling you an incomplete game. It’s plausible they spent more money on marketing this game than actually developing it.


Needless to say, there’s really no bias in saying that repeating linear content, with worse inventory system where you share space with charms, definitely astronomically worse potions system is just better than D4.
NO bias at all.

All it shows is that people were interested in a remaster. Are you really surprised something new to the market did better than a game just giving seasons? Guess what, it had more players than D2 as well.

D2/D2R might be the most overrated game in the history of games.

No one is saying Diablo 2 is perfect, it isn’t. There are things that could be done to modernize it a bit and improve quality of life, like a separate charm tab, stacking runes and gems among other things. But d2 is such a superior game, those shortcomings can be overlooked in comparison with d3 and d4’s shortcomings like absolutely garbage itemization and enemy scaling. Those impact an arpg far more than limited inventory sapce.

How do you define “all aspects but the graphics” ?

You have a right to your own opinion, but I think you’ll find most arpg fans don’t feel that way. It’s the godfather of the arpg genre (and to a lesser extent d1).

FOMO, mindless consumerism, we will keep buying the crap they release. It’s really sad what the gaming industry has become.

I don’t. See what season 1 brings.

Because they have no self respect, it’s that type of person who loves to be the pet of a wife and be submisive for the rest of his days, aka BETA MALES or just idiots honestly. Either way is disgusting

I don’t know why you are quoting me with someone else, that’s his argument to make, not mine. But I guess I’ll bite?

Audio Design - D2
Music - D2
Graphics - D4. Art team really did a good job here. I love all the usage of backdrops and vistas.
Skill Trees / Paragon - Kind of a toss up. I like how D2 skills get more powerful and visually look more powerful as you level. But I like D4’s paragon system for endgame. Tie
Itemization - Hands down D2
Story - D2 (though D4 did better here than I expected). All those Act cinematics really get you engaged
Combat - D2. Better monster density and no scaling gives you a sense of character progression. If D4 removed scaling and fixed density I might give it to D4.

Grim Dawn is better than D4 in basically every way, aside from graphics/budget.
It’s my personal favorite in the genre, and I’ve played almost all of them at this point, meaning top-down ARPGs AKA “Diablo-likes”.

I still ike D4, though. It’s a good game and I’m having fun with it so far.

Is an aRPG ever finished? Seems like no…

Grim Dawn is great. It barrows heavily from Titan Quest (it’s even the same engine) if you are looking for something similar. It has the same pick two skill trees and combine them system, which I love!

“The game is perfect. I ensure that I call out everyone that disagrees with how perfect this game truly is. I am Blizzard’s greatest Knight.” - Actua.