Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

I can’t believe you have 3200+ posts …on a game you clearly don’t like ( or hate ).

I don’t know who has a problem here. The game, or you?

Even if the game is trash at the moment, it doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way in the long run. Look at D3 vanilla : it was wayyyyy worse than D4 but now, D3 is actually a lot of fun.

So yeah, the game is way too expensive for what it is right now, but we’ll have to see how it evolves.

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There is a difference between haters and dissatisfied customers. That is the whole point of the forums. For $90 I am a displeased customer.

ARPG is not for you, if the best in the genre doens’t satisfy you, none will.

what do you mean best in the genre ? that’s a dubious statement.

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Couldn’t care less, I played on PS5. At least it delivered the whole (huge) experience on day 1 and expanded on previous From games. Meanwhile diablo 4 is like “hurr we only had 10 years to make this, please give us another 10 years for it to be good”


Being a scholar, I would never quote Wikipedia for anything as evidence. People can put whatever they want and edit it on Wiki.

second place is not even close,
comparing any current action-rpg with diablo 4 is a joke, comparing them is cowardly because there is no competitiveness between dead games and a game of this quality.

Hi! You must be brand new to video games. Welcome! Games release at $60+ now. There are console/PC games that you can beat in 15 hours yet pay $60+ for. I am willing to bet you played a lot more than 15 hours.

Also, since you are new, Blizzard will continue to add content which will be included. They likely will only charge if it is a brand new expansion. Even then though they didn’t charge as it was free in D3.

Anyways, the price is fine. Too bad you aren’t liking the game and since you are new gaming, there are tons of games that launch with issues people like you feel but the company keeps pumping out patches etc.

Maybe gaming isn’t for you in general though.

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Now imagine saying D4 is the best in the ARPG genre with a straight face


Now imagine saying PoE is the best in the ARPG genre with a straight face.

Crazy how everyone has different opinions. Fun fact. Just because YOU might not think it is doesn’t mean it isn’t. It is all 100% opinions.

Seriously wonder what you are rating then ? Can’t be content, can’t be class balance, can’t something as basic as resistances working.
I’ll grant you the visuals, atmosphere and the way it plays are top notch, but that seems shallow.

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I have all day, which game is better than d4?
I dare you to name it, my afternoon is really monotonous, I want to laugh

inb4: “aLL gAmEs ArE BeTTer ThAn DiaBLo 4 hur dur”

The thing is I didn’t say anything. But a game that’s 3 weeks old and most are already getting bored of, I’m not sure how you come to the conclusion that its the best ARPG in the genre.

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The game itself is very good, nice game play. A game clearly with many problems: the itemization is ridiculous. 90% of the legendary items are useless. The aspects are very poor. At lvl 100 there is nothing to do besides farming items.Put a chaotic infernal tide lvl 110.Places in the open world with maps above your level mainly with the tree. And punishment for death, my god, losing experience is urgent, just losing gold is very little. And for the love of God, don’t leave the leving equal to d3.

You said in one your earlier post today “Diablo 4’s scaling system is very good”

I’m not sure engaging with you is going to be very productive.

Talk about an apples to oranges comparison. Comparing a game just released to something over a decade old. PoE peaks around 100-200k every season on Steam alone. That’s not even taking into account people using the launcher or console, so probably more realistically 200-400k. That’s pretty amazing for how old it is. Bookmark this post, come back in 10 years and lets see if Diablo 4 has those numbers.


Why am I not the least bit surprised that you can’t name a single game in the genre that beats Diablo 4…

Met my expectations, thats all i have to say

live service game isn’t a ‘type of game’. Every single form of modern development practices works this way. It’s just Agile.

They’re delivering a Minimum Viable Product so that people can still get value out of the product and they can start getting ROI sooner. This is a super common practice in web/mobile development. It’s not as well received in the gaming community, although it is superior without a doubt.

The problem is really where they landed on the MVP. I think there are some major gaps in the MVP that they shipped and gamers don’t always come back a second round to play the game again if they’re let down enough on the initial impression. D3 is a good example of this as modern D3 is a good game.

I have many complaints with the game but if they wouldn’t have released at this point, it would have been just as bad or worse down the road as they’re at least attempting to make adjustments based on community feedback.

They’re missing major areas of content between lvl 80-100 to the point that nobody wants to play it after they get to lvl 80 unless they want to kill lilith.

D2, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, PoE, and Titan Quest were all better arpgs than Diablo 4. In fact, most arpgs are. D4 is really only better than 2 arpgs, that’s Diablo Immortal and Diablo 3 (the worst in the series).

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