Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

This is true for every AAA game, IMO.
I paid my $70 and don’t regret it because I’m enjoying the game and see all the work that was put into it. Art isn’t cheap, and this game is loaded with visual and audio art of a very high caliber.
If you want a better value in video gaming, buy stuff that’s old, on sale, and indie. It’s what I do most of the time. D4 and Elden Ring are the only AAA games I’ve bought in like 5 years. (and I got Elden Ring on sale for $40)

So to invalidate your opinion I just have to name 1 AAA game for which this isn’t true, right? Here: Elden Ring. Your opinion has been proved to be false, have a nice day.

Every game releases have their bugs, issues and balance problems. That is the reality. Git gud or die trying. Stop complaning.

Because they’re simpletons with mommy’s credit card. As long as they get 2 weeks out of this before the next cash grab comes along they don’t care.


Wow this is the most pathetic soy boy rage post I’ve seen in awhile. Imagine raging in your mom’s basement because someone has a different opionion. (and by someone I mean 99% of the people in these forums)

What an entitled little brat. And saying “gitgud” totally sums him up. Probably can’t even fight his was out of a wet paper bag. So much latent anger in this rage kiddy reply.

This is hilarious. This must be the first time you’ve ever purchased a computer game at release. Congrats!

Elden Ring had a crappy PC port at first. It was released in poor shape.

You “invalidate” nothing, haha. Keep trolling random people’s comments, though. At least until your mom calls you up for dinner.

Because we’ve all come to terms with the fact that we’re past the era of finished games at launch.
We’re now in gaming’s era of Early Access.
But this is capitalism at work and now we’re entering the fun late stages of it! Don’t hate the players hate the game as they say.

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Complaining is never useless.

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Nobody cares about your shatpost. Get a job and find something to care about

I can never understand these posts. I have lots of hours, lots of fun, looking forward to new seasons.

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I remember on older wow posts that people give a thesis class feedback that something’s is under and overtuned etc. is bugged during a beta without any any rudeness or anything.

The class is the same when it goes live with the same people reporting the bugs and giving the same feedback just to have trolls gaslight them like they demanding to lock the doors and blockage the studio till they get the changes they want.

And again in D4 , it’s the same old thing.

I am confused. I just got done playing for a couple of hours and my game is finished. It was even fun. I think I will play again in a couple of hours. Hopefully it is still finished when I play again.

No live service game is “done” until the devs walk away from it.

The not-so-subtle hidden understanding is that it’s all in a state of beta. Also, things break when you throw millions of people all with different hardware at it.

There is absolutely no way they can account for everything.


Oh boy they can, most big companies give people some sort of “pre-release” to play for hours & hours to fine tune new hardware configurations, blizzard refuses to do that, they also refuse to listen to what people said 2 months ago, that the game is far by fully baked, some streamers even mentioned beta / alpha stage, no end game content, no social functionality, no itemization. We paid 100 dollars for a 15 hour campaign, i paid 40 bucks for God of war that gave me 60 hours of play time.

If any game developer made a game tuned to the 1% that levels that fast, they would be inundated with complaints on how hard the game is and virtually unplayable. Have you read all the post about “I’ve got a career/job” and “Wife and kids” and can’t find time to do world bosses because they only spawn twice a day. You know the thing that actually happens 4 times a day and is only needed to be done once a week. How about the one where the OP complains about having to do “too many objectives in these boring dungeons” and suggests dungeons should only have the boss and a few elites. Yeah, tuning games towards streamers would be met with hate beyond belief.

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even though big companies should have in principle all the resources to make perfect games, in practice making a really good arpg involves an epic effort as it must fulfill too many requirements, such as nostalgia boomers wanting the game just what things were before while not repeating the same thing as they had (which is absurd on its own), perfect itemization, perfect bossing ala renown souls like games, perfect quest purpose, intuitive yet no 1 stat damage functions as well as defensive layer tht dont copy any of the other games already implemented, non-clunkly movement and perfect coordination of effects and collision of skills with enemies while having decent to not say impressive graphical engine where all this things happen with out any kind of error (huge source of bugs in many games), thousands of activities that should be endgame perfectly linked while somehow not becoming repetitive. Expectative that so far no game is able to achieve or will ever achieve.

Personally I got the game knowing before hand it wasn’t going to be the greatest thing ever, yet wanted to try it because it encompass a different perspective, and if it fails that’s it, not like is a huge investment. Because if buying thing a game represent too much for you, I strongly suggest to review your personal finances before spending astronomical amounts of money in simple and killer time entertainment.

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This game is actually pretty good and delivered the same quality as other games for the same price. Getting 50+ hours of game play is worth the tag on this game. The full price argument is a really weak one.

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I agree. D4 will be around, updated, and at least as good as it is right now for at least another decade.
I also consider the fact that D4 has a ton of beautiful cutscenes and animation that most (or all) top-down ARPGs lack. This is expensive to create, and the artists who do it deserve to be paid well. It would not surprise me in the least if a lot of the people who complain about games this way are also against video game makers unionizing and for replacing artists with ‘AI’ software.

There are less expensive ARPGs that are finished and amazing (Grim Dawn, for example). Anyone complaining about D4 who claims to love the genre and hasn’t played Grim Dawn needs to sit down and be quiet.

Finally, while I think $70 is expensive, I wouldn’t have spent it if I couldn’t have afforded to lose $70. That’s just basic adulthood.


because it worth it, more than the majority of others games…