Why an Auction House Would Be Bad for D4

I’ve seen a fair number of comments recently requesting an auction house (and increased trading as well), and here’s my 2 cents why that would make the game worse, not better.

In general, I couldn’t care less how other players play D4, including how they get gear: grind it, craft it, trade with friends, trade with strangers, buy it at a Blizzard auction house, buy it online for real money… whatever.

However, the * reality * is that there’s only 1 version of D4, and Blizzard balances gameplay for the broadest group of players. So, if half the players use an AH to get more powerful gear quicker / easier / earlier, then progression would take less time and the game would feel less challenging for those players compared to the other half; and then Blizzard would need to re-tune the game to compensate (and appease the online feedback about the game being so easy). Which means that all the players who don’t use the AH would find the resultant game more difficult / more time-consuming / more tedious / less fun.

So, while the non-AH users would love to just ignore the AH if it were added, the reality is that they can’t ignore it because Blizzard won’t ignore it. (Unless Blizzard creates 2 versions of the game (like fractions in Last Epoch).)

(The same cause-and-effect applies to any system that makes getting powerful gear easier — Blizzard balances gameplay against the power those systems add to the player base overall. Which is probably why they’re judicious with what’s allowed to be traded, why mats are so dear for the new crafting systems, and why they try so hard to punish exploits.)


Was it mentioned somewhere that they were thinking of adding a Auction House?

didn’t read.

Auction house would be great.


No. OP just wants attention.

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Who said they should add an auction house? Who are you even arguing here?

No, I should have added up front that I’ve seen a fair number of comments requesting an auction house (and increased trading as well).

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Give up dude. Most people here are obsessed in trading and doing business in games. You won’t get anything but disagreement and sarcasm.

Unfortunately, those of us who do not want to trade are the minority.

And there are many who would agree with making the game more difficult.

The way to make everyone happy is to not make the game more difficult based on trading. Since anyone who wants a more difficult game can voluntarily set limitations for themselves.

Now… trading already exists, and therefore the game IS ALREADY balanced to be more difficult. The AH would only make it more accessible to more players.

Im in same camp in that AH is bad but I made a post supporting it as it needs to come anyways because a majority of players want it and D4 S4 has made it needed.

Auction House = https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/the-case-in-favor-of-a-s4-auction-house

I remember when they had this feature in early D3. It was a disaster. Pretty much why it got removed.
Never say never but I would be surprised if they ever implemented this.


I can’t say I’d be against a Auction House. As mainly a MMO player (Back in the day) it’s in nearly every mmo. I could turn off Trade channel but I like it on as people mainly use it as a global chat. If I could see less “50/50 bla bla for sale” I’d be happy. Sure the server has been live for 3hrs and you have 50/50 for sale already… Right… this was prt but still.

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You can already buy and sell stuff with black market RMT, even more so come S4 I’m sure.

Auction House has been in the game for a long time, just got to bust out the credit card and you’re golden.

And don’t think adding an "actual’ Auction House for gold would function any differently.

Prices will be ridiculous for anything half decent, gold sellers jump in and we’re back to black market RMT deals to get gold/gear.

I think that is the biggest Rub. Gold has zero value. I could ask 400mil for an item but then what do I do with 400mil? Nothing. It’s a one sided trade I feel. Trading between friends I can see of course. I don’t know as a SSF player, gold has no value in the game.

Now if you could put up for trade “50x” for “50y” thats a values trade.

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D4 S4 the need for AH is going to be massive. The amount of trade needed is too much. WE cant rely on third party anymore. They can make AH somewhat tolerable with my posted ideas on it above… The main thing being bought items become bound.

I am sure there will be complaints about that.

Prevents flipping. You go to AH to buy items for your character and not play trade sim 5000 fixing market. Pros outweigh cons by a large margin.


I made a lot of gold flipping stuff over at WoW, so much so it paid for years of subs and 2 expansions, once you know the market or have an app that does, well it’s just about printing money then.

Auction House is fun and I would do it all over again! But became intolerable trying to beat bots to the punch at the end there.

Diablo doesn’t release data like WoW, no addons here, so for sure not the same animal, maybe they can lock it down tight but I don’t trust gamers much these days.

I’m sure it’ll meet the same fate as the RMT AH in D3.

I played D3 from launch for years. The game got a lot better when they removed the AH.

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It is already exist, you can just buy gold and boss material outside and trade in Diablo Trade website for what ever you want. Not sure why need to make this post.

Excessive RMT can be avoided if you use some in-game currency as the trading currency and bind your character when trading items.