Why an Auction House Would Be Bad for D4

I was really curious what another stupid argument I will see in “I don´t want AH”

But you deliver fair point. You are right. For example PoE would be impossible to play for me without trading.

On the other hand trading is already in game, and players already trading. I just don´t bcs I am not willing to engage in 3rd site like in 10 year old game.

AH would just make trading more accessible.

I think LE solution would be best they can just copy it… (like they did with itemization :D)

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If that is introduced, I believe there will be some in-game money laundering system developed by the most creative traders :rofl:

What OP is describing is “exactly” what happened in D3. Imagine doing Duriel runs for a year and one Shako drops and everybody thinks how lucky you are. The only way to get ubers will be to buy them on the auction house. Guess what? Gold will become scarce as well and the days of having millions (or billions) of gold will be over long ago.

You can have plentiful drops or an AH but not both.

I think the trading system in S4 will be a very brief experiment…

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No, they would not need to rebalance for sweaties. See what they are doing with WoW SoD now. They sweaties are crying that things aren’t cutting edge difficulty and the devs are basically telling them to speedrun the content if they want a challenge then. They devs have no obligation to change their vision because people want to no life the game. If they want a challenge they can take off some gear or go play a game that’s whole intention is to be extremely difficult.

This is just false. There isn’t a logical connection that forces one due to the other. You could argue that if drops are plentiful then the AH is worthless, but the existence of an AH doesn’t mean that items listed on it need to be expensive.

Item is expensive because player can buy billion gold from black market currently. Has nothing to do with AH, just due to inflation as result of money printing.

And also open the door to the Chinese online 3rd party vendors and others who decide to sell gear for what will be way over priced gear do you really want to see this ? Just like Diablo just before the exploit and everything went to crap after that… So ill have to strongly diss agree with your comment…

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Sorry but prior history supports my position. When the D3 Auction House was eliminated drops of gear and gold increased significantly. If too much gear and gold is leaked into the game, either through legitimate or illegitimate trading, Blizzard will begin to limit gear and gold drops within the game. People will be forced to use the Auction House in order to remain competitive and by consequence Pay to Win will be the order of the day.

Unless you change the underlying reasons why the D3 Auction House failed a D3 Auction House will similarly fail. Throughout the history of mankind criminals have always sought a way to exploit the system. An Auction House will facilitate these behaviors. Blizzard will be forced to allocate resources to counter these actions that could otherwise be used to improve the Diablo experience.

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D3 player opinion > automatically didn’t read LMAO

why does that matter?

And how would it compare to the current gameplay? It wouldn’t affect anyone who wants to play the game as it currently is.

Past Bliz diablo dev Andrew Chambers recently released a video where he 100% states, well we put in an auction house, so then we had to go and balance everything with the assumption that you would acquire all gear on said auction house. Ect.

It destroys the game.

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You people read this right? It works just fine in that other game people don’t like to see talked about here. Make bought items bind when bought, no flipping, done.

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Auction house is a perfect place to trade instead of desperately send message to whatever channel (or using outside site to trade). DI has it and it was fun (beside the fact that it was a P2W game). THE thing (this is really important) is that the currency inside AH is not buyable outside playing the game. It cannot be gold for example, or platine. It needs to be rewarded (or found) at some achievements and of course when you sell an auction.

An ah in this game would somehow make it worse than it already is

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This isn’t true. Most players of all games do not wish to trade. The majority of players wish to have no interaction with other players in general.

The problem is the loudest people are into trading and those who aren’t just don’t want to talk to anyone about it anyway. Last Epoch already proved based on their split system that trading is less desired and those who do desire it are more likely to abuse and exploit the systems.


Thats where you are absolutely right fr0st , this is the funny part so terribly right lol.
Here are my thoughts only on the matter…Im not concerned about others gameplay at all brother lol ,i worry about only my gameplay experience and if im having fun is all im worried about, i don’t really care about others at alll they can do as they may as long as it doesn’t affect me or the way i play Diablo 4 its just not my beeswax man I won’t tell you you shouldn’t be able to tell me its a game just a game lol… It’s just what others think and draws the attention and over what lol …
Other players make it their business, why ? Because in all likelihood they have better gear now than you do and bragging rights which in turn P’s people off lol and then they get on the forums and talk bout how Joe Blow should be banned for buying his gear instead of grinding for it like i had to lol drawing all these yay & Nay comments from the community to the forums . WHO CARES lol. In my book… If your having fun that’s you’re gaming experience not mine its not hurting me any lol , but some others and for the sake of arguement its a Carnel sin lol …
In the end ya just have to learn to ignore the haters whats gonna happen is gonna happen big deal its a game in the end … Thanks… gg

Huh? I agree most seem to not want to interact with other players at all, but you don’t really interact in either faction. I can’t find anywhere where it was said either faction is more popular, but I didn’t look hard.

You also left out the fact that the other faction has tons of perks that make target farming easier/boosts your ability to find “rarer” items easier. I’ll say my experience has been you typically just get rarer versions of the more common uniques, but I digress. D4 has neither.

Yes, they had an exploit recently with trade faction. But if you think that were tomorrow somebody were to discover some glitch where you could get a guaranteed 3-4 LP/specific item you wanted every time you did X in the other faction, and it wouldn’t be abused by tons of players- I have a bridge to sell you.

The new craft system require alot of gold if you want perfect rolls and experiment new things.

In season 2 (cant say about season 3) people traded boss mats for gold often.

No matters at all have a AH or not, if they increase what items can be traded, people will find other ways to do it (d2jsp, game forums, etc).

Im the kind of player that like to find my own stuffs, also i never rush or powerlvling. I do like to enjoy the whole thing all over again, so this will not affect me.

Pretty sure 95% of the complaints were that it was a real money auction house, not just an auction house for the in-game economy. Some people liked it. I sure didn’t, but mostly because it was real money.

I am sorry but I do not agree with your opinion. Trading happens anyway even right now it’s just more time consuming than having an AH.
The reality is that there are some fundamental things that D4 is still missing and a high lvl game has, like D4 aims to be:

  1. A market place aka AH or whatever you wish to call it
  2. A community chat - with possibilities to create group chats, channels etc
  3. An auto party finder