What's the point of end game?

You claimed that rares are better than legendaries and nothing I see shows that.

Ancestral rares are 4 affixes, same as legendaries. Legendaries get more upgrades than rares. I am not positive if a rare that’s been converted to legendary with aspect then gets the same upgrade numbers as legendaries.

There is nothing that I’ve seen that shows rares can get 5 affixes.

What is the point of farming and trading/selling gear on D2 if not to get gear to min/max 1% power on your char but for no purpose since you already speedrun all content?

They’re selling it on d2jsp for forum gold so they can buy stuff on other games.

I always made alts when I feel like I “finished” a character in D3 seasons, I suspect I’ll do the same in D4. /shrug

I think you are vastly overestimating the average player, because the average player will most likely not even reach lvl 100. The average player doesnt theorycraft, the average player doesnt look up builds for efficiency, the average player doesnt even unlock most of the stuff the game has to offer and the average player will not see much of the endgame.


I never did ubers, and I played Original PC Diablo 2, then LoD, then came back in the D2R era.

One, didn’t have a build that could do it
Two, never even got the Bowazon build I wanted to use as runes needed failed to drop

So yeah, I expect my “end game” will be about 6 months in…

So season bs doesn’t enthuse me one bit…

End game is what you make of it…

Help friends speed level new builds…ie. NOT in seasonal stupidity
Farm gear/aspects/what nots

Move on to other games, and D4 IS NOT the only game to be played…

end game will be returning to FF14 as the “end game” here will be an obnoxious numbers soup where you get one shot randomly

like inferno difficulty. my rating? triple fart minus


That’s because only those types of people still play that game.

That’s why it’s so universally disliked by the majority of gamers.

That’s why every new Diablo game so many people appear saying that the current Diablo development direction is in the wrong direction.

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If you’re ready to pack up and leave when you’re bored why are you here posting opinions to people who care about the game and are promoting ideas that could make the game last?

That’s correct, you aren’t informed and don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s like talking to a sailor who’s went on vacation to the inland and started talking to people who had never seen the ocean before, demanding that he gives them proof. They would just laugh. Just like I’m laughing right now.

I’m not here to convince you. This isn’t some formal debate where I’m required to give you a bibliography of citations. Closed beta videos are not allowed here. I’m not interested in you knowing this or not. I’m simply stating what I know. Your ignorance of it is irrelevant to me.

His numbers came from source trust me bro.

If you don’t like playing multiple builds and characters, this just isn’t the game for you. Plus, this game is shallow AF and has console-IQ level itemization. So yes, it’ll drop off fast.

There are barely any items in the game to build around.

More like its just not the genre for him.

Someone should make a an analysis based on average interest in D4 compared to D2 once we launch. We could scientifically see which games are better at keeping your attention/interest over time

That is mostly because Path of Exile is dog turd game design.

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Won’t play endgame.
The shallow mmo like elements don’t appeal to me. I’ll finish the game then wait for expansion packs.

Plus their endgame is as bland as any theme park mmo, including the cute little arenas with boring PvP.

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So you have no evidence, glad to hear it.

With all due respect, PoE has been a cycle of Season Launch > play 100 hours > quit until next season for the past 10 years. There’s literally no point to the endgame in any ARPG really. You have fun as long as you can, and when it stops being fun you move onto something else for a while.

I don’t know why people are acting like they’re about to marry this game. You are not choosing a life partner here. You’re playing a video game.

Enjoy it. When you stop enjoying it, go enjoy something else for a while. Come back and enjoy D4 again sometime in the future. Rinse, repeat. Or don’t.


HAY !! no making sense on the foums man. One and only warning !

ps Holy. Your giving me cancer man. Have to block you.

pOsT ClOsEd BeTa ViDeOs oR u HaVe nO eViDeNcE

I swear, Reddit destroys people’s brains.

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