What's the point of end game?

i really think that D3 vanilla was challenging far better than everything we see now in this game.

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Yeah that’s not what happened. Ww skill might be brainless but it took a lot of fast positioning and pot use. He was split second from death the entire time.

Yes he is a professional player. He plays the game for a living and writes guides for one of the number one guide sites in maxroll. That is by definition a professional player.

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What trade market? You can only trade rares that will be literally useless?

I think you are vastly overestimated how quickly the average player will clear the same content as an extreme efficiency high skill min-max player who went in with the specific goal of smashing the content as quickly as possible, knowing the exact build and route to do it. That is not normal play, and games can’t be designed for that.

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He plays a casual game for a living and writes guides on a casual game. Any ‘good player’ of any modern games will EASILY clear all diablo 4 content in sub 100 hours.


Nightmare dungeons ARE that push content.

But the reality is… most players don’t care about super-difficult challenges. There’s a reason why Boshy isn’t selling hundreds of millions of copies but Minecraft is.

That’s not to say challenge isn’t important, because obviously the most devoted of your playerbase needs something to keep them engaged. It remains to be seen whether the pre-season and season 1 sets of NM dungeons will be hard enough, but Nightmare Dungeon scaling is very much something they can tweak between seasons to hit the goal. We really don’t know how hard they ACTUALLY are.

There are a few EXCEPTIONALLY good players who have posted clears of tier 100. But that’s not really indicative of actual difficulty. You don’t know how skilled you are compared to them. You clearly have a very high opinion of yourself and THINK you’re as good as them, but what if you’re actually not. I know, in your eyes, it seems unlikely… but it really isn’t as unlikely as you’re thinking.

But… the ‘push content’ you’re talking about is not the primary point of the endgame - its the way of keeping the most devoted of their playerbase engaged. The primary point of the endgame is to provide a satisfying loop of gradual powerup via finding items that makes the majority of the playerbase enjoy playing the game long-term.

Rares will be the premiere bases to put aspects on. Much more than legendaries themselves unless they roll perfectly. The reason is because it is cheaper to reroll an imperfect affix on a rare than it is a legendary. And rares can roll the same amount of affixes legendaries can.

Sure sure. I expect to see you post a video 80 hours after release of you easily clearing a level 100 nm dungeon. Put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise your talk is all bs.

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u do pvp arena or bg. wait they dont exist.than after 100 hours its gg refund. or farm same content over n over again to kill stuff a little little faster lolll

This isn’t true.

Rares have 3 affixes I believe. Legendaries have 4.
Rares can only be upgraded 3 times. Legendaries can be upgraded 4 times.


You are incorrect. Legendaries are just rares that drop with an aspect already on them. That’s the only difference. They can roll up to five or six depending on if you count the top affix that every gear slot always rolls with. For example staves always roll with a percentage resource cost reduction affix. If you count that then it’s six. These are ancestral rares, of course.

And of course, once you apply an aspect to a rare it becomes a legendary, thus can be upgraded the same way legendaries are upgraded. You will have already re-rolled the affix in question by that point.

You are wrong about rares.

Sweet can’t wait to watch your vid. Please pm me the link.

Got a link to that? Maxroll says otherwise. I see that ancestral rares can have 4 affixes, similar to legendaries.

Legendaries still get more upgrades than rares.

Maxroll does not say different. Unless they updated it yesterday. If Blizzard changed this then it would be news to me. But this would have been a change that would have become public yesterday if this were the case.

rares can be turned into legendaries with the imbuement mechanic. there are actual reasons you want rares of a certain stat roll to just implant the affix on cause the leggo might not roll with those stats.

at least from what ive seen.

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Yep ,and also rares are much easier to find than a specific legendary, so you’re far more likely to find a perfect rare and a bad legendary with a perfectly rolled power and then transplant that perfectlyu rolled power onto the perfect rare than you are to just find a perfectly rolled legendary with a perfect power lol

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Lets see the link then.

You’re missing the point.

Perfect gear… Or gear that’s moderately improved over current gear is not something normal people care about.

You get gear so you can efficiently farm. Once you have that down… You stop.

Then you get new gear for pvp

This has not been my experience. Most people I have played with and talked to enjoy the feeling of slowly getting stronger by finding gradual upgrades.

That has been the general ‘casual player’ experience - they want to feel like they’re getting stronger as they play.

And, at a very personal rate, that push for ‘getting more powerful’ loses its luster over time, and then people either start a new character to restart the process, find a new build to reinvigorate their enjoyment, or move on to a different game.

Not saying that applies to everyone, because I only know a small segment of the population - but that has been my experience as to the primary driver of this type of rpg. They want to get stronger.

What link? What are you talking about. You can’t link speaking to closed beta players.