What's the point of end game?

In diablo 2, you could farm and trade/sell gear.
In POE, you can do similar.
In diablo 3, up until recent seasons, you could progress to push higher greater rifts for ladder.

In diablo 4, it seems like it’ll take about 60 hours to hit 100, get renown, and likely clear nightmare dungeon 100s pretty soon after that. So you easily solo nightmare dungeon 100s, you solo world bosses in less than 90 seconds, pvp cosmetics can be completed by then, etc.

I know to some more casual players, this sounds like a lot, but this is less than 100 hours of gameplay for people. The options are:

  1. make an alt
  2. min/max 1% power on your char but for no purpose since you already speedrun all content
  3. quit until next season

I’m sure there are some people who just want to ‘try new builds’ and ‘make new alts’, but for most of the population this doesn’t hold up long. I think this game will have a MASSIVE drop off within 1-2 weeks like normal seasonal gameplay…except this is a new title release.


once u caphit lvl 100 and got a good build you just farm 80 hour a week to kill the monster 0.0001% faster. or you do pvp if they actually make real pvp like diablo immortal… that why the game will die fast if pvp is not main focus if u look at diablo 3 after 2 week of release only 18 active players… dead game… they promised awesome pvp yet they didnt


Depends how long it takes.
Is it 2 weeks?
Is maxed everything 2, 3, 4 weeks?
For whom? What type of player?

I think this is why they made Seasons 3 months as well.
Balanced between various players and time investment.
Top players(those we’ve seen so far) are ALWAYS 50-75%+ faster than your average player.

here we go again…

and where did this number come from? Stop with the “Statistics” m8.


Well, as Blizzard already mentioned before there are some really chase end game items that you won’t see more often that 1-3 per season.

Oh wait…

The point of endgame is the same as in any loot based game… to hunt for perfect gear.

How long that satisfies you will vary from person to person, naturally.


the end game is worrying for alot of people. it already was, but after the barb video its even more scary


Those chase items don’t matter if they aren’t required to clear nightmare dungeon 100. Rob cleared it without the Grandfather.

To add a point, in POE you have difficulty bosses and Uber versions of them.

I have about 3000 hours in POE and still didn’t kill some bosses in the game.

Thats what a good ARPG should have and what motivates me every time I login, the motivation to complete a challange even after 1000s of hours.

Currently Diablo 4 seems to have exactly 0 chalanges in the endgame and this is a very big problem for the longlivity of an ARPG.

I realy hope that Blizzard will fix this before release or at least with the first season, if the game isn’t dead till then.

No challange = bored player…bored player = playing something else. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Point of end game is: continue to have fun?


Did you just ask what the point of playing a game was?

Fun. Fun is the point. If its not fun don’t do it.


end game need to be pvptohook player base or game will die whithin a couple weeks…


Leaving this here from another thread because I think it is important.

This has already been offered on reddit and is more interesting than anything i’ve seen blizzard do.

  • Step 1: bring back runes
  • Step 2: bring back cube
  • Step 3: create formulas that create portals to zones based on rune recipe
  • Step 4: make the zone reflect the recipe created. (If you use ber recipe, mobs have crushing blow + dmg resistance)
  • Step 5: make coveted items that only drop in these zones

Want to talk about endless? Now players need to find already hard to find runes, then go into the rune portal to get extra hard zones and find even more rare items.


That isn’t the point of any loot based game. Most modern loot based games have progression based content or very difficult to reach content that does require very min/max gear and potentially high mechanics to clear.

Other loot based games, people are selling seasonable items for RMT on sites. Might not want to hear that, but the gaming companies don’t shut them down either. I personally don’t do this, as I don’t even play d2r or POE, but this is a common practice.

I believe d4 has a very difficult pinnacle boss to beat. it may not have the same amount of difficult bosses but poe has been out way longer? How was poe at release?

cant wait to speed run, see end game and refund then buy it next year around poe 2 release and when the price dips

it will take the avg player more than 60 by a large amount and will be spread over a long period of time due to play time restrictions.

hell the barb that hit 100 was 80 hours of ultra efficient play to get to that point.

i imagine it will take about 2 and a half weeks to get to 100 for some people if not longer.

to gear fully it will take even longer and longer still to get the sockets for the paragon board and get through all the paragon for those points.

then add in whatever the new seasonal content is and you got like at least a month in?

maybe a month and a half depending on drops.

its more time than you would think.


this concept actually expands on the franchise rather than completely axing concepts that made it great. this is simply an expansion of ubers portal system

None of this fixes anything with end game. All you’re saying is “make some loot harder to get”, none of which matters if you can clear all content without good builds. They need to make end game content more MECHANICALLY difficult…not just scaled up numbers and rarer loot.

disregard. i cant beat 2 hrs spd run -80 i guess lol

a Ber generated zone where mobs have crushing blow and damage resistance is not mechanically harder? do you know what Ber does?