What's the point of end game?

What’s the point of my life? Min-max my grades, get married, have kids, beat nightmare jobs, hit age 100. Then what?

The point of anything is what you decide it is.

Silly thread.


This is not mechanically difficult. Mechanically difficult is lost ark legion raids.

Except, unlike your life, games have purpose. They’re designed as such.

holy shiiii. call 911


If you go by wudijo, then the time to 100 is about 60 hours sure. But there’s not many people as good or efficient as wudijo, if any.

For the average player 100 hours might not be enough to hit 100. Blizz even stated 150 hours or more, which i think is pretty spot on based on my experience.

Getting to 100NMD takes time. You could just make the sigils if you have the matts, but otherwise it’s a case of farming lower levels and gradually building it up.

That alone coupd take 10 to 20 hours and that’s if you’re fairly well optimized.

The average player will likely spend 200 to 250 hours getting to 100 and clearing NMD100. A lot of people won’t even hit 100 in season.

complex builds sailed when they limited the skill bar to 6 moves. welcome to blowing everything up however you want to

What percentage of players would you say actually seriously try the top tier of difficult content?

Look someone has a crystal ball!!!

Yeah no, I am fully confident that I’ll be 100 in 60 hours. That is not even going to be a difficult grind. People will hit it in 50 or less.

It’s low. based on the forums and discords ive been in over the years, id say atleast 80% of d2 players never did ubers. and 95% never did ubers on hardcore.


Valid question, in a casual game like diablo, I think 50% would be the highest, 30% is more realistic. In more challenging games? Downwards of 5-10%.

Although, who is more likely to play for more? the casual or the tryhard? If you have no end game that is on a repeatable loop worth doing for progression…the casual. If you have incentive to grind/push, then the tryhard.

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Google : Diablo 4 endgame content.

You are welcome.

Most of the whiners will get their rears handed to them trying to do what that barb did. 100nm is not the max either. It was just the cap for that test. The devs said somewhere it goes to 140 or 150. Fairly certain I heard them say that in one of their videos.

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So you’re saying in those games… the endgame has NO POINT AT ALL for 90+% of players?

I think you’re wrong about that. The PRIMARY POINT of the end-game in those games is getting loot. For a small percentage - the particularly challenge minded - the reason they collect loot is to push some super challenge… but that’s definitely not the POINT of the end-game otherwise you’d have 90% fewer players lol

nightmare dungeon 100 is lvl 154 mobs. It is the max. It won’t be hard to clear.

idk d2 ubers is not a good example, cuz you literally can kill it with 1 hand with smiter.

We need far better challenges.

Even the rob guy that did it said it was hard. That guy is a professional player and was near death all the time. Most players do not have that skill.

Nearly ALL modern games have push content to strive for. Usually, it’s some near-limitless pushing content. Some games, have multiple forms of it that require multiple builds. In this game, there is 0.

or that build.

thats the thing its not gonna be easy just because of sheer numbers and survivability.

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Your definition of professional player is quite different than mine, but holding whirlwind down is not hard. They just need gear and all casuals will clear with that.

Trade is always the end game motivation for games like this. Hopefully the trade market is viable enough to maintain a healthy economy. I anticipate GG ancestral rares will be pretty sought after. There seems to be plenty of bis arrangements of affixes depending on slot.

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