What Happened to Having a Base Game with a Seasonal Theme?

Season 7: The Wrath of Coin
Season 8: The Search for Sparks
Season 9: The Undiscovered Charges (on your credit card)
Season 10: Kelvin Reboot


Well, considering the game still needs major reworks in a variety of areas, I would rather they continue this way rather than do seasons at all, until they actually get to a base that is worth building off of.

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I love the Star Trek theme here. :joy:


You all are just a bunch of drama queens.

When’s the soulslike Diablo remake coming?

Remember in recent history…
Content Creators were under NDA about “Discussing Game Direction and upcoming changes with Blizz”(iirc s3 into s4)
Then - they were literally invited to HQ - if one thinks that all they did was play with VoH and act as ‘free marketing’ then…yea. Please shed the naivete.
They more than likely gave more counsel and advice on how the game should develop - yet again.

This game was never ever released as a finished product.
One of my first criticisms was: “It’s design by player feedback” - I think I said this in July of 2023.
Well they came right out of the closet with the 2 - that we know of - Content Creator meetings.
Yea still no Core. Game.
Still a roller coaster.
Still throwing darts.
Still design by feedback and consensus.
(i know I’ll get flagged by the white knights for speaking truth and being real about this… y’all are good ol self-appointed forum cops - wear your :troll: badges with pride you little snowflakes)


It’s actually Season 6: Tejal Strikes Back

well, there’s always another perspective to consider. honestly, i started feeling bored with the grind of leveling to 100 using 7-8 glyphs and 925 gear by the second week of each season. the astronomical dps figures are also quite off-putting. i’m optimistic about significant changes to the game, as they could reignite excitement and bring a fresh sense of adventure and discovery.

More like “design by social media.”

The Devs are way too sensitive about/maybe even dependent on what they hear from the most vociferous fans and streamers and don’t have their own creative vision because many of them aren’t really true game creators like the folks that created Dark Souls or Elden Ring or people that love the genre like the people at Larian.

These people are employees earning a salary hoping to earn a pay bump and/or stock options. Like, I don’t know if anyone’s noticed it but if you watch their campfire chats, you know that they have a revolving cast of people working on each leg and season of the game. It’s not one guy or group of a few people guiding a game with a vision for what the game should be and the systems and incentives that will help the game achieve that vision.

It’s just people churning out product so that they can become VP’s at Blizzard or elsewhere some day and buy their BMW EV and million dollar home.

Anyone naïve enough to think that this is really a creative enterprise doesn’t understand that the computer gaming industry is no longer like that. Game are product like anything and for the shareholders, it’s better if that product leads to recurring revenue.

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That’s why I always try to not be personal to the game “Designers” but direct much of my ire to the “Developer”.
The Humans involved are just people… the Designers. They try their best and fish in the ideal pool of forums(all not just this one, content creators - admittedly a tad heavily etc).
The Giga Corp with its dictates, shares expectations, earnings, psych analytics, general tickertape analytics and interference involvement in Design is a major part of the problem.

It’s the difference between Organic, REAL food and some plastic, GMO suitable for monster human consumption for a useless eater.

Consider too the methodology - this is truly a GIGA CORP esp with the MS acquisition.
Even without that, this game was not designed again - organically - it had to have all manner of DATA driven features.
Sadly the “content neurosis” phrase i coined and often reference affects the Designers as much as the Players.
Not having a direction is one thing.
Not even knowing where something is at any given time added to that is a totally different matter.
The Designers do their best with and within the system they work in.
I don’t begrudge them at all.