What Happened to Having a Base Game with a Seasonal Theme?

Remember in recent history…
Content Creators were under NDA about “Discussing Game Direction and upcoming changes with Blizz”(iirc s3 into s4)
Then - they were literally invited to HQ - if one thinks that all they did was play with VoH and act as ‘free marketing’ then…yea. Please shed the naivete.
They more than likely gave more counsel and advice on how the game should develop - yet again.

This game was never ever released as a finished product.
One of my first criticisms was: “It’s design by player feedback” - I think I said this in July of 2023.
Well they came right out of the closet with the 2 - that we know of - Content Creator meetings.
Yea still no Core. Game.
Still a roller coaster.
Still throwing darts.
Still design by feedback and consensus.
(i know I’ll get flagged by the white knights for speaking truth and being real about this… y’all are good ol self-appointed forum cops - wear your :troll: badges with pride you little snowflakes)