What do You think will carry over to season 4 from season 3?

Vaults… until they figure what to do with NMD reworking

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My initial thought was “NOTHING, please” but upon more reflection, I DID enjoy conjuring fireflies from the seasonal mechanics.

That’s about it, for me.

I think the Gatehall will stick around and we’ll at least be able to fight Malphas after finding his summoning mats throughout the world.

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Nothing is going to carry over from S3. S3 was a failure.

Vaults were not a success. Vaults were changed to have traps mean nothing something like 2 days after launch. Vaults are only done because they are fast and more rewarding. But the design failures are still there. More loot does not mean a success. Vaults need to be scrapped and dungeons need to be fixed.

If anything carries over I hope it is Vaults. Didn’t care for the construct at all.

Vaults were awful. Need to go. Fix dungeons and give them the loot and speed vaults have while having no useless traps and nice density and a mini theme for each one. Dungeons need to be the focus and not vaults.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍

Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard! 😂

If they make dungeons a straight shot like vaults then that would work.
I rather let the monsters kill the 6 prisoners than rescue them.


I disagree. I liked original vaults, but players complained because they couldn’t chain run them. Guess what? You weren’t meant to chain run them, given how fast you can clear and the amount of loot gained compared to standard NMD.

Result? Complainers made Vaults what we have today and rendered most NMD pointless - that is the failure.

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PPL hated orig vaults because of traps as first designed being a feel bad slow down of gameplay. Traps never belonged in this game. For better or worse this game is kill monster get loot and its face paced. Its not a memorize the traps and memorize them fast because now they are invisible to ground clutter type of game.

Traps were a miss since designed just for the fact it doesnt work. You cant even see them half the time because of D4 effect clutter on ground. They were completely invisible. Testers should have pointed it out day 1 of testing…oh right.

Complainers were right and I was one of them.

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Then the loot quantity should have been nerfed along with the increase in clear speed, then. Because it wasn’t done, it made Vaults clearly superior to NMDs. Sure, a few NMDs can be cleared faster (barely), but Vaults yield more loot with zero additional risk. AND you don’t have to find some specific Nightmare Dungeon Sigil. All 4 Vaults have quick clear speeds.

They did improve the ground clutter issue seperately though. Many abilities received opacity changes.

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Yup. If they put this crap in another season, I’m done. I have no problem playing Eternal. It just shows you how out of touch the devs are.

IMO, the best thing they could carry forward from S3 would be to upgrade nightmare dungeons with some of more-fun features from the vaults — no more backtracking, limit mini-quests to 1 per dungeon, no stupid affixes like Stormbane chasing you, way better rewards at the end, and lots of high-density monster killing.

Everybody talking about the Vaults,

I want the little robots abilities to be on gear similar to the Vampire powers.

A Uber Unique ring that gives plus 4 to all skills or …something for example.
Shouldn’t have to rely on Shacko all the gosh darn time.

Would love if vault will be still part of the game, it is much better than NMDs.

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Vaults are better simple bcs their objectives are so much less chore.

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Poison Pee Pools. These devs think that is a legit form of combat. :hamster: :popcorn:


The Vaults.

20 Vaults

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Look at some of the Tempering affixes. They provide multiple projectiles, area of effect increase, etc.


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I’m not sure anything from S3 survives. Maybe I’m wrong. Too much is changing on S4.