What do You think will carry over to season 4 from season 3?

So it seems to be a trend with season 2 vamp powers to be in season 3…

What from Season 3 will be in Season 4?

Will the Senechel stones turn into equipment that a player can use in season 4?

If so which stones would it be?

As long as I been playing season 3 I have Yet to receive 1 everknight or genesis stone…

Special Tempering affixes have similar effects to some tuneing stones.


I would like something in the vein of the fire-chain but instead lightning that enchants companions + druid adding additional AOE to a potential pet build. Or firefly style, but spews fire ravens instead.

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Let’s skip Season 3 flashbacks in S4 because the little spider guy needs to rest.

Don’t want anything gear wise like we’ve been getting, I would just like something similar to vaults. Quick and dirty dungeons with loot at the end.


Create a belt in which you can insert 2 Governing stones each GS can have 1 Tuning stone.

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Maybe a similar progression system for followers (if we get them) in the future as we have with the spider.

LOL “The Horror” 20 characters

It would be cool if they added some gems that had some of the stones features. I’d love to see the resources on hit as a gem or fortify on hit. Could even have an Uber gem like evernight with +4 all skills. Or make it less rare but +2 all skills instead.

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Either a companion or maybe charms/runes. That might be too big of an update though. Still possible.

I really think they are holding back a lot of content for x-pac. The game was unfinished they finally sorted out crafting(i hope). Time will tell if i get bored ill play something else. Let the dev’s sort it out its not my job.

Vaults without traps for xp and loot.

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Maybe some dungeons should have mini-vaults in them in sort of form but few rooms mostly and not as long

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Season 3 sucked bad so I hope nothing

when i think about going back to dungeons im about to pull my hair out …

i spent entire season in vaults and i`d like to have them in main game

Lol any mechanic from season 3 is a downgrade.

Guys with Tempering we are getting multishot, increased effect size and duration increase stats for example. These are all comeing from tuneing stones. Something from S3 is allready comeing in S4.:grinning:

This season I only ran Dundeons to get Aspects for the codex. Otherwise all runs were Vaults as the gear drops were so much more substantial.

So yes, keep Vaults, as long as the chests at there at the end.


Season 4. Season of the weiner dog.

Vaults… until they figure what to do with NMD reworking

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