What actually happened to blizzard?


Activi$ion happened, wont be long before they are gone thankfully

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But wait, isn’t Microsoft historically the ultimate big bad corporate villain?

So it’s like we go from Lillith right back into Mephisto’s arms now and call it a victory? Oh wait…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes because there will not be a D2 clone EVER. People seriously need to move on from expecting every new Diablo game to be a D2 clone.

Actually no, they are very hands off of their developers.
And in no freaking way can it be any worse than the clowns driving the car now


Corporate white washing! Lol. Stay around long enough where everyone else gets worse and you (the corporation) can start looking like a goodie goodie all along. Seriously. Funny to read corporate perceptions decades apart.

Google becomes Vadar and Microsoft reborn as a saving saint.

Man, you clearly didn’t play EverQuest or Vanilla WoW. You think this is slow? Try a hell level (45) in classic EverQuest. This game is so easy compared to early MMO’s.

Horses stopping I guess can be annoying and they said they are working on it.

Wouldnt call them a saint, they just historically dont mess with their developers, so hopefully no more decisions that are strictly money driven no matter how much they ruin the game


You have to have content in order for it to be skipped.


You have never played d2 or poe and you call them trash, this immediately makes your opinion on arpg games hot garbage. By far the best two arpg titles of all time, that revolutionized the genre


Easy there. This guy is telling you how YOU should play the game, big old F Off, play the way you want, not what a forum warrior thinks you should do

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This IS the lamest statement I have ever read on any Diablo forum.


Of course it’s not. No company is ever going to remain the same (unless that company is Nintendo. They seem pretty consistent).

I think Blizzard is still there and I think they have the capacity to make good games. Activision just gets in the way.

What happened with Diablo IV was as follows: Diablo IV has a turbulent development cycle, scandal breaks out, management gets fired, new management gets put in to see the game to completion, new management has to basically revert all changes made by previous management to make the game functional and playable.

Then, rather than giving new management the time necessary to fix the game entirely, Activision steps in and says “Nuh uh. June 6th release date,” effectively making it impossible for the development team to complete the game.

So now we have a product in which the development team is actively developing while simultaneously trying to push out content updates to appease player interest because some corporate suits decided that the short-term payout was more important.

In short: Activision happened.

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Rofl. Than go play your D3 arcade game with participation throphies for the entitled.

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Just my 2 cents here, but I am speaking from experience.

When creative companies, film books games etc., begin to grow they can lose their cohesiveness that was present in earlier work. The design and vision can fragment and pull in different directions. The growth can also cause the hiring of less than qualified developers. Devs testing their code becomes superficial, designers with tunnel vision don’t grasp the whole picture.

Hearthstone, arguably one of Blizzard’s most recent successes and a surprise hit for them, was done with a small focused team similar to how earlier (Blizzard North) games were done.

In truth, WoW was both the best and worst thing that has ever happened to Blizzard. It caused Blizzard to scale to a level they can’t handle and now they are contracting in both Devs and Players until something changes.

I feel like D4 is a perfect example of the chaos that Blizzard has become.

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Kotick happened.

20 characters.


this guy , all day every day, the knight in white, the simp of limps , kudos to you

the fact that we have to make 20 characters now just shows how ridiculous things have gotten. So many people on the team and they cant spare 1 human to do human things. I can tell you working corporate 90% is bloat

What??? You dont have to like d2 but to call it trash when its one of the greatest game of all time lol.

This just show how delusional you are and nobody should bother with your 2 cents. Its funny ur here defending a
way way worser game if u think d2 is trash lol

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This guy Singularity needs a good meme made in honor of him.

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