Welp, just like everyone else who respects their time, I think I have to take my leave

Most people didn’t return for the FIRST season, problems got worse, and many left early. What makes you think everyone will return for more of the same?

Going to address to different topics here and I’ll start with the positive:

Unsurprisingly, your list of improvements is good by and large (I only read what interested me tbh) and would be a good kick-off points for the devs.

just like everyone else with any self respect

Really… got to take a passing shot at any of us who are finding joy in the game like that? When I left Hearthstone and made a long post about my issues with the game I didn’t go out and dismiss or attack those who did enjoy what HS had become.

You’re better than that, come on

What every game ultimately has to contend with… the growing list of “Steam Sale” or “Playstation Sale” games on my harddrives, lol

Is it normal behavior to quit a game, yet stink up the forums for a straight month afterwards?

Is that something to be proud of?



A lot of great suggestions OP. It seems though that a lot of the people that replied stopped reading at the first mention of “white knight”

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Nah i stopped reading @ Just like everyone else with any self respect, I think ill take my leave

Very good changes and would make the game 1000 times better.

I was hoping D4 to become my new addiction, but if the game isn’t fixed before September 6th I’ll start playing Starfield instead.


That is in the title and you still clicked on it to reply


Only because i knew you would be in here defending it


All the people saying they stopped reading there, when it’s clearly in the title… Lmfao.

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Glad to know I somehow determine what your next moves are with my existence


You’re responsible for his actions. With great power…


The very reply you quoted is nothing but respectful. Disagreeing with you is not inherently disdain for the game, nor is it bad. You need to toughen up a bit, get out into the real world, and experience a bit of healthy challenge. The world is improved with challenging dialogue and disagreement, not lollipops and rainbows.


anybody reading that comment, take lots of notes.

that is how you say “touch grass” without sounding like a complete jerk.

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Ok, well, bye.

Nobody asked, and only the people who troll these forums instead of playing the games they say is so much better than D4 care.

Speak for yourself forum troll.

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Today I posted bug report #4 for the horse on XBox…

Wait for it, wait for it, incoming hostile fire is on the way. :rocket:

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anyone with self respect won’t come back in S2 lol

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