Welp, just like everyone else who respects their time, I think I have to take my leave

EDIT: Wow! I didn’t expect this thread to get so much traction/attention. I just wanted to thank everyone for responding, even if it’s in a negative manner. I’m also going to edit a few details here to be a little less salty. Again, thanks guys. Also, I did hop in and play for a short period on the eternal realm, a couple times, since 1.1. And yes, it’s as bad as I expected.

I haven’t played the game hardly at all for about a month now, and honestly, after still posting on the forums in an effort to ensure the white knights aren’t the only ones with a voice here, I just have to move on. I’ll still check back on the game periodically, and even the forum, but I won’t be regularly posting like I have been since release.

I had really hoped D4 would be a banger, but honestly, it doesn’t have the most basic of features, even features we saw in D1 like social support, lol. It just feels like a huge step backward. I have the battle pass that came with the more expensive preorder option, and I don’t know if I’ll ever even use it.

And it isn’t just that, it’s the fact that no matter how bad a game is, the forums inevitably default to being a white knight echo chamber, because the critical posters who use their brains leave (since they aren’t playing the game), move on with their lives, and the white knights dedicate every fiber in their beings to defending the game.

White knights enable bad game development, and like most forums, this place is slowly morphing into nothing but an echo chamber that enables those decisions. So, as someone who values their time and effort, I have to allocate my effort into something else.

To the great, critical posters here (with actual ARPG experience outside D4), thanks for being the voice(s) of reason. I hope to see you guys in PoE 2.

Just in case, I’m going to leave my list of what I’d change in D4:


  • Allow players to add an additional stat to unique items, this stat is re-rollable
  • Triple the amount of unique items, prioritizing uniques in the general pool rather than the class specific pools
  • Up the drop rate of uber uniques so they’re about 10% as likely to drop as other uniques, but make it so you have to be level 90 for them to drop, that chance raises a bit as you get closer to 100 (maxed at 100), and give a boost to the drop rate in NM 100 dungeons or Uber Lilith
  • Build defining uniques (like those of the druid) no longer exist, but their unique abilities are now legendary glyphs on the paragon board
  • Build defining legendary aspects no longer exist and are placed on the paragon board as legendary glyphs
  • Quadruple the amount of legendary aspects, but they’re much more broad/general, so they contribute to build diversity rather than detracting from it by pigeonholing everyone into certain builds
  • Reduce the amount of gold required to reroll item stats by 50%


  • Buff all underperforming skills on each skill tree, half of them get single target damage enhancements, the other half get AOE damage enhancements
  • Abolish all prereqs in every skill tree
  • Take all skills with cooldowns and reduce their effects, damage, and cooldowns by 66.6% (this means all skills with cooldowns only have 33.3% of their current cooldowns, but their damage and effects are reduced by the same amount, so the DPS is the same, but you no longer have long cooldowns. For skills with utility and/or mobility, their effects are reduced by the same amount, for example, teleport’s distance is reduced by 66.6%). This creates a more active playstyle and reduces dependency on CDR from items
  • Reduce the hard cap of 5 for skills, but give exponentially diminishing returns on hard skill points beyond 5
  • Double the volume of active skills, prioritizing underrepresented skill types. For example, agility and grenade skills for the rogue

NOTE: The end game loop would effectively be much better already because the item hunt actually exists after the improvements to itemization, but I’d propose further changes to improve the end game:

  • Helltides now spawn random boss encounters from any point in the game, yielding a large, noticeable boost to item drop rate and exp. Even Uber Lilith is capable of spawning here. Imagine the difficulty of this encounter, coupled with the boost to item drops (since she can now drop uber uniques). This would be quite rare, but also amazing and exciting. Everyone in the immediate area would flock there, and with the difficult nature of the encounter, you’d have people in the chat (yes, that exists now) asking for help. This would be a huge deal

  • Whispering chests only reward legendaries. Once you’re level 70, they only reward ancestral legendaries. The likelihood of getting specific legendary aspects scales inversely with their power

  • Dungeons completed for whispering chests default to NM dungeons and you pick the tier before entering the dungeon

  • Uber Lilith now drops a unique item that is only capable of being ancestral

PVP specific end-game

  • The Fields of Hatred is now an instanced area that matches players based on level brackets
  • The armor debuff one receives from fighting higher level opponents no longer applies to PVP
  • The damage reduction specific to PVP is increased from 92% to somewhere around 96% (requires testing)
  • Rewards purchased with Seeds of Hatred now include paragon experience. The rate should be about 10% slower than NM dungeons
  • Team based arena battles
  • Duels
  • 2v2
  • Official leaderboards

Quality of Life

  • Global chat for each shard
  • Shared chat for each zone (shard specific, of course)
  • LFG chat
  • Trading chat
  • PVP chat
  • Fix the stupid horse
  • Stash tabs
  • Legendary aspect inventory tab
  • Gem stash tab


K bye.

See you next Season!


Yea if you don’t enjoy a game you should probably do something else like any other normal person would


I llove this guy acting like white knights are in the majority on this (or any) forum.


Way to do your part bud. You give those white knights what for.


Copying ur msg because it has so much value and in case it gets taken down for non-compliance.

Also white knights, white knights… i suspect some of them are paid contract workers to contain the situation on forums.


White-knights are the loud minority, it’s basically same 2-3 people on every post lol


Did you see that Aliens have been confirmed too???

Ignore the crop yields and income inequality… look aliens!!!

Allready playing PoE1 :wink:


lol that confirms for me

I come from an old generation where people could “beat the game”.

I feel like it’s ok to “beat a game/be done with it”.

Replay value is over rated to an extent.

There are very few “World of Warcrafts” out there that can last 18 years+ (even though it’s been “dead” every year for 18 years according to the naysayers. I guess WOW is a zombie!

Be done with Diablo! It’s fine!

It doesn’t make it a bad game!

I am enjoying season 1, but I know I won’t play this game much longer.

Remember! It’s not a subscription game!

I think I got my money’s worth.


Great post OP. My feelings are similar. Hope you find some kickass games to play


The crafting is basic but fun. The side quests can be repetitive and tedious but still have their charm and the NPCs keep things lively. It started with a ton of players but has whittled down to a loyal few now. My wife and I still play together on occasion and well, I really can’t say anything too negative about Animal Crossing these days.

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Building back better Jack. Interest rates go brrrrrr.

Trolls like OP aren’t normal people. They draw pleasure from trying to piss on everyone elses parade. They won’t leave.


So many people defending this game, while not playing it, feels weird.
I for one have more fun logging into the forums and talk to some people than log in to the game and do a nightmare dungeon.


Im done with season 1. I still come to the forums to see whatsup. If they want me back for s2 its gonna take more than fixing resists. I would come back for s2 100% if they remove dungeon tasks.

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Lots of great suggestions here! Even though all of them are dumb.

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Well yes the whiners and complainers are dominant on this forum. I think the OP’s point was that as the game suffers attrition, the people who actually enjoy the game will be the only voice left (which is of course still not true).

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Good luck with your future endeavors.