Welp, just like everyone else who respects their time, I think I have to take my leave

It’s a love hate.
Sad to see a voice of reason leave but at the same time
happy that you’re leaving this game and this place lol.
One at a time we leave and you are right this place will just be an echo chamber full of white knights, well the 5 players left in this game anyway.

Hope you find your next game and eventually see you in PoE2!


If your self-respect is tied in any way to a video game, the game ain’t the issue.

Also known as “anyone who agrees with me and validate me”.

I have to interject here. I think if we were to say that one respects their own time, Then one would spend that time doing something productive, And profiting from that productivity. Playing a video game as “Entertainment” Does not qualify as spending one’s time productively. The exception to this is those who do this professionally and are compensated. So saying if one respects their time is out of context when it comes to entertainment.

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At least a portion of self respect should absolutely be attributed to how you spend your time. If you place very little value on your time, you inherently have lower self esteem than someone who places a higher value on their time.

If you’re playing a game, you’re spending time. The question here is whether or not the value is >= the time invested.

Hard disagree. I place a large amount of value on my time, which is precisely why I am very picky with what I play. When I do play, I’m taking time out of prospective ventures and moments with my family. Which is exactly why I personally have also uninstalled D4 (actually weeks ago).

Someone can place value on their time and play a game. If you disagree, that’s fine, it just inherently means you believe blowing off steam is valueless.


Yea gl bro, I’m over here in POE naming my new stash tabs ‘Warehouse 1 2 3 .etc’ because they are so gigantic. My inner hoarder is gone crazy.

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First off, it’s been two months.

Secondly, your suggestions are rubbish. I certainly wouldn’t play the crap you’re suggesting. Seriously, only legendaries? Nope.

Left out trading, this game needs trading


I’m not surprised by your response, As your post history demonstrates a disdain for this game because you feel jaded by it.

tldr, see ya. Thanks for freeing up more server space.

Thank you for your service.

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I doubt it. I haven’t been back since before S1. The game is pure trash bin liner.

But keep typing it though, eventually you will be right…


the literal toxic player of the forums. doubt he will get banned. but ohhh a real opinion… banned

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Then why post on the forums? Seems strange to me. Why spend time on something you dislike?

And another post where you’re actively trolling on a forum of a game you dislike.

Weird. Another one that say itemization right at the top of issues. Maybe listen to the community devs? And we’re not talking just a few new uniques. At this point I honestly believe none of the devs actually took the time to play let alone look at what started the series.

The recipe is right there for you. Don’t reinvent the wheel by using a square and saying it’s new and functions better than a circle.


This isn’t an airport.

Lol the guy said he WILL definitely be coming back, and called him a chum, and i’m the one who is trolling? Try again


I responded to you in the other thread, take a look at it.

The attention seek is real.


I’ve uninstalled for a while now as well, check the forums once every few days or so. I’ll probably play again in a year or two, see how it’s developed. Lots of backlog games, and BG3 coming in 3 days, so I’m not worried.

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