I'm done. I'm out

Yeah it’s very likely that this is the last time they will be able to sell a game on brand name alone. And it’s very unlikely it will outsell Diablo 3, even though the gaming market is much much larger than it was 12 years ago.

They keep touting the game as the fastest selling game. I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean.


No one cares, just go play another game. No need to mention it here

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well the story teller was boring unlike good ole deckard cain telling the story in epic cinematics.
The quests flowed better in d3 over going all over butt f Egygt and back even with a mount it’s slow.

Only thing better from D3 is the graphics-- that is all

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You can have mine. They are all on eternal so I don’t know how useful that will be to you.

Because it’s supposed to be good from launch. You need standards my dude. This is the reason we get half-assed games at launch, because of bootlickers like you.


This is not an airport.

There is no need to announce your departure.

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Well you are the one making it a chore, so this is probably for the best.

imagine how pathetic the pre-teen looks for needing to invade the opinion of others on the forum to talk nonsense.
that’s the problem with school holidays, leave idiots idle…

Nah unlike you I have a life and was doing other things with my time. You’re just on the forums all day long trolling

Oh god, he’s back. Get ready for idiotcy.

Idk of its your game style but ive been playing Balder gate 3 and having a BLAST. worth checkin out imo.

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explain sorcs pathetic lategame scaling then. no, not what’s promised for the future. now, what’s now in the game. what blizzard worked on for 5 years.

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What’s better is i heard they increased mob density. By increase they must mean “decrease” the dungeons feel barren now. hardly any mobs

Can Ihave ur stuff just asking for a friend

This cheap American Lost Ark rip off is dead!

I was actually grand marshal in vanilla :grin:

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Really sad. I didnt play Lost Ark or POE because in my mind they were Diablo ripoffs.

Now Im sitting here, playing a fisherprice arpg.

I dont get it. Would anyone complain if they took mob density and doubled it? Couldnt they have done that for season 1 to get a feel for how people like it and implement changes from there?

They keep p*ssyfooting around, when the change required is drastic.

God forbid players have some unanticipated fun.

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I’m looking forward to BG3, but my understanding was it is going to be quite different to the early access version, and everything will be wiped before launch.

I’m planning to wait until it launches in a few weeks to start putting in the hours.

I came here to say the same thing. If certain builds are not fun why did they feel it necessary to make all the other builds just as dissatisfying.