Welp, just like everyone else who respects their time, I think I have to take my leave

This is prime example of how delusional the extereme complainers are. This place is crawling with nothing but overdramatic complaining 24/7.


stares at the gold spammer in trade chat confused

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Perhaps predictably, I rerolled for season one, kind of against my better judgement, and got to level 49 and then just burnt out. I wanted the eldritch title but now I kind of just don’t care.

I directly attribute this to using my own sensible build (shadow dot with skeletons to create corpses) for 49 levels and being smacked in the face that I can never do wt4 unless I make major concessions and follow the crowd. Goodbye minions, you were fun while it lasted.

What started as taking a one day break extended through the weekend and now I have very little urge to turn the game on at all. I’m going on vacation next week then trying for a new job when I get back from that, so I guess my mind is elsewhere.

I should’ve known the season would get me. I just completed the campaign on eternal right before season 1 came out and my eternal character was only 51. What do you know I crapped out at 49. I should have seen this coming.

It was fun for those 49 levels though, I guess. I kind of wish this was like every other seasonal diablo and now I was level capped and on my way to bis. I’d feel much better about stopping if it were like that.

They wanted to slow things down but only retained my interest for the precise same amount of time, go figure.

If I want to complain about something, well, renown can go die in a fire. I haven’t done anything but renown activities for 49 levels and am still missing three skill points. Despite having ground renown for weeks in eternal as well. I’m not sure how I could focus on it anymore than I already have, sidequests, strongholds, and dungeons are my entire focus and so far I managed to unlock just one skill point beyond what I already had in eternal. It feels pretty damned fruitless and I didn’t want to go into wt4 without my full 58 points.

I guess the cherry on top is that I can’t get any of my friends to pick the game back up or try it for the first time. I guess I got my 70 bucks worth, I think it’s time to focus on other things than video games for awhile.

I’ll be back, obviously, though I have very little indication of exactly when it’ll be. I’ll be watching for changes. Inventory clogged with gems and hearts was another pet peeve, I really hope they rethink how that works.

I do have hope that the game will get better over time. I wouldn’t have bought it if I didn’t think it at least had that potential. See you guys after the first expansion if nothing else.


I played standard minions until lvl60 for the season and then caught on to a compromise with Bone Storm that’s easy to execute and keeps the minion fantasy alive until they get some more uniques and aspects that make the pure summoner sing. This build will help if you’re not great at piecing synergies together yourself. http s://app.mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/necromancer/ramping-minions :slight_smile: :v:

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This guy is like the annoying guy at the party that never leaves and then when they finally leave they have to announce it to everyone for attention.


You go girl, you sure put them white knights down.

BTW can I have your stuff?

It hit me at around level 45 in Season…

I realized I was just not enjoying the experience of playing D4 in anyway at all…

I just started playing other games, and quickly realized I have no interest in coming back to D4, or even seeing if it is coming together.

Now with BG3 around the corner… and Starfield later in the month, D4 doesn’t honestly have any place to fit in my schedule.

I value my time, there is only so much of it that I have to invest into playing games, and D4 doesn’t deserve my time in my opinion.

It honestly is that simple for many people.


This is literally you.


No it’s the OP. I think I was clear.

Don’t hope in something that’s not out yet, it could be like your D4 experience.

Just play PoE 2 when it comes out without the hope and expectations. This is what I did to D4 although I’ve been playing Diablo since the original. I had money to burn so I bought the game and play it.

Lots of good games have come out the last few months and several more over the next few months. Cleanse your palette of this foul game. Leave the White Knights to stew in it.


they will never finish making those changes, eventho it could potentially save the game.


so anyone who doesn’t quit has no self respect? And you really think that is the best way to go out? because when you come back, and everyone knows you will, you are going to eat those words, chum.

Blizz doesn’t respect your time or money by making you pay to be a beta tester for an unfinished product (at a premium AAA title price, no less).

So yeah, if you respect your own time you wouldn’t play this dumpster fire of a game until Blizz has turned it around and put forth a product worth the price they’ve charged. Otherwise you’re just supporting this crappy game economy where big companies push out absolute garbage and they have enough consumers asking for more to make it sustainable. They’ll never be accountable if players don’t start valuing themselves enough to say enough is enough.

Just logging in for season 1 makes Blizz look that much better for their quarterly report. The players are the problem just as much as the game companies are.


I just love it when people tell me I am bad/stupid/lack self respect etc if I don’t agree with them. It’s very helpful. Thanks.

At this point I feel like I’ve gotten somewhere close to my moneys worth out of Diablo 4. Never used my accelerated BP, but that’s small potatoes.

If I make it to the end of the S1 journey I’ll be surprised. Technically I’m only a few hours away, but I just can’t be bothered with it. I honestly can’t recall another game that demotivated me as hard as this one does, once you get to the end game.

Regardless of where my time with S1 ends, I don’t think there’s anything that could bring me back for S2. They’ve just missed the mark with this thing, by a lot. It has all the grind of D2, with none of the complexity to justify it. All the lack of depth of D3, with none of the QoL or power fantasy.

And none of the fun of either one. Maybe they’ll fix it someday.


Meh, you use the term “white knight” and you basically lose credibility as a “valid complaint.”

Bye! Can I haz ur stuff!?

see, saying something like that to a poster that just says they are leaving and goes off, would be fine.

but saying that to somebody who has very well written criticisms just makes you look like a complete idiot and a**hat.


The amount of people who think “me no like post, OP dumb” is a valid response… is outright confirmation that this game won’t progress as it should.

There are just too many people who look at a list of well-articulated criticisms / suggestions, and say “kbye”. While these types of people exist, there is zero incentive for Blizzard to do anything worthwhile. We saw it during D3’s development (and catastrophic release), we’re seeing it now.

The tug-of-war between logic and emotion will never be won by logic, as those who possess critical thought will eventually realize the futility. Those who reply with “kbye” don’t possess critical thought, and thus, will just continue doing so. In fact, their (very dark and sad) day is probably a little brighter each time they post something nonsensical.

I got my money’s worth. I absolutely loved taking two weeks off from work to no-life the hell out of D4. It was fun playing with friends, even without crucial social features. However, I’m not playing any more either. Some defend it and say “it’s okay to be done with a game” – that’s not what seasons are about, dudes. Seasons are supposed to bring about fresh, new content to enjoy and explore.

Season one of D4 was doomed from the beginning with an incredibly small timeframe given for its development. It was lunacy to expect anything even half-decent when the season launched six weeks after the game launched. Let’s also be real, even season one is just a paid beta. The roller coaster of buffs and nerfs from launch to present were preposterous and most certainly outline a terribly lax and sloppy approach from the team. It’s likely the result of deadlines being placed on them from executives, who take their orders from investors (the board). People who legitimately have never played an ARPG in their lives, and have absolutely no clue how to manage deadlines for such a product.

I hope they implement even half of these suggestions, but sadly, it’ll likely be a long and bumpy road. I’ll be checking back in around season three or four. I’d suggest everyone else who’s putting the game down to do the same, as we won’t see anything meaningful from the team for at least six months. Especially when they were somehow so rushed that they architected the game in the worst possible way (inventories / stashes being fully replicated to every nearby player, for example).

To those who are still playing, I’m happy for you and honestly a little jealous. I hope the game continues to bring you enjoyment for years to come!


Lol keep coping. Nobody is coming back to play this trash game with you.