We need Auction house ASAP

Make gold non tradeable.

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See… Now we are talking. In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past we have to make anything of real value (i.e. uber uniques, gold) “non-tradable”. BIS are going to be very expensive probably only affordable for “no-lifers”. If you found a ring today on the auction house that was BIS could you afford a billion gold? Half a billion?

If you find something BIS are you going to keep it or trade it away? For almost everyone the AH will become a game within the game played by a few. Anything really affordable will be things you can find on your own playing the game.

I get it; some people don’t really want to play the game, they want to be traders, and wheel and deal. Any AH that discourages organized cheating will be of minimal value to real players. What if Blizzard creates an AH that sucks?

Thoughts in bold.

I think binding on purchase solves many issues with old AH. You could also ban AH from users that are not level 60 which would help some. Making reporting bad actors easier would help some. There are many things you can do but again I dont think the way to fight gold sellers is just making trading as painful as possible. How is this a solution??

RMAH would benefit all of us.

Bro ebay and G2 G is already full of unique and gold sellers. Won’t change a thing other than making it so I don’t have to click 100 buttons to trade someone something. I just want an SSF mode with better Unique weighting so I don’t have 20 1000 League Steps over the boots I actually need.

Here is an honest discussion of the disaster an AH would become:

The only solution is to ban all trade.

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people now buy runs instead of boss mats

rmt still exists while the last bit of player interaction dies

womp womp

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So it is human nature to “pay to win”. You can either do everything you can to suppress pay to win or you can open it up, create an AH, and mandate everybody “must” pay to win.

The D3 was a disaster and an embarrassment for Blizzard. They will not repeat that mistake…

Eh, buying runs sounds like way more player interaction than clicking through a trade UI.

However, make each player pay the entrance cost for content, and it will be way less useful to RMT those runs.
That should happen regardless.

If you really want to encourage player interaction, then do what D3 did; you can share items that drops within a group. Otherwise everything is untradeable. That would encourage player interaction a lot more than trading could ever hope for.

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Bingo; we have a winning idea…

Ah but in that way where you cant see sellers acc.

I’d like an AH or a better platform to search and trade/sell items.

Everyones is like “but RMT weee weee”. I dont care if there is some small % that RMT’s. My personal enjoyment skyrockets if there is a decent economy in the game that has user friendly ways to trade. Finding good items but its not for your build should be exciting.

I would love to take part in trading, but frankly I don’t have the time or the energy to be using third party websites, if im playing d4 i want to just play not mess about with some website.

an AH like wow, would make trading an absolute joy and could even become a more time friendly mini game in itself.

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I ain’t buying that bridge you’re trying to sell, op.

I still until this day don’t know what was wrong with D3 AH. I wouldnt mind having it in D4.
I bought like one or maybe two items there. Since legendary drops were like super close to 0,1% during full walktrough Normal,Nightmare,Hell and Inferno i found usually like 1 leg. item, it was legitimate tool for finding an upgrade if you didnt want to grind yourself. Oh sweet old days, shame there was act2 wall on Inferno, but that could have been fixed. I still have good ol videos from hard vanilla gameplay on my YT chanell. Game is is former shade of what it once was…and D4 is heading the exact same way.
Players might like this season most, but im sure that decline in active players will continue. At least in my social bubble, ppl dont like the way this is going. I bought a very different game a year ago.


Forget AH
Take inspiration from PoE
It would take less time to sell item just list it in stash and wait for someone whisper to you, invite him in and sell item boom
Right now its go to Diablo.Trade FILTER what to sell/buy (takes few minutes) ask seller for battletag wait again then send friend request wait send party invite wait go to he’s town wait then ask for trade… jeeez it takes like 10-30 minutes for ONE item so sell/buy IT IS NOT A GOOD SYSTEM

Go play your D2 nostalgia.
I can farm my own gear currently , working on moving into Pit 70. But all my gear I’ve farm myself . Don’t need an auction house to cheapen loot drop experience.
I hope blizzard never do a trash AH system again


well, that explains a lot because most of the players have already finished playing, at this rate, maybe you’ll reach the pit 100 by the end of the season. You and 3 others players from D3, who are SSF adepts.

Thats what Diablo Games are all about.

There should be a “special snowflake” server where people can start the game fully loaded (a set of all uber gear, all stats GA) and armor/weapons you can click on and you will have a dropdown menu for every stat you want to have. Then they not even have to trade.

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thanks for announcing your noobness.

the OP would be the poster child for that one.