We need Auction house ASAP

Absolutely, the level of entitlement I see with people wanting to be able to say they completed the game, “gg, I did it all, swept through Pit 200 in 30 seconds come check my gear, isn’t it the coolest?” is frankly amazing.

These guys don’t want challenges or the grind. They just want some participation medals that say their build is the greatest, their character is OP, etc.

It’s just silly season.

That, or this post is a bad faith argument from a gold seller/buyer/Visa Warrior.

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Theres no point past PIT 61 to be honest without leaderboards so ive been gearing lvling toons for sparks but thanks for assuming how i play
Either way game doesnt need a trash AH

oh sure leaderboards, whatever man, play like you want, just kindly reminder we’re playing different games, that why opinion of those SSF adepts are irrelevant to me. And most people are playing like me, thats why D3 had 3day-seasons and absolutly 0 online after two weeks.

Play Leadersboard its gives you something competitive to do and maybe even create Pit 4 mans
Without this an AH would be meaningless cause even if you could buy the best gear , do pit 200 in 5 seconds its means nothing cause only you see it.
Leaderboards give players something to do.
SSF is gross and definately not for me, some ppl like it but yeah no thanks

End of day in regards to topic
NO AH please

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You sure are an incredible concoction of contradictions. Why do you need an auction house when you are finished 1/3 of the way into a season? What data do you have to support the idea that most players are already finished; or is it just your over-active imagination? Sorry to inform you but most players are not like you. Denying the experience of other players is just another way to deny reality. You realize that the over-whelming majority of players do not frequent this forum and just because you find a “few” people who share your opinions does not mean you represent the majority of players.

There will never be an AH because there are pro’s and con’s to the issue. Ignoring the serious negative consequences of an AH means your arguments for an AH are incomplete. An incomplete argument means your arguments will not be taken serious.

It does reduce your grind time significantly however
Grinding 61 vs grinding 90, you get double the mats I believe. That quite a big improvement if you ask me.

There’s a point, to a certain degree at least.

However if you keep pushing yeah that’s just for epeen.

I don’t think there’s much of a point after 100 personally. It gets significantly harder beyond that.

Id argue theres no point to leaderboards period. Most are topped by bots.


another cringe post, thx!

because i actually like to trade, accumulate wealth, farm currency and then buy items via AH, like MOST of the players. Like it or not, you are minority, it clearly showed in PoE leagues.

well i can judge only by my friend list, seasonal ARPG experience and twitch views. Yeah it’s not 100% but still something, unlike absolutely all your pseudo facts btw.

Actually I’m not aware of any bots in d4, since there too much interaction between dungeons / world’s. The bots will have to be pretty advance to do all that.

Anyways, d3 bots top all ladder because they just grind GR 24/7 and get like 10k paragon per season.

Seeing there’s no unlimited progression I’m d4 I don’t think you can really translate the hours into power nearly as easily as we did in d3.

Things dont stay stagnant. Programing becomes more complex as time goes on.

Besides unless you’re a basement dweller or credit card warrior leaderboards are just personal trials.

You are beating a dead horse. There will never be an AH in D4. If you google “will there ever be an Auction House in Diablo 4” you will see the same arguments I have been making including the Diablo 4 General Manager Rod Fergusson saying NO to an Auction House.

Do you not understand the reasons why there is no Auction House? I am wrong in believing you are smart enough to understand facts and details and can draw a conclusion from those facts and details? It doesn’t matter “what you want” if “what you want” has insurmountable problems…

dont need an auction house for this game, go back to wow

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Auction house please, it sucks using third-party sites for trading.

I hope blizzard doesnt do that.

Agreed, please provide one!!!

You do know that you are replying and bumping a 2 week since last reply thread right?

Or are people really this oblivious?

please make a list of all the arpgs with AH cuz I could not count more than 1. Since is such a basic and widely use feature, should be quite prolific.

Diablo already has an AH.

People sell there constantly.

They just want it implemented into the actual game client to make it more widespread and easy to use

If they keep trade as is, then sure, add an action house.

But I’m still hoping they disable trade or implement a novel trade system. I’d prefer d3 party drop only trading.


bump the rant
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