We need Auction house ASAP

how do you work that out?
Diablo 3 started with a RMAH and an AH and now has nothing

and the worst part of having an AH in the game that all the people that want to sell their items always neglect to mention is how the game gets destroyed because of all the bots that are in the game playing 24/7 getting the items instead of the actual players playing the game

This isn’t D3 btw, and also AH in D3 would have been just fine if they only removed RMAH, and made items bound when bought via the gold AH.

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Trading has been a huge part of what an ARPG, starting way back from Diablo 2 if not earlier.

Totally true, people are already using Discord anyway, at least put it into the game. I had a friend that played the game for hours just to sell items and see how much gold he would finish. He build his entire build like this. Some people really enjoy the merchant role in ARPG.

They can’t even implement something simpler like a leaderboard for the pit. I wouldn’t expect so much of these devs. Quite incompetent.

Hardly a reason for being able to sell them to players.

However, imo, Blizzard should have a system where vendor prices for items depend on how popular those specific items are in the playerbase.
So higher prices the more GA on the item, and if it got 3 affixes pre-Tempering (or 5 after), that are used a lot together among the playerbase (regardless of them being GA or not) the price goes higher as well.
Simulating the idea of a market.

This game (and every arpg game like this) COMPLETELY NEED a good trade system. The Economy is one of the pylar to build a good ARPG game. I’ve spent, probably, a lot more than 15.000 hours between PoE, all Diablo Saga and Last Epoch, so i know what i’m talking about.
In PoE, for example, the way you have to trade is “ok”, but is old and clunky: you have to whisp everyone, one each one, until there is someone that invite and trade with you (sometimes cost a lot of time if you are not buying in bulk or if the inflation is high). And also (and obvious) you just can trade with people that is online.

The auction house in wow works super good. I just can’t understand why there are still people arging.

Blizzard, PLEASE, give us an AH and let us to trade with ANY item/mat in the game.


here is a bump for the topic!

It doesn’t matter what you what and it doesn’t matter what I want (I’m ok with a RMAH I just don’t think it would be good for most people), what matters is what Blizzard thinks.


  1. The RMAH “and” the gold AH were an unmitigated disaster. Both had major problems.
  2. Listing all the reasons why you might want a gold AH is meaningless unless you acknowledge the problems that effected the previous gold AH and suggest a viable solution to those problems. Blizzards does not want to repeat these mistakes.

I am not seeing anyone arguing for an AH who is acknowledging the mistakes of the past. Doing so is a denial or reality. Someone once said insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over and expecting a different result. It would be insane for Blizzard to bring back either the RMAH or the gold AH.

Trading should be deleted from the game. It encourages RMT and that is a straight-up cancer on gaming.


Either we need an easier way to sell the good stuff we get to players that might want it or trading needs to go away and gold drops increased in-game. Right now, it seems like most gold costs are “balanced” around selling stuff to others rather than farming gold.

Honestly, I like PSO2’s solution to trading. Players set up a shop that is accessed through kiosks placed in hub areas. Everything is a set price, no bidding, and players can visit your shop at any time whether you are online or not. Yes, players need to pay to set up a shop but we can forgo that part of it in D4.

As an aside, why do so many people think that flipping items is some sort of crime against humanity? If the supply of an item is so small that a player can monopolize that market via flipping, that’s not a problem with trading. It’s a loot problem.

Sounds cool but probably impossible with this devs.

That was in Star Wars Galaxies back in the day. That game was so ahead of it’s time before it nuked what made it special chasing the WoW trend.

Here’s my solution that would work:

Similar to the weapons and armorer there could be a warehouse. You sell your stuff to the warehouse for the standard price and it becomes available to everyone online for a 24 hour period. No one is going to profit off selling items (discouraging cheats and dups) but decent gear would become available to other players. The stuff you would find would be just like what you would find in game play however you might find gear in a day or so that might otherwise take you a couple weeks to find in game.

Obviously it is unlikely you will find BIS gear although good gear that can be tempered and masterworked into very good gear can be found. No one is going to get rich selling gear so this is a very modest solution.

When you add selling BIS gear it becomes a magnet for cheats who will bot and dupe gear for ridiculous prices who will then dupe the gold and sell it for RM on offsites. Somebody “might” sell a BIS but that would be unusual.

I liked the RMAH from early diablo 3

Give us AH Blizzard.

It makes perfect sense. 99% of items are tradable including gems. I was in the no trade camp before but I have flipped. We have to rely on trash 3rd party websites to trade so trade is happening but its a nightmare and major distraction. Might as well integrate it into the game with lessons learn from D3 and improve everyones trade experience. No selling items for $$$ and items bind on purchase.

You want pay to win?

Sure, looking at it that way it’s all fine by me. Personally I just don’t understand that players won’t hunt the perfect gear by playing the game. It’s kinda the whole point of arpg’s.

You don’t get it. You said to learn from the mistakes of D3 yet what you are advocating for is simply repeating those mistakes.

How are you going to control people from 3rd world countries using bots and duplicating gear and gold? How are you going to control 3rd party sites from selling gold for real money?

The average person in i.e. Pakistan makes a little less than $300.00 a month (82,100 PKR). In the D3 RMAH a Mempo of Tempest could be sold for $250.00. How much do you suppose a Shako would go for if you could buy the gold with real money? An AH would provide a centralized distribution center for counterfeit (duped) gear with 3rd party sites selling the gold.

If you want a Shako you would go to a 3rd party site and buy 10 billion (duped) gold for $250.00 and buy a Shako on the auction site. A guy in Pakistan would only need to sell two Shako’s a month to live above the average standard of living.

That was the problem with the D3 Gold AH. Unless you buy gold you will not be able to buy anything of value on the AH.