We need Auction house ASAP

With all this goldsink everywhere, we need a way to sell our items.

First of all AH is a golden standart for any modern ARPG now, idk what prevented them from implementing it from the beginning. It’s kinda cringe to use 3-rd party websites or/and discords for trading in multi-billion company game in 2024.
Sometimes i’m too lazy to even try to sell smthing that can cost 25-50m, cuz i need to poste it on site than to add guy who want to buy it and etc.

And btw i’m talking about gold AH not RM AH that was in D3.

It will help this game a lot.


SSTTFFUU, you’re not playing wow.


How is playing wow connected with basic QoL?

Imagine i play poe and it has AH. Wow who could guess that not only wow have ah in 2024.


i mean, im not against an AH, but i personally dont need it, also i can see people being all like “omg why does blizzard force me to trade…” when they see its of course pretty much the easiest way to just buy a 3 GA affix item. because you know, thats how people here usually are. :wink:


if they add a AH they need a Group finder also and they need to have a set limit on how high a item can be sold

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No thank you we don’t need it. And no, it’s not a standard in all modern arpg. Some has it, some other doesn’t.


It is kinda odd really. I have few items for sell but I just don´t know how to sell them.

I mean sure I can google and find some way with 3rd site.

But like it was said, I am not willing to do that in 2024 game.

I should be able to comfortable sell items JUST IN GAME.


how would that make sense? if there was to be an AH its clearly up to the market to set the prices. if one sets the prices to high, the buyers will clearly let that person know by, you know, not purchasing.


No AH pls. That will just onflate gold costs immensly. Bliz will balance this I am sure


because it would make gold buys/sells sell more gold and a different price if the cap was say 50mil then the item would only cost a few dollars

so you want to balance an ah around rmt? yea, that doesnt make sense.


In one of the interviews blizz said that ah not coming anytime soon

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what preventing them already to buy gold and buy items with gold on 3rd party sites?

Nothing, so that leading us to a logical conclusion that AH has nothing to do with RMT problems.

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well if your going to sell a item for 400mil gold that becomes a real problem

Go away nobody wants a repeat of D3s mess

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you should start to think before you type anything, it’s a common sense for majority of people.

D3 player probably?


Game is a loot hunter. Not a auction house scroller where U gear without even playing. Auction house is a massive L of an idea


I am pining for a market to purchase raid potions & incense!!!
Best incense for serious pit pushes?

AH has been tried and failed horribly in D3. Bots and dups will ruin it. There is no real way to stop the cheaters except to minimize trading.


AH would be so cool, in game trading platform.