We need Auction house ASAP

I just used discord and website trading experience in diablo 4, and while it saved me from deleting the game, because I need a ton of money to play it, but I could not farm it myself. I am not into doing 10000 whispering trees.

The experience itself was nothing less but horrible, you need to do 20 actions, from adding to friends, to inviting to party, to trading.

Last Epoch really feels like a cosmic space shuttle here compared with a half-dead donkey.
Trading is a must in agame, where you require hundreds of millions of gold to progress your character.

History has a way of repeating itself. Here’s what will happen:

A gold AH will create a demand for gold and items. Cheaters in foreign countries will run bots to collect gear which they will dupe and flood the AH. They will take the gold they collect, duplicate the gold, and sell it for real money on websites. Flooding the game with duplicated gold will create run away inflation on gear which will drive more people to buying gold with real money. Blizzard will respond by decreasing gold and gear drops making it harder for honest people to play with buying gold and playing the AH.

An AH will only work if everyone is honest and there are no cheaters. Only gullible people believe there will be no cheaters…

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He does seem to enjoy making sarcastic references to D3 players for some reason. Maybe he cannot understand that some people have played every installment in the Diablo franchise.


Do you support SSF mode?

This dsnt come from the AH. This comes from Trade. Which is already in the game. In case you dont know, people are already botting, duping and the economy already has inflation and so on. The difference is that thousands of us are trading in discord communities or 3rd party websites like diablo.trade or d2jsp.

The cheaters have been around since season 1. The duping has been around as well or do you not remember the massive duping of Uber Duriel materials flooding the game economy lol

The only actual difference is that you just have to take an extra 17 seconds to do get your trade initiated in discord/website instead.

Granted, I dont personally want a normal Auction house. I much prefer a system ingame like PoE trade website, where players can list their items and people can search/filter the listings and then reach out to the player to make the trade. Instead of the ultra automated AH system where there is no real player interaction.

Honestly after playing D3 and PoE I don’t want to bother with trading. I have more fun getting items from loot than buying it. Also I don’t miss PoE trading experience constantly interrupting my gameplay.

On the other hand I’m not totally against auction house and I don’t like how they handled it in D3. It works fine in WoW. They should fix it instead of removing it and making everyone hate it. I would prefer auction house in PoE and D2R as well instead of using websites, answering spam of messages, visiting hideouts and all that.

Or they could ban trading in D4, PoE, D2R just like in D3 and that would make me happier too knowing I’m on more fair and similar gameplay level being ssf like others.

Everyone playing video games has disposable income, bro.

D3 got a lot of flack for the AH

The diablo fanbase is spiteful, bitter, and very hostile to percieved failings like the AH

Than why all the crying about the cost of cosmetics? The D3 equivalent of a Shako was the Mempo of Twilight. It would cost you $250.00 on the RMAH. The same for BIS rings, amulets, weapons. Do you have that much disposable income? Does everyone playing D4?

If you want everyone to have the same opportunity for good gear than the current self-found system is the best.

A lot of people have bad memories and excperiences due to the way that the auction house was implemented in Diablo 3.

But a gold-only auction house would be a good addition to diablo 4.

When did I say I was buying anything? When did I say I cared about players having the same opportunity?

I’m just wondering why people want items to fall from the sky but are against an auction house “because the game is about finding items”. Maybe they like having a false sense of accomplishment?

“Dude, I totally got this item off a mob that a 5 year old could beat” :clown_face::clown_face:

I think an AH would be a great idea. That and a party finder.

I have to agree and I made a post about it. The way trading has opened up for 99% of items we need AH. Then we can have all items bind on purchase which kills all flipping.



20 character limit

People still asking for an auction house? Remember how well that went with D3?
No we don’t need an AH


I am so incredibly against getting items that you don’t do the work yourself to find in a game that is almost entirely about finding items. If you think that it’s about enemies then you’d be wrong.

Said like a true WT1 chad. Or someone who thought trading didn’t exist in D2 which is FAR more a loot hunter than D4 tempering endgame is.

Lets not forget that adding a SELF FOUND mode would fix any issue people have. You know the mode most ARPG’s have.

We need a stable game first.
I play blizzard games since warcraft 1 and I never seen a game with so many bugs like D4.
This development team is really bad.

There were several reasons why D3 AH failed that can be avoided.

1] You could sell items for real $$$.
2] Items did not bind on purchase so flipping items was extremely rampant.

WE can solve these issues and bring an AH into the game with better results now. 99% of the items are tradable. Something needs to happen besides relying on poor awful built websites like current diablo.trade.
