We need Auction house ASAP

I remember the unholy mess that was created back in D3. No, Auction Houses have no place in Diablo. All that would happen is the same thing that happens with every other AH in every other game; It would be dominated by bots and scalpers.

Just as you could click on somebodies profile in the D3 forum and view their gear there were websites devoted to ranking players based upon their stats. It was an unofficial leaderboard of sorts. There was also the quest to obtain a hellfire ring where you had to fight uber-bosses. All of this was very difficult unless you had good gear which for the most part had to be bought.

In D4 we have the gauntlet, uber bosses, and the higher levels of the pit. We had AoZ. Only well equiped builds could be competitive in these events.

Theres already trading. So if someone were to be duping or botting or cheating, they can already offload their goods onto the economy. Theres already 3rd party websites for trading that are legal and legit for this game. So it stops nothing

Secondly diablo 3 AH failed because it was direct Real money trading + The base item systems were terrible on top of insane difficulty walls between acts in inferno made going to the AH or cheesing any kind of exploit you could (Treasure goblins in act2, Chest opening in act 3/4) mandatory for realistic progression.

Since trading sites already exist and trading most items already exists, making it less frustrating for the players shouldn’t matter then. The people below the top players arent there because the AH UI would make them suddenly a better player than others.

Top players are mostly time. Time spent playing. Time spent keeping up to date with every mechanic and bug they can use to make the strongest possible build. And time spent trading through third party legal listening sites for in game gold only.

A non-real money AH system will boost EVERYONE, including the top level guys as everyone will be able to save time and there will be more goods listed and easier to contact or buy from sellers.

So in reality, nothing would change except people being less frustrated and having more fun.

Theres no factual reason you listed that actually tracks logically to having an issue.

They are not asking for a RMAH, The “top players” will still be the top players, even though theres no money incentive to be the top player directly (being a big streamer/youtuber is the only incentive)

Wait for them to copy Last Epoch’s system. Not a dig, just the reality of game development. Someone made something: make it better or simpler.

I have no idea about other franchises systems’…but I agree that unless it is patented, there is nothing incompetent about taking other successful models and not only implementing it, but like you say, improving on it. Thus, erasing any hate that was hated.

Yeah, they tried it in Diablo 3, remember?

It was so incredibly destructive to the game that they removed it shortly after the launch. It was the only thing I’ve ever seen the developers and players unanimously agree on. :laughing:

Nah, alot of people didn’t like the Real Money Auction House, and that I can certainly understand, but the regular AH was okay. They straight up just removed trading all together in that miserable failure of a game and 99.8% of its player base promptly abandoned that game for many many years. I would argue that removing cars so that car accidents dont happen, isnt exactly a good solution to the problem.

Tons of people still play d3 it’s still fun , you have lost some credibility here claiming POE has an Auction house where in reality it does not. You must be a D3 player.

D4 does not need a Auction house because what would happen? INFLATION.

LMAO surely D3 player detected


Not just limited to D3, Also D2R , Wow, FF, previously BDO, years ago EQ/EQ 2 also

I even played POE for about 6 months. At least we both know you didn’t play POE.

LMAO literally D3 player logic.

Go back to playing Hello Kitty Nub nub

I miss the good early WoW vanilla days and how easy it was to manipulate the Auction House. Same with Rift, and FF14. If you know the methods its quite easy to do.

Just make stuff that is bought via the AH bound to buyer (can’t trade further), and make gold account bound (only useable in AH/Vendors)

AH is a bad idea.

That would make it better at least.



All these people complaining about RMT and an AH. Meanwhile, in PoE millions of divies are RMTd every single season and people are making 60,000 in 3-4 months off of just mirrors. All with no in-game AH.

in the end the tastes on this matter massively differ. Id say im on the "i dont care too much, but id rather not want it, as i agree that id rather have this a loot hunter game, than a ah trade simulator) side.

I’m curious as to what this means? do you have some hate for diablo 3 players for some reason?